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More details on the appearance designer kiosk and armor dyes


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Well it sits just fine with me. As a subscriber, I recognize that the CM has to remain successful for this game to remain in EXISTENCE. So a patch dedicated entirely to customization bothers me not in the least. The fact that this is the type of content being made available through the CM is exactly what I want to see, since it means P2W is that much farther off.


On another note, I think too many subscribers have a sense of entitlement they have absolutely no right too. Your sub pays for access to the game servers, without the restrictions imposed on F2P'ers, nothing more. It does not give you the right to demand things be done your way. It does not grant you guaranteed access to any content released in upcoming patches, nor the right to decide whether what is released counts as content.


The only right you have is to decide to cancel, and if what you see displeases you enough, go right ahead.


What isn't sitting well with me is putting cartel market updates in a patch that should have been game content. If I remember it right, when they first started talking about f2p they told us there would be content patches every 6-8 weeks and cartel market updates in between. By having a content patch that is overwhelmingly a cartel market update, they are doing away with the whole idea of having actual game content added in a regular manner. I think the Cathar and CM barbershop should have been a separate cartel market update and that 2.1 should have the dyes and some other QOL additions that are not CM exclusive.

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Just watched the Insider video on this, and he says you can change your race. What the hell?? That makes no sense.


Throwing a bone to all the players who wanted to make a [insert species here] character, but either didn't have the species unlock, or for the Cathar addition.

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If I could present a lore perspective....perhaps it's a disguise? The agent storyline on Tatooine has a mission and a character (the old man, and it is inferred that others can do the same in the organization) that can change his appearance at will.


Yes, I know that's thin.


Getting back to the matter at hand, Customization is in fact the type of content that has been demanded since launch...at least one of the types of content.


The fact it is a pure cartel market feature is a bit disappointing but I can live with it considering this game desperately needs more customization options IMO.

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What isn't sitting well with me is putting cartel market updates in a patch that should have been game content. If I remember it right, when they first started talking about f2p they told us there would be content patches every 6-8 weeks and cartel market updates in between. By having a content patch that is overwhelmingly a cartel market update, they are doing away with the whole idea of having actual game content added in a regular manner. I think the Cathar and CM barbershop should have been a separate cartel market update and that 2.1 should have the dyes and some other QOL additions that are not CM exclusive.


What you seem to be missing is that lots of people consider this type of content to be "actual game content." I respect your opinion that that is not the case, no matter how wrong you may be.

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More options will be added in the coming months. Does this mean we will actually see sliders for facial and body features? Will we actually be able to adjust our height, weight, muscle mass and chest? Will we be able to adjust all our facial features like in other games? Will they do the right thing and separate Zabrak headbones from hairstyles and Lekku markings from cosmetics? Will Zabrak facial tattoos get better designs and be colorable?


I expect that I'm going to be disappointed with whatever they wind up releasing... but I admit that I'm spoiled, having come to SWTOR after the shutdown of City of Heroes, which had more than a dozen sliders for body and head proportions even before getting to the actual choices for face and costume.

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I expect that I'm going to be disappointed with whatever they wind up releasing... but I admit that I'm spoiled, having come to SWTOR after the shutdown of City of Heroes, which had more than a dozen sliders for body and head proportions even before getting to the actual choices for face and costume.


How I miss CoH and it's customization!


What I want to know is, will we have access to scars/tattoos that are right now locked in certain classes?


I'd love the Eye Tattoo Thana Vash has on my Knight, but it's limited to Warrior.

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What you seem to be missing is that lots of people consider this type of content to be "actual game content." I respect your opinion that that is not the case, no matter how wrong you may be.


Perhaps I should have phrased it as content that isn't gated behind cash transactions? I consider cartel market content to be separate from the core game, and many others do as well. Obviously many people don't make that distinction. I don't think either position is right or wrong, just a different ways of viewing things.


The original description of the 6-8 week schedule was that cartel market updates and non-cartel market patches would be separate. The cartel market was supposed to fund development of non-cartel market aspects of the game.

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