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Ripped off with new cartel packs


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So I knew there was going to be an expansion and I assumed there was going to be a new cartel pack for said expansion. I saved my Cartel coins from my sub for 2 moths and had 1000 coins today.


So I bought 3 of the new packs today and to my surprise they all had a lvl 50 exotic crafting material in them. One had 10 of those Alien Data cubes and 2 had Biometric Crystal Alloys.

Seriously? Why would a cartel pack released with the "Expansion" have such useless materials? I would've much rather have gotten a pet or an emote than that useless garbage. I'm just so pissed off at getting useless vendor trash, what am I going use those for? to craft Tionese grade equipment when i can run a 50 HM and get BH gear for my 50s?

I wasn't expecting any of the new Exotic crafting mats from the new packs but i certainly did not expect to get those either. Just very pissed off and i would recommend people saving their coins until they get rid of the chance to get that crap.

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I purchased 5500(ish) cartel coins worth of packs today and received many lvl 50 mats that I turned around and sold to my repair droid. Also, I received an abundance of Jawagrams, which does not leave one pleased.


After the last time I dropped $40 on cartel coins and this one, I likely won't be doing so again. Random loot is random loot; I get that. But a whole bunch of random useless loot carries no value. I did, however, walk away with that new standing speeder and a couple of silver/blues.

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So I knew there was going to be an expansion and I assumed there was going to be a new cartel pack for said expansion. I saved my Cartel coins from my sub for 2 moths and had 1000 coins today.


So I bought 3 of the new packs today and to my surprise they all had a lvl 50 exotic crafting material in them. One had 10 of those Alien Data cubes and 2 had Biometric Crystal Alloys.

Seriously? Why would a cartel pack released with the "Expansion" have such useless materials? I would've much rather have gotten a pet or an emote than that useless garbage. I'm just so pissed off at getting useless vendor trash, what am I going use those for? to craft Tionese grade equipment when i can run a 50 HM and get BH gear for my 50s?

I wasn't expecting any of the new Exotic crafting mats from the new packs but i certainly did not expect to get those either. Just very pissed off and i would recommend people saving their coins until they get rid of the chance to get that crap.


Rage, Rage, Rage, Rage :p

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The entire list of (potential) contents for the new pack was posted two days ago. While I agree that the inclusion of last tier's exotic/rare crafting materials is a bit silly at this point, it can hardly be called a rip-off when BW made it known that they would be included in the new packs.

Edited by Snordek
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People actually buy the packs for the mats in them? I couldnt care less about the mats. They are all so cheap on the GTN. Personally. No reason a pack this soon after the new tier should give you an advantage like that.


If you read my post i said I did not expect any new mats in the packs. But to include old useless crap like that is ridiculous.

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Thanks I was ready to execute the purchase of a Hypercrate and now I see a number of threads pointing out the placement of usless junk instead of valued equipment in the packs. There is no way I am dropping $60 usd for a bunch of jawa grams and old mats this is just shameful to exploit the player base in this way.
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This cartel pack was not released with the expansion. People who do not have the expansion can still buy the cartel packs.


I swear, if it came with grade 9 mats, people without the xpac would be QQing over the forums just like you are here.

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The basically had 3 choices with the new pack (not including delaying the pack)


1. Do what they did now. Keep old mats in.

2. Remove mats all together. Causing people to complain that there is less in the packs

3. Put in the latest mats. Causing people to complain about the latest tier now basically being buyable.


As far as the other trash goes. It is expected. These packs are meant to be the SWTOR equivalent to Magic or similar cards. You have certain (low) guarantees but other then that it is all luck.

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The entire list of (potential) contents for the new pack was posted two days ago. While I agree that the inclusion of last tier's exotic/rare crafting materials is a bit silly at this point, it can hardly be called a rip-off when BW made it known that they would be included in the new packs.



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I find the cartel packs a bit annoying. I have never bought one, and I know they have been carefully set up to have just the right amount of good stuff in them to keep people trying again to get the good stuff but just ending up with crap. I just wonder where the fortune they are raking in is going?
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The idea behind putting junk drops in Gamble Boxes, erm, Cartel Packs is to decrease the chances of you getting what you really want to increase the number of packs you will buy to increase the number of packs that are sold to increase the amount of money that they can relieve you of. If you're going to buy Cartel Packs, get used to it because it's not about to change.



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I find the cartel packs a bit annoying. I have never bought one, and I know they have been carefully set up to have just the right amount of good stuff in them to keep people trying again to get the good stuff but just ending up with crap. I just wonder where the fortune they are raking in is going?


Into the pockets of the EA shareholders, of course.



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As far as the other trash goes. It is expected. These packs are meant to be the SWTOR equivalent to Magic or similar cards. You have certain (low) guarantees but other then that it is all luck.


Not exactly. Having played magic for more than 12 years, I can explain the difference. they may be trying the same model, I have no objection to that. But it wont work (at least theoretically :)). In magic you have 2 game types constructed and limited. For limited you need those packs. Very few people in magic buys and opens packs for the content itself ,maybe less than 5%. in swtor though all you have is the content.

