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4/23 patch - Malgus confirmed dead?


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False Emperor


Players can now defeat the final boss encounter in this Flashpoint via normal means and are no longer required to throw the boss into the Reactor Shaft.


As Star Wars is concerned, when you throw an Emperor down a reactor shaft, it means he's not dead. This patch change probably will confirm Malgus' death assuming we see his dead body in front of us.


This is disappointing, if it's true, to lose such an important figure in the story (the one that who appeared in all the CGI trailers and the novels).

Edited by Jenzali
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As Star Wars is concerned, when you throw an Emperor down a reactor shaft, it means he's not dead. This patch change probably will confirm Malgus' death assuming we see his dead body in front of us.


This is disappointing, if it's true, to lose such an important figure in the story (the one that who appeared in all the CGI trailers and the novels).


Why would a difficulty setting for a flashpoint determine the canon outcome for a character? Makes no sense to me.

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You could always kill him normally if you happened to get the timing in such a way that he started his doubt (or whatever you call it) mechanic when he was getting low on health. Starting this mechanic prevented him from switching to his 10% phase of continuous force lightning. From there you could kill him outright.
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You could always kill him normally if you happened to get the timing in such a way that he started his doubt (or whatever you call it) mechanic when he was getting low on health. Starting this mechanic prevented him from switching to his 10% phase of continuous force lightning. From there you could kill him outright.


Not really relevant. Although it happened to me every so often, it was due to what you said + high DPS. The fact remains that you're supposed to throw him down the pit, not fully deplete his HP.


Can we get a patch to let us pry our loot from Revan's cold dead corpse?


They keep killing off cool Imperial characters for the lulz, why can't we put Revan firmly out of his misery?



Edited by Darth_Wicked
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I take back what I said about being disappointed that he's gone.


He was a great character, especially in the novel "Deceived". But it's better for him to run his due course and die, rather than being constantly brought back to life like those awful World of Warcraft villains (not to mention being farmed every day for loot).

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yeah malgus did more for the empire in death, getting at least someone in the dark council to realize we need alien equality, than most sith ever accomplish. Darth Marr is an amazing replacement rallying figure bringing back malgus would be a waste at this point he's reached the end of his excellent story and can just go down from here. plus he killed his love he deserves to join her. Edited by magicallypuzzled
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