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Hit and run


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LOL Rybes, you know that wasn't me who posted that. Now I am insulted.

But in all honesty, lets just stop this bickering. Hit and Run and DJO both strive to do different things in game. Is one better than the other? who knows. I'm frankly tired of this arguing and this is coming from someone who loves to troll.


and no more 600k hilts for you.


I'm sure the whole server knows DJO is the best. No use denying it. They're currently the top guild pub side if not the whole server.

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Well rybes seem to have missed my entire post of calling him out on all of his lies and ********.



Heres another example of his ********.




Why so angry? :rak_02: Also I was so glad to finally meet you in a warzone the other day. :) Sorry I had to hit and run. :rak_03:

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Well rybes seem to have missed my entire post of calling him out on all of his lies and ********.



Heres another example of his ********.




Being exorbitantly wealthy myself, I can understand getting someone else to hold your money for you. I wouldn't sully my hands with virtual credits!





... this coming from the person who got their achievement while transferring the Ascension guild bank...

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