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Legacy Unlock - Legacy Datacrons

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Basically, I'm thinking of this as being in the same theme as the HK Legacy unlock that allows characters to snag their own HK unit for a fee once any other character in their legacy has gone through the quest chain to get him.


For a significant fee of credits or Cartel Coins (make the credit cost super high if you really need this to be a revenue driver), you buy this unlock on each character to gain the datacrons collected by the other characters in the legacy (with the Rep/Imp specific ones overlapping, not stacking with one another).


I enjoyed hunting down the datacrons the first time, but now I have absolutely no desire to go through that again on my other characters. I would happily pay real money to get the perks on my other characters withouth going through that whole process again.

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Basically, I'm thinking of this as being in the same theme as the HK Legacy unlock that allows characters to snag their own HK unit for a fee once any other character in their legacy has gone through the quest chain to get him.


For a significant fee of credits or Cartel Coins (make the credit cost super high if you really need this to be a revenue driver), you buy this unlock on each character to gain the datacrons collected by the other characters in the legacy (with the Rep/Imp specific ones overlapping, not stacking with one another).


I enjoyed hunting down the datacrons the first time, but now I have absolutely no desire to go through that again on my other characters. I would happily pay real money to get the perks on my other characters withouth going through that whole process again.


I am all for it, but on a per faction basis... You want the unlock for an imperial, you have to have collected all with at least one imperial, same for republic. But after that, I agree, lets have it unlock.

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Yes please! This is something I REALLY would like to see. I DO like getting the datacrons but I really hate the idea of getting them more than once. I have 3 characters that I like to play but every time I play a character that hasn't collected the datacrons I feel annoyed that he doesn't have those and I really dont want to run those again!


So yes please pretty please. Make datacrons legacy unlockable. I think one dev even responded to this at some point and said that this is something that they could consider. Consider no more!


Make it and they will pay.

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Yes please! This is something I REALLY would like to see. I DO like getting the datacrons but I really hate the idea of getting them more than once. I have 3 characters that I like to play but every time I play a character that hasn't collected the datacrons I feel annoyed that he doesn't have those and I really dont want to run those again!


So yes please pretty please. Make datacrons legacy unlockable. I think one dev even responded to this at some point and said that this is something that they could consider. Consider no more!


Make it and they will pay.


Solution of this problem is easy. You need to make your mind up about what annoys u more - collecting the datacrons or playing on char that doesn't have them? Then u can decide what to do.

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Yeah, that's the current situation as it stands, and it's not one everyone's happy with. So, alternatively... we could ask for Legacy unlocks of datacrons. The game isn't designed to be a platformer -- it's an MMO, not Mario.


I've grabbed the datacrons on all my characters already (at least up to their current planets, with the characters less than level 50), and I happily use my characters with pulls to help Guildmates who aren't as good at the jumping puzzles. But I'd LOVE legacy unlocks for datacrons.

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The game isn't designed to be a platformer -- it's an MMO, not Mario.




WHY do people always say junk like this? A whopping 90% of the Datacrons require little to no jumping and only 10% require "platforming" so why do people just focus on the TINY bit of jumping and then play Chicken Little and make it sound like that's all it is?

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WHY do people always say junk like this? A whopping 90% of the Datacrons require little to no jumping and only 10% require "platforming" so why do people just focus on the TINY bit of jumping and then play Chicken Little and make it sound like that's all it is?


In recent news: 85% of statistics are made up, 98% of which are greatly exaggerated by as much as 63% in order to try to get a point across

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True, Petfish did his research though, and put the results in a nice chart for us to see:



Looking at the website this post is done with, that site does not seem to inclued "controlled falling" into the category of jumping. Nor "easy jumping" (i.e. into a crate that is more or less in front of you). I did the Hoth cunning datacron just few hours ago, and I did some jumping in it, while the site claims that you don't have to do any jumping at all.


EDIT: Oh, nevermind, I got the "site" was actually just a thing made by the poster him/herself. Anyway, it seems to have flaws.

