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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Buying Cartel Packs has come to an end!

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I warned I would never buy another if I saw anymore jawagrams in them, and they are, they are still rare and they are not even reusable. I have been a defender of the CM, and its practices. I have completely changed my opinion now...I will make sure I complain in the forums until this practice of putting useless junk in rare slots stops.


BW, many people complained about the jawagrams and yet, here they are again. WHY?


Ill pay for my sub and the legacy perks that enhance my "game" experience. However, you lost not only me, but my wife as buyers of cartel packs... We will not be suckers again, and pay good money to get useless junk, junk that takes up a slot gear should be in.


I am very disappointed they did not address this after all the past complaints.

Edited by Themanthatisi
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Hence the "Cartel Market" is aptly named, for it is truly a collection of thievery.

I purchased a couple patches ago and got 2 epic mounts a row, but the last one had "rare" items like jawas and rist armour(lol so fail). When I log on tonight, I'll have to try a couple of the new packs...lol but thx for the heads up.

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I've had about 15-18 packs now and had nothing but junk from all of them. After every pack I say I won't buy another but they entice me back in with new items. Though, hopefully i'll manage to stay clear now. Any packs I buy are going on the GTN.
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Yeah, I was very disappointed to read that they added another batch of the Jawagrams to the packs as well - fortunately I read the blog carefully this time, and haven't bought a single one so far.

Sadly I don't see them changing this practice of stuffing completely useless junk in there, not enough people speak out against it. :(

Edited by Callaron
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Some times I wonder if someone in the cartel market creative team has a fetish with jawas.......:rak_02:


LOL... However, you may have a point. :)



My wife and I got a 24 crate each, she got 3 of those jawagrams in the first 12 (she was angry) and decided not to even open the other 12. I decided to open up 12 as well, and I got 1. We both do not feel there is enough value in opening the packs at the very least, based on how few of the cool things we got.

We will both be selling 12 each now, unopened and not buying anymore until we see more value in it. Of the 24 we opened, we got no crystals, one armor top, 2 mounts, 1 saber staff, 1 CV certificate and 4 jawagrams.... We got more jawagrams than any other rare! That is insane.


By the way, my wife likes the Jawagrams, but not in the fashion they are doing it.... For example, the Social Vendor on fleet (VIP Vendor) has the flowers ones for 1k each, that's great and how it should be. What they are doing by making us accept them in cartel packs, is creating contempt for them.


The first time was shame on them, the second time, shame on me. There will not be a third time... It is just better to buy the things you want on GTN.


I never been one to gamble much to begin with, so it will be easy to stop this practice and keep the real money in my pocket.

Edited by Themanthatisi
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Yeah, I'm not very fond of the randomness of the Packs. I would much rather just get the items I actually want to have for my characters. Instead of having to constantly put up for sale on the GTN items that I don't want, when they keep coming back.


Need a part of the Cartel Market for just buying items from the packs individually - because some players put them on the GTN for way too much.

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The drop rate in this pack is just epic crap. I don't get it why people keep buying those packs....


Yeah, they think we are dumb and to be honest, for falling for it again, I am.... Because of this, I will make sure, I voice my contempt for this practice to anyone that will listen. The only way they will stop treating us like fools, is to stop giving them money like fools.


I have a cargo bay full of junk and nothing of real value in it.... I managed to sell the 12 I did not open in the 372k per... I would be lucky to 372k total from the items in the 12 packs, I am not exaggerating.

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A lot of people complain about the random drop rates for the packs. I, along with some other people no doubt, have come to realize that its a gambling addiction. People have to realize this. However, it would be nice if BioWare would release some of the new gear sets (Thana Vesh Armor for example) as complete sets (like the Eradicator's Warsuit) so people wouldn't have to literally gamble and be disappointed that they didn't get a particular piece of gear.
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A lot of people complain about the random drop rates for the packs. I, along with some other people no doubt, have come to realize that its a gambling addiction. People have to realize this. However, it would be nice if BioWare would release some of the new gear sets (Thana Vesh Armor for example) as complete sets (like the Eradicator's Warsuit) so people wouldn't have to literally gamble and be disappointed that they didn't get a particular piece of gear.


You are correct, however, my complaint and many others that are, are mainly complaining about the "jawagrams" taking up a rare slot and its not even reusable. I am willing to risk some, so are many others, but BW should not be ripping people off with useless items no one wants.


what really got me angry, is all these complaints came out with the last cartel packs and they did not change a thing, they obviously do not care and that in itself, is very troubling.

