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PVP Targeting


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Just throwing this out there. Who do you target first? Name included is fine.


I target Healers then hard hitting DPS but almost everyone gets a free dot on the house.:)

Edited by pygohan
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I will normally start on what's closest as I'm squishy and can't always get far enough in to touch a healer without getting zerged. After that point I will take targets of oppurtunity if someone is low I'll finish them off and once the healer presents themselves I'll go on them and switch off to those low to get them off the field.


If someone is focusing my healer I will go after them with cc get full dots rolling on them and then switch to their healer get a nice interupt and get them low enough for them to start self healing and then switch back to the pest.

If there is Healer/Guard combo and someone is on the healer I will drop all my dots on the healer to assist then switch to the guard so he dies that much faster if they come close enough together I will drop a death field on them. You don't always have to kill a healer to get a kill on their team a while timed cc or interupt can do the job just the same.


When I'm heals sometimes you'll get the pesky guy that does nothing but stays on you aand doesn't get a lot done if they only assisted there teammates they might have been more productive in killing off the enemy.


Focus fire is always your best bet just focus your focus targets target .

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I start off with the person who's taking damage, and if I have multiple people taking damage, I tend to prioritize my tank if in trouble, then effective dps (clearing the pesky dps off of me gets them priority) and in general people I want around because they're making the right decision. Then it goes to whoever is taking damage. Then there are a few people who, because of their behavior, I try to avoid healing...

And for dps, I'm kind of bad at target selection half the time. But usually I try for healers or problem players (same paradigm for healing, but these are people we need dead instead). I'm still pretty bad at dps though too.

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While every warzone is different and things change on the fly, first and foremost I usually attack the person who keeps trying to cap, even if it means standing in Valya's layers of AOE :p


After that I try to focus on people trying to kill my healer, or the other team's healer. Even if I don't kill them, if they spend their time running away and healing themselves, they are no longer a factor.


After that I try to focus on the squishiest DPS, snipers and sorcs in particular. The more people I can take out before I go down, the better.


In an even playing field, I try to keep my focus on the other team's most dangerous player. Since in most cases this means they're better than me, I try to focus on keeping their attention, annoying them with roots and ranged attacks rather than face tanking.

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Dash, don't get me wrong, the few people I put on low priority for behavior aren't there for killing me (I wouldn't heal anyone then) or even the people who are on me all match long match after match. It's people who consistently just treat people poorly and it doesn't happen very often at all either.

As for my selection of priority, there are certain players who are higher value due to the needs of the team. Other healers, healer killers, healer tanks, people who are going to make better decisions when it counts. If I can keep everyone up, I do, but if I can't I would rather have the better players still alive.


And Desii, you are right to focus Chi, because it is his fault.

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Dash, don't get me wrong, the few people I put on low priority for behavior aren't there for killing me (I wouldn't heal anyone then) or even the people who are on me all match long match after match. It's people who consistently just treat people poorly and it doesn't happen very often at all either.

As for my selection of priority, there are certain players who are higher value due to the needs of the team. Other healers, healer killers, healer tanks, people who are going to make better decisions when it counts. If I can keep everyone up, I do, but if I can't I would rather have the better players still alive.


And Desii, you are right to focus Chi, because it is his fault.


I do feel a little dirty for healing some but then they can't say we threw the game ;)

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Depending on which toon I play I try to prioritize taking out their healers first or just being an annoyance with my eng sniper. On WZs with capping points like ACW and VS I try to make sure the Plasma Probe hits the capped point as well as the areas the healers like to congregate around so as long as I stay alive no one is capping for 18 seconds. On NC just throw the PP in the bunker as the healers dont go as close to the capping points as the other WZs.


When healing I try to make sure the tank is bubbled and the main DPS, the rest of the time I play whack-a-mole with the Ops bar when not kiting around away from the enemy players. To be fair I have not had a lot of time lately to do much PVP so I am sure I will be very rusty as PVE mobs are a lot more predictable on when they do their main damage, although saying that too many PVP players burn through their hard hitting abilities up front so a well timed bubble can nullify a lot of their rotation.


When tanking on my sin I just run around like a blue-a**** fly dropping taunts on the main DPSers and interrupting the healers.

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Ok, I'll be honest. The only person I really target is Valya when I see her bar really low, then I throw a rock. Only cause she always comments on it, and it's the only way I can pay her back for shooting me in the back constantly. :p It's become our private dark joke.


Plus I just think she'll cool as hell... and us girl gamers have to stick together.

I LOVE YOU VALYA! *snuggles hard*

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Valya has killed me way beyond the ability to count over so many many months. Her revenge is swift and terrible.. TERRIBLE I tell you.


...but I still can't seem to resist tossing that rock. :p Deep down inside she knows it's because I love her mostest. She grumbles because she knows this.

Edited by Desiirea
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Just throwing this out there. Who do you target first? Name included is fine.


It depends on who I am playing with. If I am playing ranked....... I usually target Scyn first. Everyone likes to kill him so it's a good opportunity to get some heals off right off the bat.






... or does this not apply to healing?

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it depends on who i am playing with. If i am playing ranked....... I usually target scyn first. Everyone likes to kill him so it's a good opportunity to get some heals off right off the bat.






... Or does this not apply to healing?



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Well they have no choice but to if they want to win. Pub side always has at least 2 healers per match. But that doesn't mean they actually target them.


As far as sub-55 pvp goes, I'm often top heals republic side. And I think the imps notice that,

so they do indeed target me. But I'm a balance shadow. So no. Republic is not stacked with

healers every match. And yes indeed, some imps do target top heals in a warzone. So I have

to disagree with this post, unless... Unless you include "self-healing" classes as healers.

Then I guess, ok. Republic is stacked with self healing shadows, and sentinels.

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