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Artifice bugged?


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Been trying to level up my artifice skill but can't get past 425 no matter what I do. I have everything trained so far that will let me and have crafted every schematic that is yellow crafting quality but still nothing. Anyone else having this same problem?
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Check all your recipes. I seem to recall I had to switch from making armor to making ears. Buy one of each type (ear, armor, mods, etc.) Check each on, Some will still be green or yellow, even though other things from the same level (420) may not.
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Had the same problem on some of the crafting skills and figured out that you need to craft some blues instead of greens to get leveled up. Pain in the butt yes as you need more expensive materials but usually 5 to 10 items should get you up till you can buy more greens to craft.
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ran into that situation on a couple skills. had to make the more green material expensive wise items for 5 or 10 points. for artificing it was the off hands. for cybertech it was the ears. the synthweaver and armortech i made the orange gloves which by then you should be rolling in schematics of or the lower tier augments can work too.


best to stay by the trainer and check every 10 levels.

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Been trying to level up my artifice skill but can't get past 425 no matter what I do. I have everything trained so far that will let me and have crafted every schematic that is yellow crafting quality but still nothing. Anyone else having this same problem?


Check back with your crew skill trainer and see if there are any 420 schematics.


I got 'stuck' on a few Crew Skills while leveling to 450 and realized it was because I was trying to craft things which were 'below level'. Soon as I started crafting the last set of schematics I purchased, it started increasing again.

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