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Any New Parent Guilds or Just Parents in General?

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(I posted this on the Ebon Hawk server forum, but no one responded. I guess, I'm not cool enough?)


Hey! I know this sounds ridiculous, but I'm a 32 year old mom of two kids, one being a 7 month old girl, and sometimes it's a bit difficult to be running Flashpoints or Heroics, and having to say, "afk....baby cry", or something along those lines and getting people mad at me. When I feel comfortable enough to do Warzones, it will be tough, because there will be more chances for people who don't have kids to misunderstand the interruptions. I play at least every night, but can't always stay on consistently, and honestly, my highest toon is lvl 23 at the moment, and I have two others that are low 20's and a handful of others that are level 10-ish (I'm a shameless altaholic). I like to RP, but I'm not looking for heavy RP, and prefer PVE atm.


Anyways, If someone could point me in the right direction of a recruiting guild with some maturity (in an mmo, what?!) and some parents or people that might understand, that would be great. Thank you!

Edited by SerenaMorrigan
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I remember being in your shoes. Most guilds are very focused on advancement, but there are a lot of 'casual' or 'social' guilds that might fit the bill. My kids are preteens now, so it's not such a problem, but when I hear a crash or scream in the other room, I'm going to AFK regardless. I play tanks primarily, which means it's rare for anyone to run off without me or kick me. If the tank AFKs, well, you're going to wait, cause a queue for a new tank will take you a damn while.


Point being, I play with friends, and we made our own guild last week just for us and our alts to get the 5%xp bonus and know who's on even with the bazillion alt accounts. That might work for you if you have friends you play with. You're also welcome to join ours on Jedi Covenant pub side, but we're tiny and offer little in the way of amenities beyond not yelling at people for going AFK. Check the guild recruitment subforums (not just the server forum, but the tiny subforum at the top) for the different pve or rp servers for something saying casual/social/family-friendly. They're out there, I hear, but they may not be looking at "searching for guild" posts. You might be able to find theirs/their websites if you're proactive.

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There are quite a few ALL adult guilds out there. Just gotta look for them, the guild i belong to on shadowlands is an adult oriented guild. We like to say we're casually serious lol. We run FP's and ops together, a few even pvp together though PVP is not our guilds focal point.


The guilds you're looking for ARE out there. Just be careful and do your research or allow any new guilds some test time before you commit too hardily. There are some LEET EPEEN guilds out there who in the words of mr T "Don't got no time for no jibber jabber" and will have members that could/would possibly give you a hard time when it's time for you to deal with your daughter if/when that happens. I've been in a few guilds like that. "So and So isn't pulling their weight, so and so is always gotta bio, so and so is making ME wait longer than i feel is necessary."


You know the garbage i'm talking about. You go afk to deal with real life and they pull boss and let you die. Or they boot you from group, invite someone else and continue on. I'd like to assume adults wouldn't do this to one another but it happens.


Good luck with your search.

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Thanks guys, I appreciate it.


Yeah, I'm usually heals, and you would think they wouldn't let healer die or kick her, but they do. I mean, I know there ARE leach situations, but that's not me.


I'll keep looking. :)


If you're into the Mandalorian side of things, come and have a look at maanade.enjin.com - We take all comers and we certainly don't start kicking and screaming if you have to go AFK due to child issues.

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I think most guilds that have mature players in it can be sympathetic to people having to go afk because of kids etc because they have kids themself you just haven't found the right guild yet. I am a mother and sometimes have to miss a raid because of parents evening or go afk to fix a drink etc I just try to be extra organised and start raiding when my child is asleep so less chance of interrupts but i guess a little baby doesn't really follow any sleep patterns or such. Im sure it will get easier for you. good luck xx
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Try to find a casual guild, that still offers you the content you want. We have a few members in our guild who have children, who naturally have to go AFK when something happens, or they have to put there child to bed or similar things.


The game isn't a job, and after all, real life IS more important. Just find people with similar Ideas, and you should be fine. Try an RP server if you struggle with finding a guild on PvE server, 'cause there are generally more laid back players who don't mind this sorta stuff. In Europe anyway.