Edited by Seireeni
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Terms such as "minimal" and "a lot" are purely subjective. Breaking his (her?) own chart down into "platforming - yes or no" results in just under 1/3 requiring it (29/94)


Of course it's subjective but at least I made an effort, and it took me quite a while, to try and put some hard numbers that might help people understand that Datacrons aren't just about "platforming" as they seem to want to think they are. You're trying to get out of the "truth" on a technicality such as the subjectiveness of what constitutes how much jumping you need to do.


Some jumps aren't even jumps but tiny hops that any real-live person would just step up but here we are forced to jump. Also, some jumps shouldn't even count as jumps cuz you can't miss them ie. the place you're jumping too is extremely wide and there are no gaps to fall through but still count as a jump.


Here is the criteria (with examples) I used to say how much jumping is required:



  • None - Alderaan +3 Endurance
    You walk into a Heroic (4) area and into a cave fighting mobs along the way. At one point you blow up the cave wall using the Red Detonite Actuator. Profit.
    Total Number of Jumps: 0
  • Minimal - Corellia +4 Cunning
    Climb a beam and walk along the awning around corners. Jump onto a broken pipe and climb it. Walk a few metres. Jump onto the roof of the damaged thoroughfare. Drop down into the thoroughfare. Profit.
    Total Number of Jumps: 2 (slight chance to fall down on both, and also on the drop)
  • Medium - Nar Shaddaa Yellow Matrix Shard
    Jump onto a giant box using smaller boxes (6 jumps). Jump onto a pipe. Jump onto another pipe. Jump onto a box. Jump onto another box. Jump onto a pipe. Jump onto another pipe. Jump onto an overhang. Jump onto a box. Jump up to the highest platform. Profit.
    Total Number of Jumps: 15 (12 you can't miss unless you try, 1 is easy, 2 are difficult)
  • Lots - Taris +3 Endurance (Empire)
    Follow a ledge for a while. Jump onto a busted pipe. Walk a bit. Jump onto a pipe. Jump over a broken part of pipe. Jump onto a ledge. Walk a bit. Drop down to a platform. Drop down into the broken pipe. Profit.
    Total Number of Jumps: 4 (all 4 if you miss you start over)
    *You can see with this one even though there are fewer jumps than the one above, I labeled it as "lots" simply cuz of the fall-restart factor.



There are two main reasons why people want Legacy Datacrons:



  1. Difficult/annoying/tedious aka "I've already worked hard to get them on one character and don't want to do it again" aka LAZY.
  2. Platforming.


I've done my best to try and disprove the 2nd reason but I see I'm going to have to elaborate on a per-Datacron basis and also refine some of my declarations.


As I've said many times, according to my chart that I tried to make as fair as possible but will look at again, there are only 9/94 (9.6%) that require LOTS of jumping, 15/94 (16%) that require LOTS and MEDIUM jumping, and 29/94 (30.8%) that require LOTS, MEDIUM, and MINIMAL jumping. A lot of times I labeled them as "minimal" just to be "nice" when they should probably be labeled as "none".


The bottom line is that people need to stop whining about the Datacrons being all "Mario Bros" when they clearly aren't.


Personally, I find the ones that I can't get cuz I'm under-leveled while I'm there (Alderaan, Hoth) and have to remember to come back to get much more annoying than having to jump a little.

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Personally, I find the ones that I can't get cuz I'm under-leveled while I'm there (Alderaan, Hoth) and have to remember to come back to get much more annoying than having to jump a little.


Then you must not be as horrible in jumping as some people (i.e. me) are. It seems to take me usually at least 5 tries with the datacrons that you have categorized as "minimal". With the aim one on Alderaan, I probably failed 10 times before I got fed up and decided I'll try it again some other time. I also have failed at jumping at datacrons your diagram claims there are none of jumping (i.e. Hoth's cunning)


Tbh the main reason I'd like to get this thing are those cursed datacrons on Makeb. Just spent 2 and half hours trying to get the endurance last night, and that was on my second character. Took me 5 hours on my first. And I think I'm not gonna even bother trying the presense one with this second character...

