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Hit and run


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Lol I can believe that. Gunsmoke went into DoA vent a while back for a raid, and the whole time all he did was whine about me. The GM ended up getting tired of it and told him they brought him to raid, not gossip and spread drama. So he apparently didn't like that and started to make them wipe, naturally annoying the other DoA members and the GM. He pulls him down, gives him a few choice words, then kicks him from vent/the group. Said GM had close ties with the GM of gun smokes guild. Mentioned they were gonna talk to them about it. Not shortly after that, gunsmoke was kicked and ended up joining ASB. I guess it was a bit naive to think his ventrillo raging days were over. :rolleyes: I've periodically received private messages from him on the forums, most threatening to harm me behind the safety of his monitor. This guy is your average keyboard warrior. Hiding behind anonymity, he makes himself appear to be larger and more significant than he actually is. I must say I do find his obsession with me to be weird, to say the least.


You two are like a bunch of teenage girls, with the amount of gossiping you like to do. It's like a bad game of telephone. :/ While I can't say anything else on the matter, because it would simply be me making up stuff (cough), I do know that Gunsmoke was not kicked from Doomed Lemming. :rolleyes:


Also, cookies.

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You two are like a bunch of teenage girls, with the amount of gossiping you like to do. It's like a bad game of telephone. :/ While I can't say anything else on the matter, because it would simply be me making up stuff (cough), I do know that Gunsmoke was not kicked from Doomed Lemming. :rolleyes:


Also, cookies.


I like cookies.....


Also, stay tuned for the next exciting episode of Real Housewives of Begeren Colony :)

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You truly are the best inspiration to us all, Neo. You only seek to compete against the best, and when they try to cheat and lie their way to victory, you and your righteous band of heroes are there to meet those who are shamefully ruining the face of all that is PvP, and thus, will be met with heavy resistance by the righteous hands of Neo! :)


You might want to lay off the RP juice there bud

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Been trying to avoid posting in these threads, but sometimes i cant help myself.


I see the back and forth with Neo and this Zoomzy person and it makes me think of this...





LMAO that made my day!

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Been trying to avoid posting in these threads, but sometimes i cant help myself.


I see the back and forth with Neo and this Zoomzy person and it makes me think of this...





Hehe, it does seem similar in a way ;)


But on that note, welcome back to the thread Myrm and Neo! How have you two been?


Actually, I already know the answer to that question, because I've been enjoying the amount of crap you've gotten in the PvP vid thread. You know, the one where you were pretty much proven to be a mentally insane kid that was so bent on building up evidence against ASB, you developed nearly an archive of information just so you could try to hold some sort of meaningful stance against them?


Lol, it's honestly amazing on how you possibly function here in this community, with the amount of hate you cause. Isn't it sad how people always try to give you a chance; Denny apologizing to you for drama, Sev giving you a guild to join and trying to bring a community of players together despite the amount of drama you and Myrm cause, yet you still just take that chance and ruin it with that overinflated ego of yours? It's truly concerning, how you have managed to go this far with your hatred of people, without either a) quitting/leaving the server or b) started to look at the contents of your own character/speculate that maybe you are the problem.


Still, I wonder, is your egotistical nonsense so bad that you just can't even fathom that you are potentially the problem? Are you so full of yourself that you can't entertain the thought of you being a dramatical little **** when a vast majority of the server claims you are?


It's really sad, if that's the case. But maybe, it is the way it is, and possibly, you will never grow out of it. Doesn't matter to me either way though, honestly, because trolling you is one of the easiest things to do, and it is also quite enjoyable. Maybe if you also cared a little less, you wouldn't have to deal with the frustration that comes with having an entire server either hate you, pity you, or in my case, enjoy trolling you for your self righteous nonsense ;)

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I KNEW IT AN OWLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL :o!!!!!! See I told you people Bioware loves me

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not suprised since our forums have been 1 troll after the other for the past few days. epic emote BW, I now know how you spend all the time you were supposed to be programming. I say less bug fixes and more cool emotes like this. :p

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Rybes, it is quite obvious that you are behind the troll posts. Not everything revolves around The Dark JedL Order and I hope you know that. You've further reduced your credibility on this server . Let me give the community a few reminders of why you're so horrible.


