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User Interface Editor "Snap To..."


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I like a neat and consistent-looking User Interface but when moving around objects, like the party frames, it's very difficult to get them to line up nicely.


I think each object should "snap to..." the one you're trying to line up with. Or, even being able to use the arrow keys to fine-tune the placement would be good also.

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I completely agree. I would LOVE for this to be added. I was hoping somewhere down the road they'd add the "snap to" and a few other features to control it into the UI customization and the user preferences. A few of these controls could be an option to show and edit the coordinates of the current selected UI element (possibly in the edit box that is already there during UI editing, just add them at the bottom of the box if enabled and if one number is 200.5 you could edit it to be right on 200), a control box where you get to choose how close two elements are to each other after they're snapped together, and also being able to control how close two elements need to be before the "snap to" function triggers and snaps them together. That last part is very important if you have a small screen and everything kind of gets close together.


For example, trying to snap one smaller attack bar to an attack bar on the left and instead it snaps to the map on the right is SO irritating. Making the "snap to" trigger distance shorter would make it so you have greater control and can just overlap the smaller bar with the bar to the left and they'd snap to each other while completely ignoring the map to the right.


A grid overlay to align elements with the others that aren't right next to each other would be nice too. Using notebook paper to find and align with the center of the screen is more than a little old-school.

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