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Increase in lag spikes since 2.0


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Has anyone else noticed this?


I can't seem to play without encountering lag spikes/total freeze every 15 minutes and the occasional disconnect.


My wife and I both have.. some days it seems fine, other times, it is very erratic and frustrating. This has been since 2.0, but I do not blame the expansion, the servers are just full of more people and that should level off some in a few more weeks I think.

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like the gravity hook ring?!? i get like 2fps on that dam thing and i look like im break dancing half the time. I dont know how i havent run off the edges yet since the stuttering and choppiness keeps me from having any real control sometimes. All other areas seem fine and im around 60fps. Even changing to full low settings doesnt fix the issue there.
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Has anyone else noticed this?


I can't seem to play without encountering lag spikes/total freeze every 15 minutes and the occasional disconnect.


I have seen this including the occasional disconnect. I was having these issues before 2.0 so for me at least it has nothing to do with the xpac.


Something that is frankly more annoying and did seem to come with the xpac is abilities not going off when executed and that's with no latency showing. I'm not sure what's going on with it but it happens at least once pretty much every fight where an ability is shown off CD but clicking on the ability button does nothing. Same thing happens when trying to activate abilities with hot keys. The lag is frustrating but this new bug is even more frustrating.

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This. **** should have been fixed before 2.0. Weren't they supposed to make mega servers or something?


These ARE the mega servers. :eek:


Very frustrating to only occasionally be able to play something you pay for.


Hope they do something about this fast.

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You know... I got a new machine in time for 2.0 and I spent some serious cash (from tax returns) to buy it. I thought I had a good gaming laptop... but no, I didn't. Chances are if you know you have a good computer, you know you have a good computer. I have no lag problems anymore. It was my old machine, not the game.
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I don't think that this is all on Bioware's end (though some of it probably is, as I'll note below), as I've noticed that the lag spikes aren't uniformly spread around at all times. For example, last night my guild was running EC HM to get the Nightscythe speeder on some of our lvl 50 alts and two of us were having serious lag issues (we each disconnected at least twice in the trenches between the caves and the minefield), but no one else was having issues. I live in Tennessee, and the other player lives in Georgia, we both have Comcast, and both our tracert run through the same Comcast hub in Atlanta before heading to the game server, and the bulk of our packet losses were happening in the Comcast network. Later in the night, players in our guild who live in Texas had similar issues that occurred more-or-less simultaneously (I believe one of them has U-Verse, not sure about the others). These spikes continued across multiple zones (including on my ship) and lasted, in most cases, for about an hour, then mostly settled down.


The geographic isolation of the lag spikes at any given time suggests it's an ISP issue, but the widespread (across multiple ISPs and regions) suggest a game-end problem.

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