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Bioware, are you going to address the missing Lore?


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I have sent several in game request for just a simple YES or NO to the question that many of us have. Are you ever going to fix the missing or bugged lore / codex entries? All you guys do is send me the generic responses that do not answer the question. There is a fan base here that wants to know is this ever going to be addressed?


I can not finish Tython and Quesh due to lore object that apparently do not exist. I have requested help and you guys refuse to help. This is beyond aggravating when all we want is to finish the odd parts to the game.

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Aye, after more than a year. It would indeed be nice to get an answer on this question.


To all those that read this and second, please comment so we actaully get there attention. The more people reply to this, the less they can ignore it.

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I'm not a completion nut (no offense to those who are) but I would like to see the missing codex entries fixed. Just because I would like to read them! :rolleyes:


Their are websites out there that have the entries such as swtor-spy, but I am curious as to HOW they have them when no one can unlock them.:confused:

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Even though they give no real reward for finding them other than an achievement and/or codex entry, I can't stand it when something is half-finished. I would be more than happy when they fix this issue.

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From what I can gather in other threads is that Amber Green is the point of contact for questions like these. Which further more makes me ask what the point of the in game system thing is, when 1 I never get an agent when I ask for one, and 2 why do people like Matt (mo-to) answer those submitted requests. I even ask them to give me a yes or no, and to stop with the generic line of junk that I get. The answer to that is the same generic answer of they won help due to x reasons. You would figure they like the $$$$ we all pay... I wish I knew how to cut that off for a few days to get their attention.
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  • 2 months later...
Bioware, I would like to thank you for your continued lack of support on this issue. Are you guys ever going to respond to ANY one asking about Codex entries?


Considering that the last few patches have each contained a handful of missing codex/lore entries i think bioware should be congratulated. They are slowly but surely making progress on fixing what we have been told is a very complex and messy code in regards to the codex and lore entries and really i didn't think we would ever see any fix for it.


Eg this patch:



-Codex entries no longer contain text that is cut off, allowing for information to be properly displayed.

-Imperial Agents who complete or have completed the mission "The Fall of House Cortess" on Alderaan are now granted the "Operation: Silverplate" Codex entry.

-Imperial Agents who complete or have completed the "Armageddon" mission on Corellia are now granted the "Black Codex: The Star Cabal's Endgame (Agent)" Codex entry.

-Players who complete or have completed either the "Regicide" or "Usurper" missions on Alderaan are now granted the Persons of Note Codex entry for Bouris Ulgo.

-Troopers who complete or have completed the "Prisoner of War" mission on Alderaan are now granted the Persons of Note Codex entry for Markus Thul.

-Sith Inquisitors who complete or have completed the "A Woman Scorned" mission on Alderaan are now granted the Persons of Note Codex entry for Rehanna Rist.

-Unlocking HK-51 now grants the Faction-appropriate Persons of Note Codex entry.

-The HK-51 Codex entry no longer counts towards or is required to complete entries on Belsavis.

-Players are now able to unlock the "Devaronian" Species Codex entry.



and last patch



-The unobtainable Ilum Persons of Note Codex entry for Master Jaric Kaeden has been removed for Republic players.

-Republic players are now able to find a Lore Object granting the Codex entry "Caught Between Two Foes."

-Imperial players are now able to find a Lore Object granting the Codex entry "Corellian Engineering Corporation."

-Defeating a Killik on Alderaan now appropriately grants a Species Codex entry.

-The Datacron Codex entry "Galactic History 88: The Unlikely Champion" is now properly listed under Makeb rather than Alderaan.

-The unobtainable Locations Alderaan Codex entry "The Elysium" has been removed for Republic players.

-The BT-7 Thunderclap Codex entry now correctly displays an image of the Trooper ship.



So TY bioware :)

Edited by mattyboi
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Considering that the last few patches have each contained a handful of missing codex/lore entries i think bioware should be congratulated. They are slowly but surely making progress on fixing what we have been told is a very complex and messy code in regards to the codex and lore entries and really i didn't think we would ever see any fix for it.


They have yet to address some of the one from day one of release. My main issue is that many of us have asked and we get nothing on the forums and those stupid generic "thank you for submitting a bug report" in game messages. Yes they have fixed a few, but there are many more that have been around for a lot longer that they just have flat out nt done anything about, and teh best part is, they never answer anyone on if it will be fixed or not.

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