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open letter to all who oppose bolster...


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one simple question, why? The point of bolster is to create a WZ experience that limits the advantage gear gives, and creates an environment where skill and timing matter more than gear....


IF you are a real PvPer, or if you have any balls whatever, you should be not only supporting this, but begging for it, praying for it, and doing everything humanly possible to help it work.


For those that want gear, which is nothing more than proof you have more time than someone else to play, to make the determination for you, If you need that edge to be "competitive", then you are the worst of the worst and need to L2P far more than anyone else you have ever given grief on the subject.


Is it working 100%, no... to that i say lighten up Francis, its getting there.


Queuing up with less than max Expertise.. well no duh, take time to get there, bolster makes them just as effective as you in concept so it really shouldn't matter to anyone other than an elitist clown that thinks his gear means anything to anyone else.


Bottom line, you want balanced PvP where you have to get it right and halve a clue about teamwork etc... or mindless faceroll 1 versus 3 in better gear while surfing ****... ill take balanced everyday, twice on Sunday.

Edited by Floplag
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one simple question, why? The point of bolster is to create a WZ experience that limits the advantage gear gives, and creates an environment where skill and timing matter more than gear....


IF you are a real PvPer, or if you have any balls whatever, you should be not only supporting this, but begging for it, praying for it, and doing everything humanly possible to help it work.


For those that want gear, which is nothing more than proof you have more time than someone else to play, to make the determination for you, If you need that edge to be "competitive", then you are the worst of the worst and need to L2P far more than anyone else you have ever given grief on the subject.


Is it working 100%, no... to that i say lighten up Francis, its getting there.


Queuing up with less than max Expertise.. well no duh, take time to get there, bolster makes them just as effective as you in concept so it really shouldn't matter to anyone other than an elitist clown that thinks his gear means anything to anyone else.


Bottom line, you want balanced PvP where you have to get it right and halve a clue about teamwork etc... or mindless faceroll 1 versus 3 in better gear while surfing ****... ill take balanced everyday, twice on Sunday.


Learn to spell!!!! opose LOL!

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Honestly, I was upset at first....but I've come to love Bolster. I do not miss the days of coming into a WZ with EWH, only to be greeted by a whole team of recruits.....then to step out of the gate & be received by an entire team of Sith in EWH. I'm still kinda miffed that they took all the expertise off my Elite War Hero set, but that's a different debate.
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one simple question, why? The point of bolster is to create a WZ experience that limits the advantage gear gives, and creates an environment where skill and timing matter more than gear....


IF you are a real PvPer, or if you have any balls whatever, you should be not only supporting this, but begging for it, praying for it, and doing everything humanly possible to help it work.


For those that want gear, which is nothing more than proof you have more time than someone else to play, to make the determination for you, If you need that edge to be "competitive", then you are the worst of the worst and need to L2P far more than anyone else you have ever given grief on the subject.


Is it working 100%, no... to that i say lighten up Francis, its getting there.


Queuing up with less than max Expertise.. well no duh, take time to get there, bolster makes them just as effective as you in concept so it really shouldn't matter to anyone other than an elitist clown that thinks his gear means anything to anyone else.


Bottom line, you want balanced PvP where you have to get it right and halve a clue about teamwork etc... or mindless faceroll 1 versus 3 in better gear while surfing ****... ill take balanced everyday, twice on Sunday.


Hey, Flop :D


Just wanted to pop into this thread to say bolster is a ummmm....errrrr....well, FLOP :rak_03:

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separate the content. I don't want noobs rolling into my ops for pve or pvp. if you have to go through the bother of grinding gear, then you stand a much better chance of understanding the strategies involved in the particular content (be it pve or pvp). if you don't understand that, then I think there's something wrong with you.


I've been on both sides of this, btw. I've had idiots who only pvp play a guildy's toon (roommates), and they wiped our raid. I've had many more incompetent pugs in WZs who only show up to grind a couple relics and then go back to their pvexistence. stay the F out. separate the gear. make each set utterly useless to the other arena of gameplay. if you're worth a lick, you'll have no trouble grinding the gear in either pvp or pve.


the gear gap between pvp tiers is very small. if you're still complaining about that (without bolster), then you are bad. you need to look inward at some point. ever since 1.4, the gear gap between stuff you get with reg comms and rated comms has been marginal. that's not why you lose.


nuff said.