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Then you must not be as horrible in jumping as some people (i.e. me) are. It seems to take me usually at least 5 tries with the datacrons that you have categorized as "minimal". With the aim one on Alderaan, I probably failed 10 times before I got fed up and decided I'll try it again some other time. I also have failed at jumping at datacrons your diagram claims there are none of jumping (i.e. Hoth's cunning)


Tbh the main reason I'd like to get this thing are those cursed datacrons on Makeb. Just spent 2 and half hours trying to get the endurance last night, and that was on my second character. Took me 5 hours on my first. And I think I'm not gonna even bother trying the presense one with this second character...


I'll concur to this. Between random lag spikes when trying to jump and some lovely glitches (twice while getting the cunning datacron on hoth, running along the outer ledge of the ship I glitched partway into the wall, and after a short studder was teleported back to near the speederpoint) these platforming sections, while only 10-30% can be extremely tedious, time consuming, and most of all frustrating. I actually love platformers. I find them a lot of fun. The frustration inherent in the "platform" aspect of this game is beyond a mere nuisance.


And I wasn't trying to put down your efforts in making the chart. However with words that are quite subjective (as stated earlier) the actual difficulty can vary from person to person. What might seem like a minor nuisance to some could be a major issue for others.


So yes, I would very much so like to see this become a legacy option, and had even suggested it jokingly to guildmates long before 1.2 (I think that was when legacy was introduced?). However, I'm not going to cry and whine or have a hissy fit. Every person that wants the datacron perks has to go through exactly what I am doing with every character that I want the perks on. As is, if it was too much of a bother, I simply wouldn't do it

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Solution of this problem is easy. You need to make your mind up about what annoys u more - collecting the datacrons or playing on char that doesn't have them? Then u can decide what to do.


Which ever I happen to choose I will end up being annoyed anyways and that is not a good thing in my book.


The solution really is easy. Bind datacrons to legacy and allow unlocking them to other characters via store or bunch of credits. Everybody will be happy. I can spend my money to not having to run those datacrons again and people who like collecting them over and over can do it if they so wish. Everybody wins.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Okay BioWare, here is a very realistic and sensible method for implementing this feature


Let me begin by saying that it should be obvious to all that rolling a level 1 toon with all datacrons unlocked would just make it ridiculously OP. I understand this. So, and it's up to you how you go about letting us obtain the unlock, but at some point, we should unlock the datacrons for a specific planet for the toon as it reaches somewhere within the level range for those planets.


What I mean by this is, at level 10, a Republic character should somehow obtain the unlock for all found datacrons on Tython and Ord Mantell. Similarly, an Imperial character would, at level 10, unlock all found datacrons in your legacy for Korriban and Hutta


At level 16, a Pub toon should receive stats for datacrons already found on Coruscant just as an Imp toon would unlock those already obtained on Dromund Kaas


Level 20, Republics unlock Taris datacrons and Imps obtain Balmorra datacrons


Etc. etc.


What I am NOT asking you to do is allow unlocks for those datacrons that can ONLY be obtained by the opposite faction. This is obvious but I'm putting it out there anyway. I'm confident to all extremes that I'll never see a gold post on this, however I'd love to know what you think.



Edited by Dredead
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When I hit Level 10 I want all XP I would normally get for anything I skipped. I want all Codex entries, the entire map of Tython revealed (including taxis and bind points). I want to view the cinematics and be able to make conversation choices and get credit for any and all missions I didn't do.


I already have a max-level Sage and did all the work so I want my new Shadow to get everything she has but without doing anything for it.


Sound ridiculous? It is.


- - - - - - -

:sy_star:I will gladly help anyone get any Datacrons.:sy_star:

:sy_star:If you're on Jedi Covenant look up D'alari'ia (Pub) or T'alari'ia (Imp).:sy_star:

- - - - - - -

Edited by PetFish
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And here we see why the "Slippy Slope" argument is a logical fallacy. Datacron unlocks are not the same thing at all.


