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Iconic Star Wars Music.


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Where is all the great iconic Star Wars music that we know? Why is there only crap in the game?:i Music does wonders for the overall Star Wars feeling but this is kinda lacking in this game. Music ingame makes me think of Rambo and Brody Quest. Regards.
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personaly i have no problem with the music itself. but what i am missing is the amount of music. its just too quiet in the game. give us a loop music option like in WoW (yes i went there)


the majority of the time when i am exploring the game there is no music. and it kind of destroys the atmosphere.

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personaly i have no problem with the music itself. but what i am missing is the amount of music. its just too quiet in the game. give us a loop music option like in WoW (yes i went there)


the majority of the time when i am exploring the game there is no music. and it kind of destroys the atmosphere.


Yes, this is very true indeed. Game lacks Star Wars atmosphere!

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