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Seriously how dumb can some players get?


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What is SO difficult about defending a pylon on Ancient hypergates....


Each game..i go to the enemy pylon as a stealth in to try and ninja cap...because to WIN the game you need to do the OBJECTIVES and the most beneficial objective to win ARE THE PYLONS because if you cap NO PYLONS YOU LOSE THE GAME. Anyway we had one pylon..they had one pylon..they were controlling midddle..they had more kills/points..they had healers we didnt so obviously i did the right thing and attempted to cap their pylon which i did.


Yet I capture their pylon because some noob stood too close to it...their entire team came along and I was asking for support but no one came...and I check the map and NO ONE is defending our pylon...


Basically we double capped then they double capped us first round so I left warzone because i refuse to play with those donkeys. I cannot comprehend how seriously dumb these people are its just mega facepalm uhhhh


And for all you people assuming in this thread...i capped their pylon with around 30s left on the clock


Your first sentence is "WHAT IS SO DIFFICULT ABOUT DEFENDING A PYLON ON ANCIENT HYPERGATE." You didn't defend so how do you put that on your team? Your team is basically fighting with one less person at mid so of course they are not gonna win that. From the beginning you failed your team.

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I find it amusing that a guy not only quits when it seems they are losing, but comes to the forums to whine about it afterwards. Should I also start doing this? I pretty much only do pugging, I feel bad that the community is missing everything my pugs have ever done wrong. :(
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I find it amusing that a guy not only quits when it seems they are losing, but comes to the forums to whine about it afterwards. Should I also start doing this? I pretty much only do pugging, I feel bad that the community is missing everything my pugs have ever done wrong. :(


lol true ...

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Your first sentence is "WHAT IS SO DIFFICULT ABOUT DEFENDING A PYLON ON ANCIENT HYPERGATE." You didn't defend so how do you put that on your team? Your team is basically fighting with one less person at mid so of course they are not gonna win that. From the beginning you failed your team.


7 people went at the start..i saw 2 of them on the map trying to capture the first pylon but they seemed to leave it and head to mid leaving no one defended so dont give me that blabble.


And how about read the entire op instead of one sentence than assume everything like the rest of you trolls on the forum

Edited by DarthWoad
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I find it amusing that a guy not only quits when it seems they are losing, but comes to the forums to whine about it afterwards. Should I also start doing this? I pretty much only do pugging, I feel bad that the community is missing everything my pugs have ever done wrong. :(


Why are you whining about that ? lol

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Most solo attempts to cap gets foiled by the 'orb team', and if your team can keep the enemy from grabbing orbs in the middle while a man down, it'd usually be much safer if the solo attacker simply joins the fight in the middle and see if they can push for a decisive advantage there. After all if it's even while a man down, you'd think you ought to have a pretty significant advantage with an extra guy.


Even if you successfully cap the node, you'll often have people who grabbed the orbs coming back to their pylon to deposit who will now be attempting to retake the pylon. These guys are almost always without question the best players of the opposing team, since you've to be good to be aware when you can grab the orb, and then to survive with the orb on you (and if the entire enemy team is good they'd have their best 4 guys carry the orbs anyway, because that's the smart thing to do). This means you, the solo capper, may potentailly have to fight against the best 4 guys on the opposing team. There's no reason to believe anyone is supposed to survive this. As far as you know any of those 4 guys could be as good or better than you, and any trick you know they're likely to know. Since the guys just returned from middle this means you can't expect any help coming from your side in the middle, so all you can hope is the respawn door might drop on time for your side. 15 seconds is a long time to hold against 4 of the other team's best players. And if you can do that, again why didn't you just join the battle in middle? Seems like you can surely beat them straight up if you're that awesome had you participated in the primary engagement.

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To be fair the game he described sounds like a desperate situation where you have to double cap to even stay in the game.



I think the OP did partially right. His team sucked nuts and the only way for them to win was doing what he tried to do.


On the flip side, if you truly "ninja capped" (you were the only one from your team vs. X number of defenders) why would you cap @30secs!? - You should of waited longer (and advised pty members) so that you would of been able to solo defend (if need be) the pylon you snatched for 10~15 secs.


Anyway, solo Q or rolling with bads... don't expect a whole lot.

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I think the OP did partially right. His team sucked nuts and the only way for them to win was doing what he tried to do.


On the flip side, if you truly "ninja capped" (you were the only one from your team vs. X number of defenders) why would you cap @30secs!? - You should of waited longer (and advised pty members) so that you would of been able to solo defend (if need be) the pylon you snatched for 10~15 secs.