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This business practice won't go away, as long as there a people who buy these packs (en masse). They will try to keep the yield as low as possible at any given opportunity. The only effective way to voice your discontent is by not buying. Provided enough people refrain from it. Sadly, that's extremely rarely the case.
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Its a cash grab which wouldnt be so bad if the funds went back into the game

one year on no grey jedi gear , no super space project and cathar what ?

they would be making a killing from cartel coins, and if they really want to survive they should be less focused on new cartel gear every patch but getting more promised content out with it ... sigh

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Not exactly. Having played magic for more than 12 years, I can explain the difference. they may be trying the same model, I have no objection to that. But it wont work (at least theoretically :)). In magic you have 2 game types constructed and limited. For limited you need those packs. Very few people in magic buys and opens packs for the content itself ,maybe less than 5%. in swtor though all you have is the content.


I find that flawed as well. Relating it to Magic is almost apples/oranges.


These are grab-bags. Pure and simple. They aren't ripping people off -- they're offering fluff garbage to people willing to spend the $$. Some people enjoy it more than others.


As far as being ripped off? Give me a break, OP. Stop buying them if you don't feel you're getting your $'s worth. You aren't entitled to ANYTHING solely because you toss money at it. The pack contents are ALWAYS listed prior to the release of the pack. You knew what you were getting yourself into.


Honestly, I'd say Magic is more of a rip off -- because they make cards useless after a set period of time, encouraging people to drop much more money on a much more regular basis. Granted -- only for standard formats, but still. People who play Magic don't consider it a rip off -- why? Because it isn't, if you're enjoying it :-D

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As far as being ripped off? Give me a break, OP. Stop buying them if you don't feel you're getting your $'s worth. You aren't entitled to ANYTHING solely because you toss money at it. The pack contents are ALWAYS listed prior to the release of the pack. You knew what you were getting yourself into.


Quoted for truth.


Until someone who calls the packs a ripoff can post a non-photoshopped photo of a Bioware staff member putting a blaster to their head and telling them they have to buy the packs... I'm calling shenanigans on every whiny QQ about the random nature of pack content. If you can't take the chance.... don't buy them. Simple as that really.


And frankly, people who do not read what is in the packs before buying are even worse with the QQ.

Edited by Andryah
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I find that flawed as well. Relating it to Magic is almost apples/oranges.


These are grab-bags. Pure and simple. They aren't ripping people off -- they're offering fluff garbage to people willing to spend the $$. Some people enjoy it more than others.


As far as being ripped off? Give me a break, OP. Stop buying them if you don't feel you're getting your $'s worth. You aren't entitled to ANYTHING solely because you toss money at it. The pack contents are ALWAYS listed prior to the release of the pack. You knew what you were getting yourself into.


Honestly, I'd say Magic is more of a rip off -- because they make cards useless after a set period of time, encouraging people to drop much more money on a much more regular basis. Granted -- only for standard formats, but still. People who play Magic don't consider it a rip off -- why? Because it isn't, if you're enjoying it :-D


Agree but what I am saying is in magic buying the pack is part of the game. that is how you play the game

(At least limited portion). in swtor that is not the case. for example if they had a random quest in the packs that makes you go to a planet and play a content otherwise unavailable, then I'd relate to it.

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Its a cash grab which wouldnt be so bad if the funds went back into the game

one year on no grey jedi gear , no super space project and cathar what ?

they would be making a killing from cartel coins, and if they really want to survive they should be less focused on new cartel gear every patch but getting more promised content out with it ... sigh


I have no problem with the Cartel packs; however, this gentleman does hold some of my concerns. EA & Bioware are making buckets off of the Cartel market; moreover, all the people in my guild have subs & go GA-GA every time one of these packs come out -- $$$$. Content is coming out at a decent pace.....I just wish they wouldn't focus so much on these Cartel packs.


PS: Get rid of low level mats & Jawa grams.....

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Agree but what I am saying is in magic buying the pack is part of the game. that is how you play the game

(At least limited portion). in swtor that is not the case. for example if they had a random quest in the packs that makes you go to a planet and play a content otherwise unavailable, then I'd relate to it.


Ah! I get what you're saying now. Yeah -- one of the reasons I stoppd playing Magic was the sheer amount of $ I tossed into it. Now, I've vowed to only do booster drafts. $10 for a night of fun is perfectly good for me -- and everyone is at the same level regardless of the amount of $ they spend.


Kinda like Cartel Packs now -- I only spend what I get as a subscriber. And usually only if I don't want something else :-D I'd probably purchase armor straight from the CM -- but nothing has been interesting enough for me yet.

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I have no problem with the Cartel packs; however, this gentleman does hold some of my concerns. EA & Bioware are making buckets off of the Cartel market; moreover, all the people in my guild have subs & go GA-GA every time one of these packs come out -- $$$$. Content is coming out at a decent pace.....I just wish they wouldn't focus so much on these Cartel packs.


PS: Get rid of low level mats & Jawa grams.....


The person you quoted though is making assumption and accusation that none of the cartel coin revenue goes back into the core game. That's nonsense. Nonsense because it is unprovable and goes directly to the bias of the person you quoted and nonsense in that it is also illogical from a business perspective.


From a business logic perspective... when looking at how you budget and apportion operations costs... where the revenue came from is only a secondary planning concern. In the case of an MMO... funding for new content (non Cartel Market) must continue as a continued investment in player attraction and funding for it will come from a pooling of revenue. And pooling of revenue by definition means cartel coin revenue is funding new non-cartel content.

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You know 90% of the contents are going to be vendor trash, or sellable for 1k on the GTN, before you buy the packs, c'mon now. Its a gambling game hoping to hit something big. If you're buying them just for credits sell the packs unopened. That's where the real money is - let the other players gamble and lose.
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