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Found a strange mission ...


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At Level 45 my character got a message at the holocom on her ship.

I am a female smuggler, but I think this mission is not related to smugglers only. Why I think so? More details will follow.


Ok, I went to the holocom as there was a mission symbol over it and the very interesting cutscene started to play:


A guy called Kri’To contacted me. It was a Nikto, said he’s working as a sort of ambassador for the Hutts. Maybe more sort of a painbringer than an ambassador I think. The dialogue was rather interesting, and I wondered from where this guy got my holo frequencies. But then I realized that he was one of these nameless guys from Nar Shaddaa, working for one of these big slimy worms I had trouble with. I guess it was one of these group-4 quests on the planet. Anyway … what do ya want now? Blocking my frequencies and raising up your holo bill? No, he said … his boss thought about putting your head on one of the bounty-hunters-lists, but the boss is willing to negotiate some tasks you might do for him and rethink about the bounty. He said I should go to Hutta and meet him there in one of those worm palaces.


Hm … Isn’t Hutta imperial planet only? Ah … there was one of these special destinations on my map now after accepting the mission. Cool!


So I went to Hutta … after entering orbit I wanted to exit the ship by using the ordinary exit. But suddenly a video started.


I saw scenes from my ship flying through some space debris approaching Hutta … followed by some mandalorian or imperial fighters … I was not sure, things went rather quickly here. Then they opened fire! Pew Pew … The next scene was inside of my ship. We got hit! Captain, engines are off … we are losing fuel! Full stop and turn this wreckage around! We are going to attack! That was my order.


Suddenly a loading screen appeared and it was actually loading a space combat mission.

Yeah that was cool, me fighting these scum in that debris field in Orbit of Hutta. I still do not know who they are, but I think it could be bounty hunters.


After about 3 minutes of fighting against these guys I was brought back to my ship with the option to now exit my ship and land on Hutta. I did so and was very impressed by the next cutscene and the following gameplay.


The landing cutscene showed my ship landing directly next to a big Hutt palace. Gamorrean Guards were taking position in front of my ship and me came out slowly and as cool as smugglers are 

The Gamorrean Guard said, that Nemroh is waiting for me … I should follow them to his palace.

Nemroh … hmmm, isn’t this the Hutt in another story from the Empire characters? What the hell is he doing in my republic quest. So I checked my questlog to see if this is a class-quest or any other type of quest. It is not a class quest … it seems that every player, who finished this Group 4 Quest on Nar Shaddaa could get this follow-up quest at level 45. Very cool.


But suddenly a bomb exploded directly between the Gamorrean guards. WOW! And then through the fire and smoke another Hutt appeared. It was not Nemroh. He introduced himself as Fathra or so, I don’t remember. He said, that Nemroh already placed the bounty on my head, and that he has a better offer for me and would like to help me getting rid of this bounty.


I got the choice to either kill him or work together with him.



Sorry guys this is no real Swtor mission. It is just what I would like to see next. Cool follow-up missions with already known and popular characters and places. And including the use of places and persons from other classes class stories.

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Curious way to submit a mission idea, but it would take a lot of work. From a "story" perspective, Hutta has never been an "Imperial" world, it just happens to be where the IA and BH storylines start. So, to avoid messing those up, it would have to be a Flashpoint using the existing assets -- and there just don't seem to be any "compelling" locations for an end-of-flashpoint boss fight in the existing Hutta map.



In the aftermath of the Hutt Treaty with the Republic (after Makeb), it's probably more accessible to the Republic than the Empire.


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and there just don't seem to be any "compelling" locations for an end-of-flashpoint boss fight in the existing Hutta map.


Karagga the Unyielding, Supreme Mogul of the Hutt Cartel would disagree with this statement and he has for some time :eek:

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Karagga the Unyielding, Supreme Mogul of the Hutt Cartel would disagree with this statement and he has for some time :eek:


Technically, that is'nt the Hutta map, that's Karagga's Palace (although of course, from a story perspective, that is on Hutta ) -- and actually, that is a good idea, that map could indeed be repurposed for a flashpoint map -- but I was meaning reuse in the way Taris and Balmorra are reused.

Edited by Ancaglon
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