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Operative roll


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Can't be bothered reading this whole thread, but:

1) try snaring the scoundrel/op. there's plenty of classes that can maintain snare 100% of the time.

2) scoundrel/op cant roll across fire pits with the ball

3) scoundrel/op CAN cross firepit WITHOUT the ball, which is something around half of the classes can do anyway (bubble+force speed, any leap)

4) there were already classes that could cross fire pits with the ball (any knight/warrior, tank spec vanguard/pt)

5) why is it such a problem that scoundrel/ops are now the fastest to the ball? previously consular/inquisitor were the fastest.. things change

6) if the scoundrel/op is going to beat a consular/inquisitor (who uses their speed cooldowns too) by much then they will be low/out of energy making them use yet another cooldown or be useless in the fight in the mid.

7) if they are really so far ahead of their team then just kill them and take the ball. they're out of energy, no support.. I'm one of those scoundrels who rushes the ball and pretty much always get there first but most of the time I end up being yanked somewhere and killed 3 seconds after grabbing the ball. sure i've had a few miracle runs where I get the ball, the air vent blows me towards the opposing goal line and i get a nice run of fire pits turning on behind me to stop pursuit... but thats like maybe 2 games out of the 100 ive had since rothc

8) if they add a cooldown (which I hope they don't) then they should make it break CC and roll full distance even when snared

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This skill was modeled based on what? Who's retarded idea was it to have an operative non force sensitive character roll non-stop at the speed of light? Have you seen how they can run from the spawn to middle in huttball in five seconds 10 seconds earlier than the rest of their team? BIoware are you stupid or are you deliberately giving classes overpowered skill to compensate for how unbalance and weak you made them in the beggining? How can they roll and not drop the ball in huttball? You guys have a moronic idea of what pvp should be like. No delay on that cover roll? I think your developer team are Indian freeleancers that don't even bother testing a skill before implementing it. I want to see a novel that speaks about this operative who's special skill was to roll and could roll around a planet in five minutes. Idiots.


It's just like how the Vanguard can run across thin air when using Storm (ride ze Thunder? No, no). It's for gameplay balance. If only Jedi Knights/Sith Warriors had distance closers, this would be a very unfair game.



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I stand corrected. Anyway people who think the skill would be ruin if it had a CD like every other speed buff in the game to me is a coward that enjoys exploiting. If they leave the skill as it is fine, get used to being everyone's primary target including mine. Made an OP roll all the way from the door after the bridge (Hi Gusbuster!) in voidstar back to his ship and I still killed him. His team sucked and it was regular warzone so I didn't mind chasing him and beating him down like a dog. Put three conqueror geared rollspam healers in a ranked warzone or switch one for a sorc healer and between cc, range and los no one in their team will ever die and since half of this warzones are won by staying alive do the math. It's not their wonderful pvp skills but because of retarded pvp design by Bioware. Edited by Jurakan
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If you want people to take you seriously you shouldn't use such melodramatic language as 'coward' and 'exploiting'.


If you think people are "exploiting" by using an ability that is in game as it is supposed to be then you have a very tenuous grasp on reality.


The ability is strong. If they add a cooldown on it it will be weaker. Ruined? No. But weaker. The ability already has a lot of qualifiers on it which make it not much of an escape ability and more of a travelling when not in combat ability.


Which is why I say if they add a cooldown on it (thereby heavily impacting the 'travelling when not in combat' aspect of it) they will need to fix the qualifiers which make it currently fail as an escape ability. ie: make it break snares and make it travel full distance at all times.


Also your threat about making them a primary target is just silly. I'm a healer, I'm already the primary target for good players.

Edited by entropicdecay
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Shut the hell up. Ive been playing since beta and i've been in many pvp guilds and I know all about exploiting. If I use the word it's because it's what it is. How do you call an operative planting a bomb in a voidstar without the bridge being extended? I don't care if YOU take me seriously because I know intelligent unbiased beings will as they have and why this thread has endured even without me caring as much as I did when I created about it. All the arguments about energy management are senseless because if your role is to SPAM roll I guarantee you no one is counting or expecting you to save energy for anything else. Go youtube speed hacks and tell me they don't exist. I've seen many kinds of hacks and many of them have been shared between guildmates and the spam roll has a way to be exploited and win warzones. You probably don't even know about the print screen bug that retarded people use to lag everyone in the warzone in a lame attempt to avoid certain death. So I will use whatever word pleases me. Edited by Jurakan
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How do you call an operative planting a bomb in a voidstar without the bridge being extended?

You're not making any sense. Why are you raging about scamper when this exploit has nothing to do with scamper? Out of the 16 classes in game 10 of them can do this exploit and only 2 of them have scamper. I'll agree that bypassing the bridge is an exploit but the exploit has absolutely nothing to do with this thread or the ability you're whinging about.

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I've only seen it once in the 2,000 warzones or more i've done and it was done by an OP after 2.0. I don't care if I don't make sense to you, is obvious to me your one of those FOTMs who will go back to another toon if the skill ever gets a CD. The kind of scrub I would never team up with or want in my team. If you where worth mentioning you would say, sure, slap a 15 second CD on it and you will still get beaten but, ofcourse, that's not the case is it? Edited by Jurakan
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It's a sign of how weak your argument is that rather than debate my statements you have concocted imaginary silliness such as what classes I play (ps, ive been playing scoundrel since 20/12/2011).


