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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Question of the Day 4/29/2013


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Most of mine go to Legacy unlocks and snazzy outfits (like the Golden Scalene armor set!). :D

I picked up a few packs in the past too, but I'm holding off on those because I kinda hated getting 50CC* reject items out of the packs I spent over 300CC on.


* Or at least that's what I believe their price was when they were directly for sale on the market.

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Way. Too. Many. Packs. Seriously, those should be classified as a controlled substance, and you know it.


Apart from that, mostly unlocks like the "get your new character on a speeder" (which is actually pretty neat even for subscribers), experience perks, or account-wide storage.

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I'd rather buy things I want directly than roll the dice with packs so when I do buy packs, it's to sell them on the GTN and turn them into credits to spend on the specific thing I want.

It costs me about half as much actual money to do it that way.


Pretty much. Though I did buy the gold scaline armor set.

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At first I spent them on legacy things, mail and GTN for my ship (Red Eclipse can be extremely laggy on fleet so nicer to browse on my ship). Then did other legacy like rocket boosts, cargo bays, quick travel unlocks.

Bought a few items off the GTN store, a few armor sets (love the Sith Raider one) and packs but now I just sell my packs I get unopened on GTN and save credits for something I want off GTN.

Would not hesitate to spend cartel stuff on any guild related items that may be on cartel in future though especially say a +500 additional guild cap item and things like that, guild bank slots etc

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Purely on account wide unlocks; that's where they are most useful. When the market went live, I picked up rocket boots right away because for the cost it was a steal. After that I've used my monthly allotment to slowly unlock everything else; ship droid, ship GTN, mailbox. Recently BW has been paying for my character slot additions, and next month they will pay for Cathar. Thanks Bioware! Edited by Tmanarl
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Being an operative, I'm going to take a shiv in the dark at the question between the lines: What Would I like to see in the Cartel Market that would drop a ton of cash on.


A new class. Seriously, I would shell out a good forty bucks worth of cartel coins for the chance to learn a new class and experience a new perspective. I currently have 7 classes past level 50 and pretty much hate playing merc so far (still at level 21 on it I think). Maybe some sort of prestige class unlock like the MMO that shalt not be named did with Death Knight.


I would go so far as to make it only able to be a healer or tank role, as there aren't enough of either and too many people stick to DPS as it was faster to level and now they are hesitant to try something new.

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I got a couple of thousands of unused CC because I don't give a damn about CM (i'm a suscriber)... Fix the game and maybe I'll consider buying some more and purchase some packs...maybe... or not. This game is all about CC... Hell, should I unsub?
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