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The only way for me to enjoy the game is to change swtor_main_art_fx_1.tor to swtor_main_art_fx_1.tor.bak, but in this i have noticed you bunched up a bunch of textures that should be grouped with other textures... i.e. Armors, why are some of the armors put into this file and not into the main armor file? i.e.e. While the said file is renamed, a ton of armors are still visible, and some are not, then on top of this issue, the special effects are all under this, i.e. lightsabers, the gui huds for quests, lootables, interactables, certain "racial skins?" are on this... Since i have turned this file to another, my FPS has shot way up, and I can play the game on "VERY HIGH including Shadows" settings... which leads me to think, that this one file is being read by multiple threads which is causing so many issues with the game... One thing i have noticed is that, when you turn down the graphics some if not alot of graphics/special effects are not touched during the tone down, which then hinders the engine from reading the appropriate actions as needed, you need to consolidate armors and such into their respected files and not garble them wherever you see fit... putting armors in 2... 3... 4 files is unheard of putting skins in 4 different files is also unheard of and unprofessional... You guys have literally acted like these issues are based on our systems... but yet here is a primary example its your system...


Examples of the file manipulation:

No Spell Graphics i.e. lightening

No lightsabers

No Blasters

Zabrak Horns come in pink

Kira Carsen is all Pink even with her armor shes pink

The race that looks like General Var Suthra is pink

No vehicles

No Interaction icons

No Loot notification icons

No Quest icons

Some armors come in pink (note, alot of armors are still visible and look immaculate)

Swords Still come in


Now as we dissect this... Why are some armors coming in pink, and the rest of the 90% are not, where is the file that the other armors are in? why not consolidate these all into one freaking file? Makes to much sense?


Speeders/vehicles, shouldn't these be consolidated into one freaking file? If i use a speeder bike on lets say Hoth, i can see it clearly, why can i not see my own personal transportation? shouldn't these be consolidated into one freaking file?


Why do lightsabers not come in, and yet swords do?


Why am I not pink but kira and various other character models coming in pink? would it make to much sense to consolidate these into one file? or are you guys just being lazy?


Part of a graphic settings is that it will affect what needs to be affected, so far the things i've called out are things that do not get touched when turning your graphics low, or if they do, not by much... Again with these few things not showing up, my FPS is between 30~45 FPS, holding steady, and this is even with shadows on max... I mean by god, this should prove to you guys, you either have unorganized platforms, or unorganized individuals who are lazy and do not want to go through the trouble and putting **** in its respectful file(s)... You are just putting items where you want, which is causing the conflicts within the engine itself.


If at least you can't fix it for all, create me a file that has lightsaber/blaster fx and spell fx, and leave the rest out, so i can at least get sounds for those objects and be more comprehensible to the groups instead of hindering them...


This is just one file, how many others could be done just like this?


Proof that its not the engine, its the monkeys writing the code for the engine!


Posted this in the Customer Service forums but i'll try it here as well!

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I am hoping Bioware have taken some initiative and some major optimization will be part of the upcoming quality of life changes. I want hood toggle and all that stuff as much as the next guy, but since 2.0 dropped I'm getting an average of 26fps in warzones and it just isn't acceptable any more. It's never been a secret how awfully optimized the game is, but whatever you did in 2.0 made one hell of a poor impact on fps.


Even if I turn off AA and put every setting on low the fps doesn't increase. When you're getting the same terrible fps on maxed out settings and the absolute lowest that just shows how ridiculous it is getting. I've wanted character customization stuff added forever, but seriously, these performance problems outweigh everything for me right now. It is becoming frustrating trying to play your game.

