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Satele Shan vs Hero of Tython


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I've seen Satele fight. Unless she's mastered the art of holding back, then she really needs to work on her dueling skills. She makes Shadows look bad :rolleyes:


I would go with The Hero of Tython (and not just because I have 3 toons who hold that title)

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I've seen Satele fight. Unless she's mastered the art of holding back, then she really needs to work on her dueling skills. She makes Shadows look bad :rolleyes:


I would go with The Hero of Tython (and not just because I have 3 toons who hold that title)


She is more for using The Force, then lightsaber...or from what I have seen/read. But ya Satele pretty much states that the Hero of Tython is more powerful then she, and admits her own power has dwindled and now she serves as a more advisory/leader role.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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Daft question, but why would the Hero of Tython be fighting the Jedi Grandmaster? It doesn't matter who is the better fighter since they wouldn't fight!.


Let me guess the hero of tython could get in his/her mind of going dark side than shan tries to stop him/her and fails because lets be all honest if hero went dark side he would be pretty powerful even scourge said he would be on the dark council by now...

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  • 4 years later...
When SWTOR first released, the devs specifically said that each character is a prodigy in their respective professions. No one has seen someone with so much potential in ages blah blah blah. So, the hero of tython is more powerful than Satele, especially at the current point in the story, considering whatever Valkorian has done to you, even with him dead, you are leagues ahead of everybody else because of him. Edited by cool-dude
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Hero Of Tython would win because if you are a Jedi Knight in KOTFE in chapter one

you kill Satele Shan in your mind.

1. It's not Satele Shan as such, but a V-inspired imagining of her.


2. Those people were talking FIVE YEARS AGO, two and a half years BEFORE the release of KotFE.

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Not really related, but when I hear 'Hero of Tython' I think of the legend of zelda. All the Links have different titles like that, Hero of the Wild in Breath of the wild, for instance.

Every single one of my human characters in GW2 is "Hero of Shaemoor"...

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