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What happened to Imperials?


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Meh, my concern isn't winning reg wzs. Right now, the concern is that imps aren't getting very competitive in reg and rated wzs and thus we are falling behind in two ways. The issue lies in 1) the gear disparity that ultimately hurts us in reg wzs and 2) the lack of confident PVPers. I understand there are exceptions to this, like Rake, but for many of us we are stuck in this unfortunate situation.


On the first issue, we know that there was an overwhelming Republic dominance in 55 warzones at the very beginning of ROTHC. If you were fortunate enough to have missed those queues, you may have heard how brutal it was (many 5v8s). This week or so of republic dominance really put them at a gear advantage (if only marginal), but the real disparities can be found where the republic started running rated again (before any Imp guild even thought of doing it), and not just queuing one or two matches. Again, more gear disparity as they stacked Rated comms. Now gear doesn't necessarily make your faction better PVPers, but what it does affect is your state of mind about PVP on Jung Ma.


As people feel that they have no chance against some of the heavy bruisers on Republic side (*cough 10k smash followed by a railshot/High Impact bolt *cough). I have seen people give up more and more as the match just starts and some even leave the wz.. So they score once in Huttball. Big Deal! Instead of grabbing the ball and making a play while they are still in our pit or endzone, people get discouraged and shut down mentally from the game. The lack of confidence among the Imperial players is disheartening and needs to be changed. Obviously the pubs will have a gear advantage until you get the gear, but just keep working as hard as you can on it because eventually it wont matter if you both have a full PVP set. So people need to stop looking at their shoes and face forward and confront that sentinel beating on our healer or stop the cap going on at mid. Just simple stuff that will bring back some competitive warzones for all of us.


Obviously, I like winning, but I know that first we need to change the attitude of some of these imp players. In anyway, I would love to know when these awesome PVP matches are going on, but most of the ones I win are early in the afternoon or late in the evening.

Edited by KanDekB
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[i ran out of stories on the Imperial side, although] my [Legacy] family will always be Loyal Imperials; well, loyal to their own plans to rule, anyway... and so the Legacy thrives, 'sending a couple of our most promising daughters to spy on the Jedi's Republic and sabotage from within. We have already reaped (both literally and figuratively) vast rewards as our young jedi councular, indirectly through inaction, slew countless jedi knights and masters, including a vital member of the Council. We're so very proud! ;)


Seriously, the global chat used to be filled with complaints about Imperials rarely winning. I surmised it was due to this likely chain of events: Only so many wz comms are awarded per side with winners getting more -> since Imperials numbers were greater, we had longer queue wait times thus less chance for wz comms -> Republic's numbers being smaller, they likely got into a wz whenever they pleased thus wz comms came easier -> due to this imbalance, the Republic soon acquired far more wz equipment, then used their unearned advantage to sully your corpses. THE END.


Balance slowly began to return when Bioware changed the queue so you could "practice" against your own faction. Then, it helped even more when they added Bolster, which brought even greater balance to the wz equipment disparity. So, basically, come back Imperials, you're no longer forced to fight in highly imbalanced wz's. [personal testimony] With Bolster, I played level 55 wz's in all self-crafted gear with no Expertise and often ended up at or near the top of the score chart, but not always; sometimes you pop in late or resign yourself to guard duty... wz pugs seem to average out 50/50 win/loss, over the long term. Plus, you know that Imperial RP is far more entertaining and amusing. :) Come on back; it really is good to be evil again! :cool:

Edited by Vil-lynne
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Logged in Tuesday, hit solo queue 9 times in a row, then I turned in my weekly.


Zzzzzzzzz, being a tank is boring when your opponents are being farmed outta the respawn by your team's dps


Course that yellow wall of text on the login character load screen did say something about the empire being pushed back.

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It's natural for people to want to win. Republic teams got some more serious teams which encouraged some rerolls leading to even greater disparity to the point that there really is very little republic-imperial competition left on this server.


With less players in general on the republic side, getting a double premade like scott's video there is much more common as well, further skewing the odds when you're facing 8 uncoordinated pugs.


pre-55 this isnt nearly as much of an issue, I've had many solo ques goto either side in that arena. Then again, who cares about sub 55 pvp :D

Edited by Guiken
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Reg Wz's DO NOT average out 50/50. I don't care if you play in the morning imp average is still lower. Re-rollers are getting their instant gratification. In the long term this will destroy Jung Ma unless we get merged or cross pvp comes into play.


Rated on Imp side is even more frustrating. Trying to get teams to que is full of..."we don't have an A team or your guild has more xp". This sucks cause my guild is just trying to help the Imps improve and that comes from practice. Win or loose we all get rated comms and peeps get experience. Giving the Empire better gear, better synergy, better moral and get MORE teams running. So new teams are not queuing constantly against full geared guilds who run optimal or near optimal teams.


Optimal team comp is also a huge prob when Imp pvp guilds que against pubs A teams. Pubs have 2-3 guilds that are full of great players, who have played together for a long time (minus the cowards that took the easy way out and re rolled with these teams).