My suggestion is to make it be something that can only be unlocked at level 55. If you want a datacron before that point, you can get it independently. It's just a way to gather any you missed, but that you've already grabbed on other toons.


If they were all like the datacrons on, say, Voss, I'd have no desire for Legacy datacrons. I could easily retrieve them independently. But most of the Nar Shaddaa datacrons, the Coruscant datacrons, the Makeb datacrons, and so many others are just a nightmare and are simply not fun at all. The jumping interface is simply not accurate enough to make the jumping puzzles fun in any way, shape, or form. I mean, I've got the Achievement of Datacron Master -- I've earned all the datacrons possible at least once. And when I go and get more datacrons on alts, it's something I do because I'm resigned to it -- not because it's something I especially enjoy.

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When I hit Level 10 I want all XP I would normally get for anything I skipped. I want all Codex entries, the entire map of Tython revealed (including taxis and bind points). I want to view the cinematics and be able to make conversation choices and get credit for any and all missions I didn't do.


I already have a max-level Sage and did all the work so I want my new Shadow to get everything she has but without doing anything for it.


Sound ridiculous? It is.


- - - - - - -

:sy_star:I will gladly help anyone get any Datacrons.:sy_star:

:sy_star:If you're on Jedi Covenant look up D'alari'ia (Pub) or T'alari'ia (Imp).:sy_star:

- - - - - - -


We both know that everything you mentioned is just too different to compare. This game is just too many years of straight revamping, optimising and recoding (ignoring content and comodity updates which would just add more time) away from being bug free enough to even consider going for them again.


I've never been stuck so many times in any game in my life if we're talking relative play time. Some of the datacrons were more of a chore due to the constant reattempts i had to make from failed ones that were out of my control.


If they fix all the bugs then i'd be a little more inclined and would most probably not even mind at all.

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When I hit Level 10 I want all XP I would normally get for anything I skipped. I want all Codex entries, the entire map of Tython revealed (including taxis and bind points). I want to view the cinematics and be able to make conversation choices and get credit for any and all missions I didn't do.


I already have a max-level Sage and did all the work so I want my new Shadow to get everything she has but without doing anything for it.


Sound ridiculous? It is.


- - - - - - -

:sy_star:I will gladly help anyone get any Datacrons.:sy_star:

:sy_star:If you're on Jedi Covenant look up D'alari'ia (Pub) or T'alari'ia (Imp).:sy_star:

- - - - - - -


If you would be forced to every quest exactly the same way as with your sage, use the exactly same attacks, the same convo options and pretty much same everything in order to get something you need in order to do something you actually like to do (i.e. you want to do flashpoints as a shadow but have to reach level 10 first), then sure, I'd say you should, or more likely, the game should offer more variety to how you can reach the level 10. But you are not forced to do the exactly same things as with your sage. You can pick different convos, skip some quests, do the heroic multiple times, try to survive without using any of your lightsaber attacks... Not to mention that doing Tython takes probably 3-4 hours, my first time getting endurance +10 took longer than that.


Some people, at least me, don't think "I'm lazy and I don't want to pick up all datacrons". I think "I already jumped through this for hours, couldn't I now get this in some other, not-so-jumpy way?". i'd like to get an alternative way to get them, and unfortunately (for you), a legacy unclok would most likely be the easiest alternative way they could give. Something like putting more than 1 route to every datacron would be a lot more trouble than that.

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Sound ridiculous? It is.


Only because you go from one extreme to the other. It wouldn't be that dissimilar to unlocking HK-51 for legacy. It is a pain to do the first time around but it gives you a welcome shortcut per toon, IF you're willing to pay for it.


To be fair you really, really, really seem against it lol, which is a little weird, but fair enough you must have your reasons.

I just think it's not the same as it was back then where 50 end/ 50 main stat was serious business, now it's just a bit of gravy. And if you've already done the work, well why not ?


And please, stop calling people suggesting this idea "lazy" lol. This is an mmo game, there's no lazier hobby than this. That said, I do respect your opinion. I just think you're getting carried away a little bit.

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