Best of luck to you!

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I need to find a European server! 😜


I re rolled on the progenitor a few weeks back, it's been a great experience, in my opinion. I don't have kids, but I do have a wife, and they occasionally need just as much attention ;)


Anyway, a few members of my guild have younger kids, so we all understand that afk happens. It seems like a pretty mature server (for the most part)

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I need to find a European server! 😜


The Progenitor! If you play Republic side, we have lots of great guilds, I am not sure about the Empire side however, but I'm sure there will be guilds to suit you. Like Belly said, its has a fairly mature population, and people are generally helpful.

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  • 1 month later...
(I posted this on the Ebon Hawk server forum, but no one responded. I guess, I'm not cool enough?)


Hey! I know this sounds ridiculous, but I'm a 32 year old mom of two kids, one being a 7 month old girl, and sometimes it's a bit difficult to be running Flashpoints or Heroics, and having to say, "afk....baby cry", or something along those lines and getting people mad at me. When I feel comfortable enough to do Warzones, it will be tough, because there will be more chances for people who don't have kids to misunderstand the interruptions. I play at least every night, but can't always stay on consistently, and honestly, my highest toon is lvl 23 at the moment, and I have two others that are low 20's and a handful of others that are level 10-ish (I'm a shameless altaholic). I like to RP, but I'm not looking for heavy RP, and prefer PVE atm.


Anyways, If someone could point me in the right direction of a recruiting guild with some maturity (in an mmo, what?!) and some parents or people that might understand, that would be great. Thank you!


I just came across this now or I would have responded. I'm in the same boat on EH. Need to find a parent friendly guild.

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Regardless of:


* You having to care for your kids...

* You having to care for your parents...

* You need a take a break for dinner, a drink, bio, or a smoke...

* You have something in real life that pulls you from the game...


Any mature guild should understand and realize real life does take precedence. If it were not for real life, we would not have the funds or materials to go into the game or be able to pay for this game. I have heard people needing a break to put kids to bed or husbands having to logout of the game to avoid wife aggro. If everyone understands that they need to let real life take priority. When you are able to login; continue on your journey ingame and have fun with your online friends and guild members. May the force be with you.

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Unity has a lot of mature players in it, many with families and also couples who play together with us. We realise people have commitments in real life, families, work, education so we don't put pressure on members to level or commit to certain times. Due to this the people who join us do so because of this. Most of our officers are in mid thirties and older and its a nice calm pleasant gaming guild.

Due to our ages we tend to have "toilet breaks" in events anyhow so plenty of time to attend to kids if needed lol.


On the "About us" on our website we actually have the following:

We realise people have real life commitments, as most of us do, and gaming is meant to be fun so it doesn't matter if you play 24/7 or a few hours a week, each are equally welcome for a relaxed, mature gaming experience. We also don't put pressure on anyone to level quickly - your game time is about you do what you want to do, not what we want you to do.


We have been going for 8.5 years now. Founded way back in 2005 in SWG and grew there to become the servers most active guild. When it closed we came over to Tor at launch and are very active here on both empire and republic sides on the Red Eclipse server.

We are not hardcore, not a raiding guild nor a pvp guild but enjoy to do lots of weekly content.

Sun/Tue/Thur nights are ops night. Friday night is planet datacron runs and vehicle quests and Wed Night and Saturday are kept free for social events. Ie World Boss runs, Achievements runs, codex runs, teamspeak pazaak card games and more. Its important to us to have content for levels 1 to 55 and not just all endgame.


We sadly have a freeze on recruitment at the moment as we are constantly hitting the low cap of 500 characters despite inactive member purges on a weekly basis. Anyhow more about that on my signature to have it removed/raised or even charged to legacy names. Once we drop down to 450 members on each side (463 ish after todays purge) we will open up recruitment again. it should only be a week or two more till then, so if we sound a nice fit for you, please apply (will be accepted) and as soon as we open up recruitment we will be in touch.



Unity (republic) Dark Unity (empire), Red Eclipse Server


Edited by Ziso
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