Ok so take our competitive teams now. We have a disadvantage in gear, and team comp. Because our experienced or better geared players are fewer we end up being spread out among our faction in different guilds. /Scream so hard for optimal comps


ENOUGH excuses (no matter how valid) We need to all start synergizing as a faction better in pvp. Working and practicing together will get us there. Get our teams rolling against each other, learning, practicing and gearing. After awhile we will get better players and all in all Imps can become a more competitive faction.


Empire we will not get there by waiting to have your "A" teams. We have to get as optimal as available and que. Worried about getting stomped at first them que against other newer etc teams for practice or even find pub guilds that aren't pub top tier and que.


You will hit the good teams. Play against them, learn what you can and get your comms. The frustrations of playing constantly against these teams can be lessened by what I've mentioned above.


1. Find friendly guilds and practice, keep queuing and learning. DON'T worry about optimal comps, it will take awhile for guilds to get better composition.


2. Play against pubs A teams for comms and experience. This could will get frustrating until you catch up in all areas. So when this happens go to step 1.


Hope we can get things working well.


GL Empire.

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Just out of curiosity, does the Empire outnumber the Republic on this server as well?


Population wise, I'm not sure. Pvp wise we are currently at a disadvantage fighting uphill.


Oh I see you are Jung Ma.


You probably know that then :)

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Population wise, I'm not sure. Pvp wise we are currently at a disadvantage fighting uphill.


Oh I see you are Jung Ma.


You probably know that then :)


Not really, because my original server was Ven Zallow. I quit about an year ago and I returned ~2 months ago.


People say that imps outnumber us pubs, but that is about it.

Edited by Metallistic
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Just out of curiosity, does the Empire outnumber the Republic on this server as well?


I'm wondering if there's a server where Imperials don't outnumber Republic, I doubt it seeing as everyone wishes to go for either the "bad boy" appearance, or because Imperial classes have better stories when compared to their Republic counterparts. But blah-blah-blah, Pubs seem to have the more "skilled" players compared to Empire players on this server, so I don't give a **** as long as i'm not infuriated when pvping.

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If the imps do outnumber us, they have no right to complain. Bigger pool of players = more opportunities. The argument of pubs having more "skilled" players holds no ground. Every player is a human being behind a keyboard with an equal amount of potential(with the exception of several people that I suspect of using scripts and/or third party macro programs), it is not like some are untouchable divine beings. This is a video game, you get good through practice and more practice. You are not born with a talent for it. Edited by Metallistic
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If the imps do outnumber us, they have no right to complain. Bigger pool of players = more opportunities. The argument of pubs having more "skilled" players holds no ground. Every player is a human being behind a keyboard with an equal amount of potential(with the exception of several people that I suspect of using scripts and/or third party macro programs), it is not like some are untouchable divine beings. This is a video game, you get good through practice and more practice. You are not born with a talent for it.


You're silly.

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Ok, let me put it this way then:


Imperials should focus on either getting the better players together, or getting better in general.


He is, my sig explains enough.


Your sig is a combination of cliches and an irrelevant quote.

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If the imps do outnumber us, they have no right to complain.


The quote, "Quality Over Quantity" is irrelevant? :rolleyes: lmao

I guess I should have been more clear, I was only referring to "Quality Over Quantity."

Edited by Jonoku
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The quote, "Quality Over Quantity" is irrelevant? :rolleyes: lmao

I guess I should have been more clear, I was only referring to "Quality Over Quantity."


This is a generic cliche, not a quote. I see you are way too excited to comprehend basic information.


Anyway, yes it is, because you missed my point completely by trying to be smart.


If you imperials tried to bring together the better players or at least bring up those that have some potential, you would not have any problems. The only guild that I have seen to put some effort in that direction is Reign.


Imps outnumber pub on almost every server and I doubt Jung Ma is an exception. So from a statistical point of view, you should have more bad players AS WELL as more skilled ones. So before you try to dismiss a whole statement with some generic one-liner, try to think about it first so you don't look like a fool.


The skilled players of the Republic are more united, that is all.

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If you imperials tried to bring together the better players or at least bring up those that have some potential, you would not have any problems. The only guild that I have seen to put some effort in that direction is Reign.


I'm going to assume that "you imperials" does not refer to me(not on the server anymore) but rather the imperials on the server in general. I'm simply stating the fact there is currently a big gap between imps and pubs regardless of any specific category skill, gear, population, etc. I understand your trying to give advice to the imperials on this server to help bridge the gap.


I simply countered your statement regarding you saying that the imps have more people than the republic so the imps shouldn't be complaining which is simply not true because without any good imps the population doesn't matter.(Think of the myth/tale/fact/whatever regarding the Spartans being outnumbered by the Persians yet they have overcome the odds.)


In your response to the quote being overused we can say the same thing about everything else in life so I don't understand where your trying to get at with that attempted counter, lol. We can say entertainment is overused but who cares?


I'm not complaining about something that doesn't concern me, I stated the fact, you just provided advice/solution. Whats the point of this argument? :confused:

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