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Sentinel LF Ops Guid.


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NEW EDIT (may 11th):


Still Looking for a guild


Currently in Full 66(still using one campaign relic..but will have that replaced soon with dreadguard) mods, 69 hilts and 3-4 69 armors.


looking for HM Ops guild


have done SM SV/TFB...pulling 1.8-2.1k dps and 0.3-0.5k hps on every fight in SV(SM) cept for add duty on 3rd.


Dash'roode - http://www.torparse.com/a/223457/1/0/Overview

Titan 6 - http://www.torparse.com/a/223457/5/0/Overview

Thrasher - http://www.torparse.com/a/223457/13/0/Overview

Operation Chief - http://www.torparse.com/a/223457/24/0/Overview

Olok - http://www.torparse.com/a/223457/25/0/Overview (entire 15 min fight parse..lots of breaks so)

Cartel warlords - http://www.torparse.com/a/223457/29/0/Overview

Dread Master - http://www.torparse.com/a/223457/35/0/Overview (another long 11 min fight)


All of its done with watchman spec.,,and was my first time doing these fights, so I didnt know the optimal time to use CDs on most of these.



------------OLD POST BELOW (May 3rd)---------------



Ya I know sentinels are dime a dozen but I'm a what you would call a hardcore or semi hardcore player, have been playing MMOs for the last 12 years or so and still in a US ~50th guild on WoW.


I'm planning on taking a break from WoW and raid on SWTOR for a while.


I played a sith juggernaut when the game came out but quit after the first week of hitting 50 due to lack of content. Rerolled a sentinel last week and I'm level 50 with ~3 day play time with crafting maxed.


What I bring to the table.


1. Currently level 50, will be level 55 by the end of this weekend.

2. Will have 3 maxed crew skills and appropriate gear that comes along with it, obviously I won't have the best of the best but I will have what is widely available and is required to start Ops.

3. Lots of melee DPS experience, although I'm not familiar with ins and outs / tips and tricks for each boss encounter, I assure you I learn fast.

4. I'm 27 and with it comes a bit of maturity, I can take criticism and work on suggestions. You can throw anything at me, although I'm a bit of a number guy myself, so I experiment with DPS parses a lot to get that extra 10 dps. (ya I know how to parse in this game lol)


What I'm looking for.


1. I'm looking for a core spot in your ops team (prefer 16m, I don't mind sitting out for raid comp/boss mechanic requirement etc..I know how raids work)

2. Prefer an ops team that is willing to teach the ropes for a newbie when it comes to boss mechanics etc.

3. Do a lot of PVE content together, at least the FPs as a group a lot. Not interested in PVPing, although I wouldn't mind doing it from time to time.


my in game name is Aggronawt or you can leave a message here.


PS: ya I'm a republic if you didn't catch it from the title.

Edited by ShaanuJaanu
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Give us a Look: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=618090


And perhaps we can run some stuff in game and see how things shake out. I'd say casually hardcore is a good explanation of our motley crew. Only caveat for you would be we don't really run 16 mans. Usually we find it too cumbersome to get that many people together and not have an idiot that wipes the raid.


Granted I hear that 16 man OPS are actually easier these days so I wouldn't be opposed to it if we had a crew gathered. We've got 1 & a 1/2 ops teams atm, our core group all has at least 4 alts we can roll. And most of us can Raid on any night so we usually key groups around 1 or 2 guys that are only available on X night (usually the tanks).


We are a smaller guild, I don't like big guilds. More drama and more people wanted a military esc Raid order etc. You won't get that here, but we work it out.


This is generally how most our Raids go to give you an idea: (we just got back after a GW2 hiatus)



Hit me up in game if interested in some runs on either: Flik, Yørk (alt + 0248 for ø), Mathiu, Pahn, or Haggar as i'm usually on one of them.

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A group of us are looking to start a new raiding-focused guild. I posted in the guild recruitment forum with a little bit about our "philosophy" if you will. The current group is a sage healer, VG tank, and another sentinel dps. Obviously since it is a "start-up" you would have a guaranteed spot, and we are trying to set it up so no one ever has to sit out, so it is going to be a fairly small guild in nature. The only difference is we are hoping to field an 8 man team, and it seems you are looking for a 16-man?


Anyways, check out my post. See if we are the kind of players you could tolerate, and lemme know!


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Sentinel may be a dime a dozen, but good players aren't. Regardless of class. Here's the link to our recruitment post, and Website Application for our 16 Progression Raid. Here's the TL;DR


Recruitment Post

Guild Application


I'll be honest. We can't guarantee you a spot, since those are earned through consistent attendance. We currently raid Thursday and Friday from 8:30-11:30pm Server Time and are in the process of transitioning to Wednesday and Thursday at the same time w/ intermittent raiding and flash point runs throughout he week. Pug when you feel like it, but we have people running FPs like it's going out of style. We are concentrated on 16 Progression content and are only 1~2 consistent raiders to make it happen. We'll run you through a full clear of SM S&V on 16 to get you some gear, our loot system is friendly to newcommers (none of this trial period stuff), if you show up, you're entitled to at least /roll on gear.


You'll find yourself at home talking shop with our members, we're testing out the theories that the theorycrafters are bringing up to see what works and what doesn't. If you're interested PM me on enjin here @ this profile. Let me know and we can set up a time to chat in Ventrillo with the other officers.


If these don't work for you or if you found a home already, then best of luck and regards. To anyone else reading this post, our applications are on a rolling basis and we review em as they come along.


Off topic, but anyone w/ a small guild interested in running with us but at different times, feel free to contact us as I am sure we can work something out with our alt geared members who have to /sit on some raids. Just because they're alts though doesn't mean they aren't as geared or competent at their roles. This would be a smaller 8 man group with a lot more freedom to decide their schedule, loot rules, leaders, etc. We just want to raid as much as you all.

Edited by ZiggyTank
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Still Looking for a guild


Currently in Full 66 mods, 69 hilts and 3-4 69 armors.


looking for HM Ops guild


have done SM SV/TFB...pulling 1.8-2.04k dps and 0.3-0.5k hps on every fight in SV(SM) cept for add duty on 3rd.


Dash'roode - http://www.torparse.com/a/223457/1/0/Overview

Titan 6 - http://www.torparse.com/a/223457/5/0/Overview

Thrasher - http://www.torparse.com/a/223457/13/0/Overview

Operation Chief - http://www.torparse.com/a/223457/24/0/Overview

Olok - http://www.torparse.com/a/223457/25/0/Overview (entire 15 min fight parse..lots of breaks so)

Cartel warlords - http://www.torparse.com/a/223457/29/0/Overview

Dread Master - http://www.torparse.com/a/223457/35/0/Overview (another long 11 min fight)

Edited by ShaanuJaanu
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Still Looking for a guild


Currently in Full 66 mods, 69 hilts and 3-4 69 armors.


looking for HM Ops guild



hey Shaanu,


Our guild, The Elder Alliance Militia (aka TEAM) , may be a good fit for you (although i have a feeling we might not be "hardcore" enough for you. But figured i'd post here anyway, just in case. )


Please feel free to check out our 'recruitment thread' here on swtor.com Forums....




...Best of luck to you either way. ---- regards, Nee:sy_title:



Edited by Nee-Elder
mis-spelled OP's name
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