Anyway, solo Q or rolling with bads... don't expect a whole lot.


He did it from the first round. Then blamed his team. LOL It's funny cuz no one agrees with him.

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I think the OP did partially right. His team sucked nuts and the only way for them to win was doing what he tried to do.


On the flip side, if you truly "ninja capped" (you were the only one from your team vs. X number of defenders) why would you cap @30secs!? - You should of waited longer (and advised pty members) so that you would of been able to solo defend (if need be) the pylon you snatched for 10~15 secs.


Anyway, solo Q or rolling with bads... don't expect a whole lot.


Also why do you keep trying to kill me in matches. You should just let me free cast my heals.:D

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I really see no point to try to double cap on round 1 unless you know that:


1. Your team totally sucks.

2. The other team is mentally weak and will quit after you double cap.


If your team is stronger, there's no reason to try anything fancy. The multiplier is very low in first round (X3), so even if you could double cap them any time you wanted, you'd only end up with like 200ish points or so after round 1 with both pylon. So it's only advisable if your team is weak, but here's the problem: double capping on first round gives a strong team plenty of time to recover, and you can be reasonably sure they won't fall for it a second time in the same game, so it's not enough. You absolutely have to know that the other team, despite being stronger, is mentally weak and will ragequit. I've seen strong teams easily make up a 150 point deficit once they realized they can't mess around by controlling middle + reasonable precautions on their pylon. If you double cap, you need to do it on the round that will either knock them out, or the round you will lose if you didn't double cap (in that case you can't be picky), because you should not expect to double cap more than once in a game while playing from a position of weakness.

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Also why do you keep trying to kill me in matches. You should just let me free cast my heals.:D


I swear a lot people do exactly that. It's like since healers are sometimes borderline unkillable (there's definitely some element of truth there), why even both trying to stop their heals? What can possibly go wrong if you let a healer spam Deliverance all day instead of rotating a mixture of less potent heals?

Edited by Astarica
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is 30 seconds too early? seems like an ideal time to me


I'm curious, was the pylon capped @30secs or did you start cap @30secs?


It doesn't matter anyway; either one seems a bit too early to me (for a solo attempt). My only stealthy is lvl39, but I would have started the cap at ~T -18secs, you'd be done by 12secs and would have only had to guard for 7 seconds. Something like that.

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Also why do you keep trying to kill me in matches. You should just let me free cast my heals.:D




And I don't "try", I succeed a decent amount of times (Mileage varies depending on what lady luck gave me for team mates).


: P

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You don't always gets to choose when to start capping anyway because if the other side has control of miiddle, their guys will be coming back to the pylon intermittently to deposit the orbs. In general it's just very hard to successfully attack a pylon while the other side has middle unless they simply ignored the orbs. Usually it'd be better to simply start fighting in middle and then only sneak attack when you die, and if you never died you're probably doing something right in the middle so you shouldn't be complaining.
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You don't always gets to choose when to start capping anyway because if the other side has control of miiddle, their guys will be coming back to the pylon intermittently to deposit the orbs. In general it's just very hard to successfully attack a pylon while the other side has middle unless they simply ignored the orbs. Usually it'd be better to simply start fighting in middle and then only sneak attack when you die, and if you never died you're probably doing something right in the middle so you shouldn't be complaining.


Tis' true. I feel it's also true that if the enemy team out classes yours by so much, they don't need to carry orbs (if they choose to, they will just end the game before the round ends) to win; they can just seek your team out, wherever you are in the map, and mop the floor with you, winning by sheer brute-ness.


Games like those, only thing you can do to win, is to cap their p and make damn sure you hold yours as well (else you didn't do jack). I have won games like that a few times; in sub-par teams, against seemingly insurmountable odds (fking awesome).

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I feel 50 seconds remaining is the appropriate time to stealth cap the pylon. This guy did good, many of you posters were on his team obviously.


I have had this happen.


He was saying that not ONLY did his team not support his pylon grab they ALSO, didn't defend Their OWN pylon cuz all they wanted to do was deathmatch in the middle. He only needed like ONE other guy to help defend the pylon for 24 seconds. So there could have been a win whereas there was a loss due to the lack of situational awareness and general "care". 2 defend 2 stealth cap 4 go mid = win at that point, but no.


Your thread is valid sir.

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7 people went at the start..i saw 2 of them on the map trying to capture the first pylon but they seemed to leave it and head to mid leaving no one defended so dont give me that blabble.


And how about read the entire op instead of one sentence than assume everything like the rest of you trolls on the forum


Maybe if you stopped created endless threads filled with winging maybe people would get off your back.

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