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Let's all be Equal in PVP! Yeah!


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This bolster business is sheer genius. It's just brilliant. The only problem with it is that it's not enough. Not nearly enough.


What they should have done is just do away with expertise and bolster everyone's stats to the same level in warzones. The exact same level. Everyone would have the same amount of endurance, strength, willpower, cunning, etc. WOULDN"T THAT BE GREAT?! No one would ever have a gear advantage again. Screw people who worked hard for their gear, this game isn't based on free enterprise. Let's all just be completely equal in every way in pvp so no one can whine about it being unfair ever again.


It will be great! We can all hold hands and sing songs and play with butterflies too!



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this bolster business is sheer genius. It's just brilliant. The only problem with it is that it's not enough. Not nearly enough.


What they should have done is just do away with expertise and bolster everyone's stats to the same level in warzones. The exact same level. Everyone would have the same amount of endurance, strength, willpower, cunning, etc. Wouldn"t that be great?! No one would ever have a gear advantage again. Screw people who worked hard for their gear, this game isn't based on free enterprise. Let's all just be completely equal in every way in pvp so no one can whine about it being unfair ever again.


It will be great! We can all hold hands and sing songs and play with butterflies too!


Who is with me? What say you biofare?



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You mean reward skill instead of grinding. I have no problem with there being a grinding or progression but don't make it out that equal stats means less skill is needed. It is the exact opposite as people can rely on the gear crutch when they are bad players. These games do, however, need the grind so baddies can sub and grind and three shot people and call that skill. ..
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I could go back and look for the post (I started it maybe 8 months ago). Basically it said balance stats based on AC/Tree when people enter WZs (equal footing stat wise). PvP "gear" will still exist, but instead of it offering more stats it allows/grants/increases abilities that can be used only in PvP. So these could be PvP skills (gear) purchased/learned with coms.


This way PvEers can hop into PvP but they won't have the abilities that PvPers have "learned/earned" through PvPing.


my. 2. cents

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Man people harp on and on about skill. So if someone wants to have the best stats possible and grinds out gear that means they have no skill? Pft. Damn straight we want to 3 hit nubs who casually stroll into pvp. Doesn't mean we don't have skill. We have to (and do) use skill against people who are equally geared.


The people who support bolster are the less serious pvpers. These are the people who lack "skill".

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Man people harp on and on about skill. So if someone wants to have the best stats possible and grinds out gear that means they have no skill? Pft. Damn straight we want to 3 hit nubs who casually stroll into pvp. Doesn't mean we don't have skill. We have to (and do) use skill against people who are equally geared.


The people who support bolster are the less serious pvpers. These are the people who lack "skill".


Usually, yes. Skill is obtained with the grinding. The difference between WH aug'd and recruit is too large imo, even the best players cant really take on someone with any brain if hes that much outgeared. BM, on the other hand, especially augmented, now that allowed my to annihilate anyone who stood in my way, regardless of gear. It could have been skill, but I think it was the gear :)

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as some who has dislexyia, please clairfia that remark. Why would he have it, explain properly:mad:


Ignore him. He is an idiot and does not understand that I substituted the "W' in in Bioware for an "F" to make a play on the verbal pronunciation of Bioware in tandem with the themes of fairness and equality that make up this thread.

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You mean reward skill instead of grinding. I have no problem with there being a grinding or progression but don't make it out that equal stats means less skill is needed. It is the exact opposite as people can rely on the gear crutch when they are bad players. These games do, however, need the grind so baddies can sub and grind and three shot people and call that skill. ..


S says the casual x2 a week we player. Awesome, now please allow the adults to talk, back to the kiddie table with you.

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Ignore him. He is an idiot and does not understand that I substituted the "W' in in Bioware for an "F" to make a play on the verbal pronunciation of Bioware in tandem with the themes of fairness and equality that make up this thread.


And someone else corrected you to biofair, to which I would have corrected to biofail


Note the only difference is the L and R. A dyslexic person would get things mixed up, some of which possibly the directions of left and right. And thus L and R


TL;DR biofail vs biofair

Edited by Zunayson
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man people harp on and on about skill. So if someone wants to have the best stats possible and grinds out gear that means they have no skill? Pft. Damn straight we want to 3 hit nubs who casually stroll into pvp. Doesn't mean we don't have skill. We have to (and do) use skill against people who are equally geared.


The people who support bolster are the less serious pvpers. These are the people who lack "skill".


amen brotha.

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And someone else corrected you to biofair, to which I would have corrected to biofail


Note the only difference is the L and R. A dyslexic person would get things mixed up, some of which possibly the directions of left and right. And thus L and R


TL;DR biofail vs biofair


I try, but it is a weakness.

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This bolster business is sheer genius. It's just brilliant. The only problem with it is that it's not enough. Not nearly enough.


What they should have done is just do away with expertise and bolster everyone's stats to the same level in warzones. The exact same level. Everyone would have the same amount of endurance, strength, willpower, cunning, etc. WOULDN"T THAT BE GREAT?! No one would ever have a gear advantage again. Screw people who worked hard for their gear, this game isn't based on free enterprise. Let's all just be completely equal in every way in pvp so no one can whine about it being unfair ever again.


It will be great! We can all hold hands and sing songs and play with butterflies too!




modding your gear to you playing style and your spec is part of your skill.

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And someone else corrected you to biofair, to which I would have corrected to biofail


Note the only difference is the L and R. A dyslexic person would get things mixed up, some of which possibly the directions of left and right. And thus L and R


TL;DR biofail vs biofair


Corrected me? I think not. Last time I checked Bioware was spelled B-I-O-W-A-R-E not B-I-O-W-A-I-R. Biofare more closely resembles the original in spelling while still chaning the pronunciation. Thus Biofare is greater than and more appropriate than Biofair for the purposes of this thread. But please, this is irrelevant. Let's get back to the topic at hand.


Equality for all!

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modding your gear to you playing style and your spec is part of your skill.


Huh? But that might give someone an unfair advantage!! Blasphemy. Simply unacceptable. Everyone must be 100% equal in every way in pvp. That way we can figure out who has "skill".

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