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BioWare, stupid or just incompetent?


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First you put garbage in the game which serves absolutely NO purpose except to drain players’ money and make everyone mad as hell.


Your “Viral Residue”, Perfect Carbonic Crystal” and “Hollinium”, come on, what was your thinking behind that debacle?


Why in the world would you put some trash like that in the game in the first place?


You also made the nodes harder to find, and fewer of them, then you reward us with “Criticals” which give us this crap?


Having to spend 3240 credits and over 1 hour time frame to send companions out on a Rich mission , hoping to get some nice materials, and they come back with these? What the hell were you on when you thought THAT idea up?


Oh, so you post a note advising us that you were removing the Perfect Carbonic Crystal and Hollinium from the companions’ mission results and have “implemented” the Viral Residue into crafting schematics. And, you have “RAISED” the vendor price on those to “compensate” the players’ lost credits from the missions.


Now isn’t that just peachy keen!


Even with these “fixes”, you fail! You should never have put them into the game at all, and your “fixes” fall way too short. Just raising the vendor price “a bit” doesn’t come close to equaling the loss revenue of those who were trying to gather the better materials to craft items or sell to earn credits.


Vendor Trash is exactly that, “VENDOR TRASH”!


You really want to correct your massive screw-up on this?


First, drop all three of them from the game completely, not just from mission returns but in the in-game nodes also. Then just make those three items tradable to the vendor for the other materials which the players should have gotten from the missions and nodes.


Maybe: Two green materials for one of those materials; one for one trade for those to the blue materials; and two of those for one purple material.


That would be fair to the players who have suffered because of this garbage! The player themselves would decide which materials they needed.


Isn’t that the RIGHT thing to do!


Or, maybe the players should all just decide to play “Free to Play” for a few months to make up for the losses they suffered under this crap??


Now that IS a thought!


NOTHING speaks results better than loss of revenue, right?


So what is it going to be?

Edited by Modredus
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I couldn't agree with you more. I was big into crafting pre 2.0 so when it hit I was excited and wanted to continue. Over 10 million in creds later I have yet to find the idea behind the new additions and changes to the crafting in this game. I am again just amazed at how the developers I guess are trying to make it more fun and challenging but in turn are just royally screwing everything up. How do these things play out in there minds? I'm just really curious what the conversations are like at Bioware on how to develop these things and make decisions. I don't think I would be employed for very long if all I did was piss off my customers all day every day and then try and come up with new ideas to irritate them even more. And by the way don't expect any compensation because every time they say they are going to make it up it's a joke and doesn't even come close. So when they say that it is to appease you but they really have no whole hearted intention on delivering on that. I'm sure there are some there that really care and could develop a great game but evidently they are not the final decision makers. So I guess they are going to drive this game into the ground and just ride it as long as they can. So sad, I love Star Wars.
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I couldn't agree with you more. I was big into crafting pre 2.0 so when it hit I was excited and wanted to continue. Over 10 million in creds later I have yet to find the idea behind the new additions and changes to the crafting in this game. I am again just amazed at how the developers I guess are trying to make it more fun and challenging but in turn are just royally screwing everything up. How do these things play out in there minds? I'm just really curious what the conversations are like at Bioware on how to develop these things and make decisions. I don't think I would be employed for very long if all I did was piss off my customers all day every day and then try and come up with new ideas to irritate them even more. And by the way don't expect any compensation because every time they say they are going to make it up it's a joke and doesn't even come close. So when they say that it is to appease you but they really have no whole hearted intention on delivering on that. I'm sure there are some there that really care and could develop a great game but evidently they are not the final decision makers. So I guess they are going to drive this game into the ground and just ride it as long as they can. So sad, I love Star Wars.


I feel much like you in the sense that pre 2.0 I was big into crafting (as was my wife). I would log in to craft whenever I got a few free minutes even if I did not have the time to play. That is completely gone now. Crafting at or below the Makeb vendor levels is dead now and the mats used to craft at those levels are completely valueless. It appears that crafting is now restricted to one, the highest possible, level. Crafting for leveling players is gone. From a wide spectrum of possible items of value that crafters could produce, we now have a single tier and that is of questionable value.


Like everyon else, I have spent millions of credits (although no where near 10m) to bring my crafting skills to 450 and to start the procss of acquiring mats. There are niches that can be found and at this point I have made back my investment and have shown a healthy profit from progressing my skills to 450. So now I am looking at crafting being restricted to one narrow band of items and each crafting skill has only a few things in that band that can be crafted. Gathering is now restricted to two or three items per skill with the other level scores of possible mats not worth the time or effort.


So yes, you can still make credits from the "new" crafting and a few players will pursue them and do so. That is at least for a short time in the future until players become geared at the max levels and the demand for the items in the narrow range of meaningful crafting sputters and all but dies. There may be a somewhat steady market for consumables. I am well beyond the point where I need or want credits. I crafted as an enjoyable minigame (only sandbox element in swtor in a way) and to provide gear and items for other players. I don't feel any desire to craft any more. It simply, to me, is a very restricted narrow exercise that has become a lesson in frustration with no fun element. Gosh, when you pass low level nodes and don't want to be bothered to farm them because they are worthless vendor trash, you know you career in crafting is gone.


