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What are you Parsing Currently? On Dummy or Bosses


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  • Acc 100.67

  • Miss Rate %

  1. Assault 19.17%

  1. B. Assault 16.67%

  1. Gore 15.38%

  1. Massacre 13.79%

  1. Ravage 10%

  • Acc 105.57

  • Miss Rate %

  1. Assault 13.59

  1. B. Assault 15.56

  1. Gore 7.69

  1. Massacre 13.89

  1. Ravage 1.85

Battering Assault, 7% decrease in misses

Assault, 30% decrease

Gore, 50% decrease

Ravage, 81.5% decrease

Massacre, no change.


Dps: 1375 @ 100.67 Acc

Dps: 1647 @ 105.57 Acc

Net gain 272dps (20% increase)


Started this Monday night, haven’t been able to get back in game since with the patch debacle. This is not complete. I only had time for a few tests Monday evening not enough for a thorough data pool. All tests were 5 to 6 min on the Ops test dummy on fleet using TORPARSE. The preliminary changes were very interesting and I would really like to be able to continue testing but as such there seems to be no answer from BW on that.

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I am a bit confused after having parsed with both annihilation and carnage today. I've got the four set bonus, everything augmented with 66 str augments, arkanian main hand and verpine off hand. Got the partisan SA relic and arkanian BA. Using nano stim & adrenal.


Not going to link anything right now, because the log is ridiculously long, but with annihilate my latest was at 2535. Carnage has usually been around 2500.


Snipers in my guild without four set bonus (not even two set bonus) are at 2650 and 2695. All well and good - snipers are a pure dps class and I'd expect them to hit something like that. The problem for me is that when I had similar gear as they had when they parsed I struggled to get above 2200. When I got the partisan SA relic and 2 set bonus I worked my way up to 2350 on annihilate (did not try carnage). It confuses me that there is such a big difference between the two pure dps classes when they are about equal gear-wise.


It is equally confusing that two mercernaries in my guild are parsing 2578 and 2684. The first one is with far worse gear that I currently have (2+2 set bonus, which means he is using 61/63 armorings). The other one a bit better, and that is a number I cannot even get close to currently.


I really do not understand how a pure dps class can be so far behind with decent gear and definitely equal to all of the above gear-wise.


Str - 2995

Power - 1201

Acc - 100.31%

Crit chance ~18.5%

Surge 68%


I can optimise stuff, but we're not talking optimising to get another 3-400 dps (such as leonidax' dps at 2900).


My biggest aim curently is to get the UW SA relic, which should stack with my Partisan SA. I could PvP to get Conq SA or add UW BA instead. I do think the UW SA would add maybe 100 - 150 dps if I just switched it with my partisan, as the difference is 140 power on proc. Quite a bit in a 5-6 minute fight. If I use them together and they proc from dmg and heal it should increase the dps quite a bit. I do not, however, agree that marauders need to do this much to get top of the board, though, but I also do not think my rotation and execution is bad. I feel I am executing it very well. Two set bonus marauders should not be as far behind merc and snipers as they currently are. A four set bonus marauder should be above mercenaries with my current gear, I think.


I'll do a parse tomorrow and link it.


EDIT: did a parse just now:




Third parse - 2595. 2630 right before I stopped hitting. Decent, but I guess just the UW SA can get me up to 2700. Still unsure whether I can reach something like 2800 (let alone 2900) with just the UW SA, though.

Edited by Xenphon
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I run 5/36/5 - 2 points in Short Fuse, 3 in Enraged Slash, 3 Malice, 2 Decimate (Due to adds on now on many bosses)


I will test with a point in Brutality (That extra crit would be helpful! - It's just that carnage feels so rage-starved now that full points in enraged slash is hard to let go of)


On Bosses without adds, I re-spec and take points from Decimate and move to Cloak of Carnage for the little extra rage generation.


Yeah man I completely agree that carnage/combat feels very energy starved. I have liked the change with the extra point over there in the rage/focus tree. I have not tried the 5/36/5 build on the ops dummy since getting my gear to the current level so that may help with me losing out on the energy generation.

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