Edited by Elvandar
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The only way for me to enjoy the game is to change swtor_main_art_fx_1.tor to swtor_main_art_fx_1.tor.bak, but in this i have noticed you bunched up a bunch of textures that should be grouped with other textures... i.e. Armors, why are some of the armors put into this file and not into the main armor file? i.e.e. While the said file is renamed, a ton of armors are still visible, and some are not, then on top of this issue, the special effects are all under this, i.e. lightsabers, the gui huds for quests, lootables, interactables, certain "racial skins?" are on this... Since i have turned this file to another, my FPS has shot way up, and I can play the game on "VERY HIGH including Shadows" settings... which leads me to think, that this one file is being read by multiple threads which is causing so many issues with the game... One thing i have noticed is that, when you turn down the graphics some if not alot of graphics/special effects are not touched during the tone down, which then hinders the engine from reading the appropriate actions as needed, you need to consolidate armors and such into their respected files and not garble them wherever you see fit... putting armors in 2... 3... 4 files is unheard of putting skins in 4 different files is also unheard of and unprofessional... You guys have literally acted like these issues are based on our systems... but yet here is a primary example its your system...


Examples of the file manipulation:

No Spell Graphics i.e. lightening

No lightsabers

No Blasters

Zabrak Horns come in pink

Kira Carsen is all Pink even with her armor shes pink

The race that looks like General Var Suthra is pink

No vehicles

No Interaction icons

No Loot notification icons

No Quest icons

Some armors come in pink (note, alot of armors are still visible and look immaculate)

Swords Still come in


Now as we dissect this... Why are some armors coming in pink, and the rest of the 90% are not, where is the file that the other armors are in? why not consolidate these all into one freaking file? Makes to much sense?


Speeders/vehicles, shouldn't these be consolidated into one freaking file? If i use a speeder bike on lets say Hoth, i can see it clearly, why can i not see my own personal transportation? shouldn't these be consolidated into one freaking file?


Why do lightsabers not come in, and yet swords do?


Why am I not pink but kira and various other character models coming in pink? would it make to much sense to consolidate these into one file? or are you guys just being lazy?


Part of a graphic settings is that it will affect what needs to be affected, so far the things i've called out are things that do not get touched when turning your graphics low, or if they do, not by much... Again with these few things not showing up, my FPS is between 30~45 FPS, holding steady, and this is even with shadows on max... I mean by god, this should prove to you guys, you either have unorganized platforms, or unorganized individuals who are lazy and do not want to go through the trouble and putting **** in its respectful file(s)... You are just putting items where you want, which is causing the conflicts within the engine itself.


If at least you can't fix it for all, create me a file that has lightsaber/blaster fx and spell fx, and leave the rest out, so i can at least get sounds for those objects and be more comprehensible to the groups instead of hindering them...


This is just one file, how many others could be done just like this?


Proof that its not the engine, its the monkeys writing the code for the engine!


Posted this in the Customer Service forums but i'll try it here as well!


Since you're SOOOO much better than the people working at BW you should sendthis to them, tell them that they're wrong, tell them that you can fix this, ask them for a job and fix all bugs in SWTOR :p

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I was a code monkey for a company called "L3 Communications ILEX Systems" fixing army computers/scripts, and some scripts need to be consolidated in order for the program to tweak its settings correctly, when it has to jump in and out of files to tweak, you will have conflicts... I.E. when burning a map to DVD from ERDAS Imagine or ESRI ARCMAP, you have to make sure each and every individual file is located near the top of the directory, actual example: E:\CIB05\Iraq\Bagdad.img you would make it (actual code) ..\iraq\bagdad.img and every other file you put in there needs to be under "Iraq" folder, if not, after the burn process you just made a nice shiny beer coaster... Engines are complex but yet need guidance, and need everything to simplified to ensure everything works coherently and seemlessly!
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This seems to be the discovery I have been waiting for someone from the community to find! Now that someone has located this problem with how the game files are organized, perhaps Bioware will address it. You get major props for discovering this Mikey! Lets keep this thread at the top so the devs see and acknowledge it.
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Well honestly, I wouldn't mind it if I had the time, however, A) i have a family to support, B) not that creative, C) limited knowledge of 3ds MAX/Maya Light Studio, D) no time particularly with working 12 hrs a day 5 days a week, in which every other week I'm on nightshifts... Don't get me wrong when I lived in Hawai'i and had a bit more time to myself I was working on one, not to mention I was even going to span from the EQ genre but instead of getting your epic gear from a typical quest and that every person in the same class was going to look exactly the same way i.e. everyone in WOW, i was going to make it a bit more personal... To make your epic weapon, you would have templates to choose from i.e. hilt, pummel, blade, rune designs, stats (according to your class role), and a group of special buffs that pertain to your class, instead of it having just 1 that everyone gets, would span to make each unique and each a critical role into the raid/groups... Would have been more dynamic with mechanics to rival as the mobs would adapt to the combat at hand and make the game more challenging yet more fun... But alas, went to Iraq, came back had 2 sons, and all of that is put behind me, i'm more interested in fulfilling my childrens needs then my own personal want in life!
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And honestly everything i have stated is not just someone who has a deep knowledge of it, lets put it in user terms... Go grab a book... any book, just read the first line on each page, page 515, once that page is complete, read page 1, now read page 350, go back to page 200, now go to page 500, back to 105, now to 600, now 4, now 300, now 75, now 475, etc... now, tell me what is the book about?