I have my opinion with respect to the thread title, but wil refrain from posting it. To do so would accomplish nothing. I do believe that 2.0 + Makeb will be remembered as the final blow that killed a faultering game. Time will tell if I am correct.

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Lazy and sloppy. They did the bare minimum with crafting in 2.0 and it shows.


- materials that have no use whatsoever, such as Hollinium and Perfect Carbonic (how did this even happen?)

- incomplete custom armour sets (missing boots and bracers)

- new custom crafted gear uses a lot of duplicate skins, many recycled from earlier content

- an avalanche of gloves shematics from lockboxes (and nothing else)

- bizarre itemisation on a lot of endgame crafted gear and mods

- crafted artifact items needing exotic mats which are less powerful than what you buy with basic comms

- cost imbalance between different crafts for making MK-9 kits (eg Armormech far more expensive than Biochem)

- too few grade 9 gathering nodes on Makeb

- bugged crew missions


I could go on. Crafting in 2.0 is a HUGE disappointment. Either they just don't care, or they are actively trying to push players away from crafting towards the Cartel Market. I think they underestimate how many players enjoy crafting and how this will only damage subscriptions in the long run if they don't give crafting the development time it deserves.

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Reading threads like this one makes us sad. We are fairly new to the game and it sounds like the game is taking a nose-dive with the new expansion and it is not even into it's second year yet. This does not give me or my friends much hope honestly. I played Everquest 2 for almost 9 years until this kind of thing started to happen over there and that is why myself and my gaming friends all came here two months ago. We are starting to have second thoughts about things the more that we see and read about.
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Oh yeah... BW is sooooo horrible. Nvm the fact that the "moderate" yield missions won't return either perfect carbonic or holinnium mats.


There's a perfectly good workaround for those 2 crew skills ~ why are you not using it?


Ever stop to think that there could have been some plans for easter egg schematics or rare schematic drops that use these mats? Now, instead of having some cool rare crafted stuff ~ both are probably going to be gone from the game.


Way to go community !

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Reading threads like this one makes us sad. We are fairly new to the game and it sounds like the game is taking a nose-dive with the new expansion and it is not even into it's second year yet. This does not give me or my friends much hope honestly. I played Everquest 2 for almost 9 years until this kind of thing started to happen over there and that is why myself and my gaming friends all came here two months ago. We are starting to have second thoughts about things the more that we see and read about.


Sorry, this thread which will likely be deleted after the CMs come back from the weekend and eventually look at the Crew Skills section of the forum, is more appropiate for players who have some time into the game.


I would advise that if you and your freinds are enjoying yourselves now or finding the game fun, there is no reason to quit. There are things like the companion system, story lines, voice acting and cut scenes, and artwork that are pretty good and worth seeing. The game may be enjoyable to you the first time through for each faction as you get to experience everything for the first time. Indeed, the leveling experience is now cheap and easy with the new comm system, so no stress there. After you all have played for a while, you will have your own experiences to support your feelings and to help you make up your mind about the game.


Best wishes to you and your group.

Edited by asbalana
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Oh yeah... BW is sooooo horrible. Nvm the fact that the "moderate" yield missions won't return either perfect carbonic or holinnium mats.


There's a perfectly good workaround for those 2 crew skills ~ why are you not using it?


Ever stop to think that there could have been some plans for easter egg schematics or rare schematic drops that use these mats? Now, instead of having some cool rare crafted stuff ~ both are probably going to be gone from the game.


Way to go community !


Because there is a) one moderate mission per 5 on the list b) it brings crap results c) I don't want to craft "easter egg item" that might at some time come into game- all I want is to craft things, that are useful now, and make my characters be able to get into new content.


Yes, with recent changes, there are more mats being given, but only from missions - most of nodes are filled with that holinium/residue crap.

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There's a right way to voice your concerns and a wrong way. Ask yourself this question before you hit submit: If I voiced this complaint in "real life" using the same language and tone would it increase my chances of getting punched in the face? If yes, take a deep breath, don't hit submit, and recompose when you're a better state of mind.
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There's a right way to voice your concerns and a wrong way. Ask yourself this question before you hit submit: If I voiced this complaint in "real life" using the same language and tone would it increase my chances of getting punched in the face? If yes, take a deep breath, don't hit submit, and recompose when you're a better state of mind.


I have to agree that this thread will not accomplish anything other than be a venting exercise. It, as I noted, will probably be deleted and (oh no) result in a ban to the OP. On the other hand the concerns have been identified and voiced since early patch testing on the PTs. It is not clear that recomposing and waiting will generate any different results other than reducing the beneficial effect of venting.


PS - Punching someone in the face who is upset is not the best of ideas, since they tend to hit back.

Edited by asbalana
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We have a right to voice our opinions and in this patch crafting got the end shaft. BW devs don't care about crafting and this is really amazing not to know your customer base. Tons of people craft and enjoy the system, it is a large part of fun for them. Screwing large part of the game for your customers is not a good idea.


What really stuns me is how bad BW coders are to mess up a rng generator on missions with 2 variables. I mean really? REALLY? A successful return from a mission gives you 6 blue crap mats and not even 1 (!) piece of what you aimed for and accomplished successfully?! Are you kidding me? Do us a favor - go back to school and relearn the idea of rng would you?


You guys are taking fail in mmo design to new levels for sure. Noobs

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