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Never brought these before, but started a new job and thought I would treat myself to 2 x 24 pack sets. The first set I got complete crap from all 24! The second set I am not going to bother to open and will sell on GTN.


Basically my outcome is no different from going to a gold farmer and a complete waste of real money, I accept it is my fault of course for putting faith in Failware one last time!

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Never brought these before, but started a new job and thought I would treat myself to 2 x 24 pack sets. The first set I got complete crap from all 24! The second set I am not going to bother to open and will sell on GTN.


Basically my outcome is no different from going to a gold farmer and a complete waste of real money, I accept it is my fault of course for putting faith in Failware one last time!


I am sorry to hear that, but congrats on the new job....


I am NOT so sure why drop rates for the better items seem lower than in previous packs, but it definitely seems so. I do hope others read these posts before parting with their real money, and wait until something is mentioned on it by BW about drop rates and jawagrams being the number one rare prize many seem to get the most of.

Edited by Themanthatisi
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I buy 1pack with my free cartel coins when a pack comes out. I don't spend real money on the market unless it's seperate from the packs. The drop rates are terrible and I usually only want 1 item that I never get. They however make bank on it so unless there is a gamewide strike against buying them, not going to change. I would laugh at that so hard lol
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I buy 1pack with my free cartel coins when a pack comes out. I don't spend real money on the market unless it's seperate from the packs. The drop rates are terrible and I usually only want 1 item that I never get. They however make bank on it so unless there is a gamewide strike against buying them, not going to change. I would laugh at that so hard lol


You are right to be honest, but this is why I made a post... Make other's aware of how bad these packs have become and maybe sales will slow and maybe BW will change some of their ways.


There will not be a game-wide strike, too many people love to give away real money, but slowing it may gain some momentum when other people read posts like this.


Can't hurt to try...

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Yeah, I'm not very fond of the randomness of the Packs. I would much rather just get the items I actually want to have for my characters. Instead of having to constantly put up for sale on the GTN items that I don't want, when they keep coming back.


Need a part of the Cartel Market for just buying items from the packs individually - because some players put them on the GTN for way too much.


This will never happen, then the packs wouldnt sell like that do and that is their goal to sell the packs with the Vesh and other rare items as the pull. Maybe putting the chest on the Market for 600 CC or something like that or other pieces would be an interesting idea. But they still need the packs to have something super desired in it so people will buy the crates and then inturn put them out on the market imo.

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But they still need the packs to have something super desired in it so people will buy the crates and then inturn put them out on the market imo.


Which I personally don't mind, for me what does it is that they've lowered the quality of the "junk" items so far that it's insulting - might as well stick a note in there that just says "Haha!".

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Yes I stopped buying these for TWO reasons myself:


1) BANNER's being classified as "RARE" - NOT a bug. Cause a 50 credit item is so rare.

2) New REP Scam drops Certificates with lower drop rate than rare mounts and you need 10 to buy stuff.

Edited by dscount
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Yes I stopped buying these for TWO reasons myself:


1) BANNER's being classified as "RARE" - NOT a bug. Cause a 50 credit item is so rare.

2) New REP Scam drops Certificates with lower drop rate than rare mounts and you need 10 to buy stuff.


10 to buy stuff + "legendary" status as well.... If i had to guess, it would probably take more than $1,000 USD in cartel pacls to have a shot at that.

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I got 2 jawagrams In my monthly pack from coins :(

They really need to do something about the materials also. Grade 6 common underworld metal or fabrics are not rare crafting materials and we are now on grade 9 and 10 ingame not 6.

Edited by Ziso
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I got 2 jawagrams In my monthly pack from coins :(

They really need to do something about the materials also. Grade 6 common underworld metal or fabrics are not rare crafting materials and we are now on grade 9 and 10 ingame not 6.


Sadly if there's to be any change, I doubt it will still happen with this batch of packs... I'm guessing they were all pre-planned long ago, and they aren't going to change anything about them... :(

But hopefully they'll take people's concerns to heart for the next group of packs when it comes out.

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Yeah this last set of packs (which did contain a few neat new items) is the last I'll buy, at least til the first set of the next quad comes out. It's just better for me to buy what I want off the GTN. I can sell the packs for creds or something instead of opening them myself.


I'm a guy who'll purchase multiple hypercrates. It is a shame that the drop rates for "good stuff" is so rare that I end up with two cargo bays full of JUNK after spending that much cash. Gonna pass for awhile.

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