1) You claim to be unbiased, and that's what makes you the best guild. You just openly insulted Hit and Run, Ascension, and Doomed Lemmings.


2) Hit and Run has run your guildees through operations. We've run you specifically through Lost Island. We've had the patience to teach your members the mechanics of fights in KP, ones that give us 0 benefit to run.


3) Even though you continued to bash us, we ran one of your guild officers through scum and villainy to teach him the mechanics so he could share it with you and your guild. Need I not remind you this was during all of this imposter forum drama. We've done nothing but try to "make nice" yet you continue with your ********.


4) You mock Ascension, when they are obviously a superior guild. They're professional in what they do, and anyone who can turn Solarbased into a raider must be great at something.


5) You mock Doomed Lemmings which is one of the guilds that allows others to raid with them. A lot of Hit and Run's knowledge and growth was due to a Doomed Lemming taking a lot of time to teach us mechanics in raids and to be patient enough with us to give us an opportunity. Your guild? I've seen your previous PVE leaders scream and swear at people for messing up and giving up on them until they leave and go to BETTER guilds.


6) Where is your credibility? You say you haven't been on in a while so the forum posts couldn't be you buy your Shadow on Tatooine says otherwise. Queeef'qun'ginn or something along those lines right? So please, don't try to lie yourself out of this ridiculous hole you've dug yourself.


7) You claim to be a billionaire. You don't even have the exuberantly wealthy title. That means you don't even have 10 million. Hilarious.


8) You claimed server second on NiM EC yet NOBODY in your guild has the achievment for it. Heck, most of the people don't even have sm ec.


9) Need I go on?


Just stop your trolling events and maybe you can save what little dignity and credibility you have.



I never saw this until being pointed towards it, I am not sure who you are but I like the complex essay. I will try to break it down considering I read only a few lines that caught my eye. Stating that ASB is superior is in direct refrence to my post about taking the game serious.. after this, you quote them on professionalism. This conflicts again.. a video game can have professionalism while they swing lightsabers lol? You can have maturity sure, but being a professional? This makes me think your the guy that asked me for 45 minutes in tells about DJO dynamics.. then let my ex-raid leader explain NiM EC to you in Ventrillo... all the while pretending to want to be in DJO.. total time you wasted "trolling" 2 hours and 15 minutes.. then you state you did this to troll us on a sunday night? Pathetic that gives trolling a bad name, it turns it into desperation and pathetic behavior. You sir became pathetic and less than me in every form after doing that, I look down on you now; and I hate being like that. I think its to no surprise that my wealth did not come from just trading GTN stuff but things that got me suspended (which I no longer do)- for someone that "doesn't" have the new title, I sure seem to be able to spend alot of credits on things you sell and other dumb stuff. Must be leveraged to the hilt in SWTOR right? Congratulations you guys have done more raids than DJO in the PVE arena.. but the reality is you hold some good members and thats it, you dont hold status or authority like how DJO can.. we openly on two nights of the week run ranked wz farming with 4 teams of eight... it pisses people off but yet your membership core beg to come along, like animals.


As you said to my co-leader "consider our assistance void" well to be honest I dont mind helping Hit and Run.. the little guys :) It makes playing worthwhile helping the needy and those that have less.


PS: Send me a bunch more junk 26 hilts, I will buy each one for 600k again :) Ya know because I am so poor.

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LOL Rybes, you know that wasn't me who posted that. Now I am insulted.

But in all honesty, lets just stop this bickering. Hit and Run and DJO both strive to do different things in game. Is one better than the other? who knows. I'm frankly tired of this arguing and this is coming from someone who loves to troll.


and no more 600k hilts for you.

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