Edited by foxmob
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If gear doesn't matter why is it the reward?



gear=doesn't matter

reward=doesn't matter


This over and over and over


I understand we need a "fair and competitive" Warzone, but you guys forget this is not a first person shooter this is a ROLE PLAYING GAME, and gear grinding and getting the best loot to dominate is PART OF ROLEPLAYING GAMES.


Now we don't need to make it so fresh 55s hit like a butterfly, but seriously if you have pvp gear YOU SHOULD HAVE A SLIGHT ADVANTAGE.


Don't like it? Well suck it up and get the gear.

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If gear doesn't matter why is it the reward?



gear=doesn't matter

reward=doesn't matter


In my opinion the reward should be the prestige of better looking gear, not an advantage in the fight.

But then I don't PvP for the rewards either. If that was the only reason to PvP then why bother once you have the gear?

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Bolster makes it so pve hero has big advantage over somebody that has pvp gear.


Only reason why bioware added bolster is for the f2p people. f2p players can only play small # of WZ's so they cannot really grind gear.


Pissing on subscribers / people that actually play the game in favor of making f2p players or casual's that play like 1 hr a week is why the game failed in the 1st place.


Also mmo is about char progression - taking away char progression pretty much takes away a lot of incentive to actually grind or play a MMO.

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In my opinion the reward should be the prestige of better looking gear, not an advantage in the fight.

But then I don't PvP for the rewards either. If that was the only reason to PvP then why bother once you have the gear?


Well, so you can face roll & grief everyone else of course!!

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In my opinion the reward should be the prestige of better looking gear, not an advantage in the fight.

But then I don't PvP for the rewards either. If that was the only reason to PvP then why bother once you have the gear?


Fine with your logic PVE gear should only give you better looks, I should get bolstered and be able to do HM SV with my elite gear because grinding is too hard for me.


If you don't like the advantage pvp gear gives other then get that gear. When I started pvping before 2.0 and had recruit gear I didn't whine that the others had a advantage I BUCKED up got better and got my EWH.


this whole gear gap thing is a excuse for baddies to be bad

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This over and over and over


I understand we need a "fair and competitive" Warzone, but you guys forget this is not a first person shooter this is a ROLE PLAYING GAME, and gear grinding and getting the best loot to dominate is PART OF ROLEPLAYING GAMES.


Now we don't need to make it so fresh 55s hit like a butterfly, but seriously if you have pvp gear YOU SHOULD HAVE A SLIGHT ADVANTAGE.


Don't like it? Well suck it up and get the gear.


OK, but define slight though? I don't have an issue with pure PvPers having some slight advantage but how far does that word go? Either way whatever it is it should not be so great that it determines the winner before the fight has begun, which is so often the case in the past in this game. I Can't begin to say how many times I've seen one well geared person hold off three that were not.. that, should never happen.


You guys don't seem to realize you are creating a self fulfilling prophecy that kills PvP.

Consider the following.. New player hits 50, queues up, get blasted before the fight starts for queuing in sub par gear, then people leave before the fight even starts based on nothing more than his presence without knowing anything else about him, then he get obliterated in the match without any chance whatsoever to contribute meaningfully all because his gear isn't as good as the next guy, regardless of his skill level. You think that guy is going to be a fan of PvP or ever queue much again? You guys should want them to be able to be competitive to grow the community, but your too busy stroking your own e-peens to realize it.

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Bolster makes it so pve hero has big advantage over somebody that has pvp gear.


Only reason why bioware added bolster is for the f2p people. f2p players can only play small # of WZ's so they cannot really grind gear.


Pissing on subscribers / people that actually play the game in favor of making f2p players or casual's that play like 1 hr a week is why the game failed in the 1st place.


Also mmo is about char progression - taking away char progression pretty much takes away a lot of incentive to actually grind or play a MMO.


Exactly how does this take away progression? That's a silly argument. You're still grinding the same gear, its just not making you a god anymore.

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one simple question, why? The point of bolster is to create a WZ experience that limits the advantage gear gives, and creates an environment where skill and timing matter more than gear....


