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Grrr....Ancient Hypergates


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Can we please make an unwritten (or maybe written) rule from now on, he/she who caps the pylon guards the pylon.


Also, an incoming or pylon wouldn't go a miss ;)


Sorry for the vent just had way too many of these matches where the pylon is left undefended or no incomings are called, the proverbial straw happened this morning when we were in a close match with a slight lead and the capper left the pylon unguarded.

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My advice, take responsibility for making sure there's a guard at the node. By which I mean, keep tabs on it and yell it out or temporarily guard it yourself if there is not. I am far less frustrated if I blame myself for failing to maintain awareness, rather than blaming others for derping.


People being silly is outside your control. Your own failures are under your control. The latter is less rage-inducing, because it's fixable!

Edited by stringcat
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Personally, I'm with Nabi here, and I frequently comment in ops chat about why nodes are undefended. The problem Valya is that in most pugs, if there's a healthy fight at mid (which there usually is) it's hard to be on top of your game while keeping watch on the node. And there are plenty of players I've seen get impatient in just up and leave the node. There are some things we grudgingly accept, like some people are mediocre or bad at their class. Other things are less acceptable, like someone deciding they don't want to defend and not telling anyone about it.
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I agree with Valya. Of course, I also agree with N'abi. It IS super annoying when this happens and I wish people would guard.


However, as someone more experienced than said pug, it is my responsibility to check my map throughout the match and adjust if necessary. One of my favorite things to say is "it takes 8 people for nobody to be at a node." If nobody is at snow, and I don't notice, it is just as much my responsibility as the rest of my team. This is the same logic as the following: if you are against notable stealthers, you should probably not leave a solo guard in an Ancient Hypergates. If you do, you must constantly keep tabs on the stealthers. It would be silly to get mad when the node gets capped because, in actuality, there is more you could have done to stop it than your guard could. (I can stealth cap against a solo defender with a success rate of almost 100%)


The reason PvP is interesting to me is because we can constantly seek to better ourselves and improve our chances of winning. It is tempting to just "heal/dps as hard as possible" and write off a loss to your teammates. However, there are many non-gameplay things to be aware of. How did I


(1) interact/communicate with my team?

(2) exhibit awareness and exploit what I notice.

(3) counter the specific strengths/weaknesses of my opponents

(4) position myself?


That's what makes PvP so fun for me.

Edited by MelliMelon
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The irony is that Tyrosine captured the node first and guarded it, I then captured the node after the nodes sync'd as I was killed as the gates spawn went down and Tyro was still fighting in the middle.

On the third sync someone who shall not be named went and capped the node and left it, if I wasn't in the middle I would have headed over or if an inc or pylon shout went out.

Oh well, as I said this was me just venting this morning and is a pet peeve of mine. People running to get the attackers points for capturing the node and then running off leaving it un-guarded.

S'pose next time as a sniper my responsibility would be to speak up before the start of the match and state that I will guard the node.

And yes you are right Melli and Valya part of it was my fault for not checking the map and ASSuming that people would call.

Edited by bsbrad
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One of my favorite things to say is "it takes 8 people for nobody to be at a node." If nobody is at snow, and I don't notice, it is just as much my responsibility as the rest of my team.


Mel, I'm going to start splitting hairs on you here. While it's true that it take 8 people to not have anyone at the node, it's one person's fault that there is no one at the node. And that's the person who left it.

Inexperience is one thing, but watching repeat behavior after they've been told otherwise is different. When I run off and stand in the corner dancing all match long, the loss is probably more my fault than anyone else's. Reasonable mistakes are acceptable (like getting stun locked by 2 stealthies while solo), leaving a node undefended I don't think is one of those, nor is dancing all match long (unless you look REALLY good doing it).

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You know what I will throw someone under the bus because I see this guy do it all the time which pisses me off. Lightvision if you cap, please guard the damn pylon. Most PUGs from my experience pop there CC breakers far too early.


Most of the time I would run back and guard the pylon as well.

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Tangetical rage inducing moment. If you've just fought off a two or three man stealth assault at a node last round, why would you leave someone to solo guard the next round? This happens to me constantly, two stealth jump me, i frantically mash at my keyboard firing off two or three corrosive grenades to hit a few defensive cooldowns and call inc, often surviving JUST long enough for someone to get there and interrupt the cap attempt. The very next round, there I am again
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Nobody came to attack the node when I guarded it.....maybe they were afraid of my leet PVP skills, lol.


The point I was trying to get across was that if someone is taking the pylon to get their attackers points then they can stay and guard it. Too many people run to the middle for the slaughterfest and don't think about the objectives.


Now as I have stated before and people above pointed out that I have partial fault for not keeping tabs on my teams pylon. I suppose I will just have to go into PUG mode and pretend that the person with the highest DPS on the team must be the best PVPer in the zone.

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Am I the only one that when I arrive at a seemingly unguarded enemy node, this is generally what happens: I start capping and see a concealment op sneaking up on me. I pop him out with a well timed Awe and think "I got this". Then a pair of assassins open up on me and send my *** to the respawn room before the mezz on the op even has a chance to wear off. Then I'm sure they all laugh at me. :(
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I agree with Valya. Of course, I also agree with N'abi. It IS super annoying when this happens and I wish people would guard.


However, as someone more experienced than said pug, it is my responsibility to check my map throughout the match and adjust if necessary. One of my favorite things to say is "it takes 8 people for nobody to be at a node." If nobody is at snow, and I don't notice, it is just as much my responsibility as the rest of my team. This is the same logic as the following: if you are against notable stealthers, you should probably not leave a solo guard in an Ancient Hypergates. If you do, you must constantly keep tabs on the stealthers. It would be silly to get mad when the node gets capped because, in actuality, there is more you could have done to stop it than your guard could. (I can stealth cap against a solo defender with a success rate of almost 100%)


The reason PvP is interesting to me is because we can constantly seek to better ourselves and improve our chances of winning. It is tempting to just "heal/dps as hard as possible" and write off a loss to your teammates. However, there are many non-gameplay things to be aware of. How did I


(1) interact/communicate with my team?

(2) exhibit awareness and exploit what I notice.

(3) counter the specific strengths/weaknesses of my opponents

(4) position myself?


That's what makes PvP so fun for me.


Great post.



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