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2 dailies at 55?


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I get the normal No Quarter daily (4 matches played), but last night after completing it I got a 2nd daily that only required 2 matches played and gave 100 wz comms and 0 ranked (I believe this is the daily you do as you level up?). Did they change this to enable both dailies at 55?
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It seems that way... I'm fine with it :) If you notice the second daily only gives you regular coms


Yeah I pointed that out in my post. I like it as well, gives us 55 more incentive to keep playing longer!

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I believe it's the sub 55 daily. Can anyone tell if this happens on all chars or just on those that were unable to get the sub 55 daily before the patch?


sub 50 gives boxes not comms.


I thought it was sub50 til I got the reward, too.


It seems like a bug since I can only get this daily after I complete the normal one

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