IF you are a real PvPer, or if you have any balls whatever, you should be not only supporting this, but begging for it, praying for it, and doing everything humanly possible to help it work.


For those that want gear, which is nothing more than proof you have more time than someone else to play, to make the determination for you, If you need that edge to be "competitive", then you are the worst of the worst and need to L2P far more than anyone else you have ever given grief on the subject.


Is it working 100%, no... to that i say lighten up Francis, its getting there.


Queuing up with less than max Expertise.. well no duh, take time to get there, bolster makes them just as effective as you in concept so it really shouldn't matter to anyone other than an elitist clown that thinks his gear means anything to anyone else.


Bottom line, you want balanced PvP where you have to get it right and halve a clue about teamwork etc... or mindless faceroll 1 versus 3 in better gear while surfing ****... ill take balanced everyday, twice on Sunday.

Its an mmo, not call of duty


Oh and I don't have time to raid much. Can I get PvE bolster because its not fair that other people have more free time than me.

Edited by DarthBloodloss
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This over and over and over


I understand we need a "fair and competitive" Warzone, but you guys forget this is not a first person shooter this is a ROLE PLAYING GAME, and gear grinding and getting the best loot to dominate is PART OF ROLEPLAYING GAMES.


Now we don't need to make it so fresh 55s hit like a butterfly, but seriously if you have pvp gear YOU SHOULD HAVE A SLIGHT ADVANTAGE.


Don't like it? Well suck it up and get the gear.


Exactly. This notion of fairness is ridiculous. The only thing that needs to be fair is the opportunity...as in everyone has the opportunity to grind the same gear should the put the effort into it.


Instead, we have a system where we apparently still have PVE trumping PVP gear after 2 "fixes." This is what happens when you institute a foolish system that is contrary the natural way of things. Punishing achievement and rewarding those who haven't earned anything is backwards.


The lack of communication from the Devs has been disappointing, and frankly, makes me not want to play as I have no desire to enter PVP until this is fixed. Very disappointing.


Lastly, if skill trumps all and the benefit of 2.0 is that skill is rewarded, what incentive do the so-called "unskilled" players have to PvP? I would imagine that truly skilled players are the minority in PVP and the majority of PvPers are unskilled. Therefore, why should they play if the carrot of being able to get gear that would provide them an advantage is gone? How is it fun for them PvP if they have no way to negate the effects of the better skilled player?


Bolster may seem like a great thing to BW to keep F2P and newer players happy, but end-game, it will punish and cause more problems than it solves.

Edited by Kirtastropohe
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In my opinion the reward should be the prestige of better looking gear, not an advantage in the fight.

But then I don't PvP for the rewards either. If that was the only reason to PvP then why bother once you have the gear?


How would you determine who gets the better looking gear? *** are you talking about because you can buy all the gear you want on CARTEL OR GTN. I have no issues with fair play or balance. I still dominate before or after ******* bolster. I don't give a crap about gear advantage.


What I care about is this walking into a wz with half partisan with one conqueror piece and having 1800 exp, 2500 willpower, and 26k hp. (I am a sage) Just to see another sage with less pvp gear than me and rest PVE gear and this is there stats. 1650k expertise, 3100 willpower, 31k hp. So what I'm saying is a die hard pvper do I need to go and PVE to get stats like that? Basically what I am saying is if you only PVP once in awhile how is that there stats are bolstered to that extent. Yes I like it that there is no recruit player, but depending on class and spec everyone should be bolstered just a little less then partisan and a little more than ewh

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No there is no progression because getting worst greens possible with augment slots and taking out the augments take the queue then put augments back in after to abuse bolster is the best gear.


You seem pretty clueless like the devs. O well this game was already run deep into the ground by devs listening to people like you so why do I even waste my time trying to reason with you.

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Yes because if he isn't bad at pvp he will que again, learn to play, get the gear, and not suck.


Maybe this is projection and you are just bad at pvp and want everyone to be even.


The gear gap is necessary to make pvp gear a incentive, if im only getting a SLIGHT advantage in my conquer of full min maxed partisan to a raider then **** why did i spend all of that time to get it?