The engine is doing exactly this, not fully being able to execute its commands cause its having to jump back and forth and back again... You create to many pages and tell it to change the aspect of certain criteria and the script runs to do this, and may not fully get done executing cause its being told to change "Third Line - Player Texture", now to this page and 600th line down "Change Lighting", now back to original file and 188 line down "Change - Light saber", now back to a different file and change 140th line "armor texture" back to original and go to line 300 change "armor texture", now to another file and change line 200 "armor texture", you see the redundancy? if it see's its already changed one armor texture the engine will often see it has already changed this, hence why if you play with your settings you will see some things change, whilst others will not... I.E. when I'm at low settings some armors come in in high textures, but I've literally told it to change it to "LOW"... vice versa i said to turn ambient light down, and instead of changing the brightness of the lightsaber it messes with the blasters only or even the darkness of the screen, i'm sorry i've been up for 24 hrs trying to get myself reset back in times for this week at work so i can't think of what the actual word is... screen brightness/darkness whatever that is, if you noticed doesn't make a huge difference like in other games, cause the system is so jumbled in the mess and can't figure out itself where to go!

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I really hope this discovery leads somewhere. I am new to this game but am amazed at how poorly it runs.


I love this game, but performance is really horrible. All other games, including Bioware's own run 10 times better. Also this crappy hero engine is not helping either.

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This seems to be the discovery I have been waiting for someone from the community to find! Now that someone has located this problem with how the game files are organized, perhaps Bioware will address it. You get major props for discovering this Mikey! Lets keep this thread at the top so the devs see and acknowledge it.



This was actually discovered a long time ago:



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with all the input by swtor players who seem to know more about fixing issues in game i think it is time BW/EA start looking at letting players develop add-ons for this game to improve overall game play, but my concern is with f2p they have no plan on doing this, i could be wrong but i doubt this company is on the same track
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I strongly doubt we'll ever see addon support. It was discussed prior to launch as a very good possibility but this far in I don't think it's on their agenda anymore.


They need to address the FPS problems though without any doubt, it feels like every patch has lost us fps and 2.0 in particular has killed the games performance for what now appears to be a hell of a lot of players. The game has never ran well, but it's never ran this awfully either.


There's only so much we can do on our end to try improving performance, and as I've tried each and every one of them this week I can tell you for a fact it doesn't make a difference anymore.

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O absolutely its an organizational issue, systems having to go down 5 folders, back up 4 down 3 up 3 down to 4, and its taxxing the engine, server, and our systems cpus... at a cost of performance, I read that thing about the RAMDISK and whilst it helps me play with my graphics, i shouldn't have to do a work around to enjoy a game, they really need to address the organizational issues within their developers and try to get a handle on it, if this keeps going at this pace, this game even with work arounds will evidently destroy the playability of the game!
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