The gear isn't the problem its the people who are bad at the game and don't understand pvp regardless of all of that pvp is as of now OBJECTIVE oriented and you don't need 1.6k expertise to be useful.



This is NOT call of duty this is a MMO and gear gaps are essential to make getting better gear a incentive.

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In my opinion the reward should be the prestige of better looking gear, not an advantage in the fight.

But then I don't PvP for the rewards either. If that was the only reason to PvP then why bother once you have the gear?


Most people I ever saw in warzone had custom gear to fit their style and didn't stick with the stock pvp gear look. I mean you see guys in sand people outfits. Is the reward for pvp reduced to cosmetics? If not for performance then you're saying for my valor stat? All it really means is "I spent my time in warzones but all I got was this T-shirt". That may float your boat but it doesn't tack with any reasonable gear progression.


To me it would be the PVE equivalent of saying "hey anyone can now jump into OPS and flashpoints without the messy unnecessary need of gear. Don't worry if you have greens, we will make them tougher so you can complete them for sure. Oh hey and by the way when you kill that tough mob at the end he drop uber gear that really won't help you perform better, but it looks nice. Thanks I hope you're mindless enough to keep playing."

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Fine with your logic PVE gear should only give you better looks, I should get bolstered and be able to do HM SV with my elite gear because grinding is too hard for me.


If you don't like the advantage pvp gear gives other then get that gear. When I started pvping before 2.0 and had recruit gear I didn't whine that the others had a advantage I BUCKED up got better and got my EWH.


this whole gear gap thing is a excuse for baddies to be bad


Gear has nothing to do with the persons knowledge of class, teamwork, or ability to play it... if you think it does, you're the worst kind of baddie. The mind of the elitist blows me away some times. Let me guess, you think topping damage charts makes you good don't you?

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Exactly. This notion of fairness is ridiculous. The only thing that needs to be fair is the opportunity...as in everyone has the opportunity to grind the same gear should the put the effort into it.


Instead, we have a system where we apparently still have PVE trumping PVP gear after 2 "fixes." This is what happens when you institute a foolish system that is contrary the natural way of things. Punishing achievement and rewarding those who haven't earned anything is backwards.


The lack of communication from the Devs has been disappointing, and frankly, makes me not want to play as I have no desire to enter PVP until this is fixed. Very disappointing.


tip: fairness, and balance, are not the same thing, stop hiding behind that. i have been having a blast knowing that i cant just faceroll some guy at will, most fun ive had in ages having to actually think and work with my team... you're missing out on a lot of fun, probably for the benefit if the rest of us so thanks i guess

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Flop you need to stop calling people bads or elitist because they don't agree with you. You are stroking youR epeen right now as I write this. I am good and I know my class so should you. That's basically what you are telling everybody. I don't know what server you are on, but on Bastion and Pot5 the same guilds still win and the same pvper's still dominate. BADS WILL ALWAYS BE BADS AND PVE GEAR SHOULD NEVER GIVE YOU BETTER STATS IN PVP AND VISE VERSA.
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Gear has nothing to do with the persons knowledge of class, teamwork, or ability to play it... if you think it does, you're the worst kind of baddie. The mind of the elitist blows me away some times. Let me guess, you think topping damage charts makes you good don't you?


This babbling is getting ridiculous, Yes I still use teamwork I actively pvp with my guild and even without ANY pvp gear on we still dominate this isnt a problem with us pvpers getting our asses kicked it a problem of there is now no longer a INCENTIVE to grind for the gear besides world pvp (which is the sole reason why im grinding comms in my PVE gear when I got almost a full set of partisan).


If you don't like the gear gap, get better, play as a team, get those comms, and buy the gear...

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This babbling is getting ridiculous, Yes I still use teamwork I actively pvp with my guild and even without ANY pvp gear on we still dominate this isnt a problem with us pvpers getting our asses kicked it a problem of there is now no longer a INCENTIVE to grind for the gear besides world pvp (which is the sole reason why im grinding comms in my PVE gear when I got almost a full set of partisan).


If you don't like the gear gap, get better, play as a team, get those comms, and buy the gear...


Thats the whole argument, why bother getting partisan, if what you have will work just as well, and very much likely look better.

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