You're so emotional about it that you've ignored the multiple times in this thread where I've said I'd be ok with them adding a cool down on it. Will I still win if they change it? Of course, I was winning before the ability even existed, I was winning since 1.0 when scoundrels were a way weaker healing class than they are now (although they were an OP dps class back then!)

Edited by entropicdecay
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You seem to know a lot about the exploit in detail. Mind sharing it with everyone or at least Bioware to have it fixed or it's just something you use and would like keeping for personal advancement?



You're so emotional about it that you've ignored the multiple times in this thread where I've said I'd be ok with them adding a cool down on it. Will I still win if they change it? Of course, I was winning before the ability even existed, I was winning since 1.0 when scoundrels were a way weaker healing class than they are now (although they were an OP dps class back then!)


This is true, after reading your first sentence there was little reason why I would bother reading the rest.


Also your threat about making them a primary target is just silly. I'm a healer, I'm already the primary target for good players.


duh duh duh obviously I meant between sorc and op. I went back and now I regret having read the rest of your post. It was indeed a waste of time. You make it seem like OPs only use it as an "escape" ability and not to take the offensive in most if not all of the warzones. That makes your arguments less credible than mine with my "melodramatics".

Edited by Jurakan
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You seem to know a lot about the exploit in detail. Mind sharing it with everyone or at least Bioware to have it fixed or it's just something you use and would like keeping for personal advancement?

I think the fewer people who know how to do things like this the better. I remember how unplayable Warzones were for 2 weeks when knowledge of how to replicate the >8 player in a warzone bug became public knowledge.


I've never bombed the door without the bridge being extended.

This is true, after reading your first sentence there was little reason why I would bother reading the rest.

Glad to see you're openly admitting that you're speaking from a position of true ignorance.

You make it seem like OPs only use it as an "escape" ability and not to take the offensive in most if not all of the warzones.

I don't understand why you reply to posts without reading them. It makes you seem very silly indeed.

Edited by entropicdecay
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So you mean people where exploiting a bug? Ah cool. Not sure why the word is banned from your dictionary when it fits. You have no idea how many PVP guilds get bored 1 month after the update and go back to WOW because they get max gear in 2 weeks just exploiting or abusing unbalanced skills in every ranked match. I know because I've been on them and I've seen how fast they get bored and quit directly because of it.



I don't understand why you reply to posts without reading them. It makes you seem very silly indeed.


I read all I had to read to know you are biased and have nothing new to offer except the same rehashed arguments everyone else does defending a cheap way to live longer.

Edited by Jurakan
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Don't twist my argument to defend your chicken **** desire to keep something broken, broken. I explained why I used the term exploiter and referenced it to that voidstar warzone where I saw an op rolling so ahead of his team that he capped the door after the bridge without the bridge being extended. I didn't have a close cam on him to see what he did, i just know what he did because I was there.
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I'm not twisting your argument. Your argument hasn't been coherent.


You complain about getting the huttball first but don't have any answer as to why that is any different to consular/inq being able to get there first prior to rothc.


You complain about an exploit that has nothing to do with the ability this thread is about.


You want a cooldown added but then ignore the many people who have said 'sure add a cooldown but also change it in way X'


You're just ranting. If you really want your argument to not be 'twisted' then you need to present your stance in a much more rational format.

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Why? Intelligent people get it. There is more than enough intelligent arguments here to support my original statement. The fact that you keep trolling to defend the skill and keep it as it is just shows your emotionally attached to something pathetic. Knowing Bioware they will probably leave the skill as it is and I accepted it not because they know what their doing but because of the level of incompetence they have shown since this game was released. As far as content sure the game is fun but for SW fans who play for the pvp aspect this game is a sandbox of crap and it gets old fairly quick. Off subject this game keeps dying anyway and no cartel pack will keep it alive> That is the reason why in PVP servers have very few guilds doing ranked if any. The rest just fix teams to go up against themselves to "farm" coms and each other until another expantion comes out, all of conqueror and partisan gear gets deleted and crappier equivalents are introduced. Edited by Jurakan
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Operatives seem to have been hurt by 2.0 and that roll is not really that effective at doing much of anything other than running away. Also if you spam this roll you get stuck and can't move and the /stuck command does not work so you get booted out of a warzone.


Funny really, now healers are OP and you can't kill them, and some tanks appear to be OP and can't be killed... before 2.0 I didn't have this kind of a problem.. operatives (dps anyhow) seem like a LOL class now , especially after 2.0 it seems like a fly trying to kill a giant.

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Why? Intelligent people get it. There is more than enough intelligent arguments here to support my original statement. The fact that you keep trolling to defend the skill and keep it as it is just shows your emotionally attached to something pathetic. Knowing Bioware they will probably leave the skill as it is and I accepted it not because they know what their doing but because of the level of incompetence they have shown since this game was released. As far as content sure the game is fun but for SW fans who play for the pvp aspect this game is a sandbox of crap and it gets old fairly quick. Off subject this game keeps dying anyway and no cartel pack will keep it alive> That is the reason why in PVP servers have very few guilds doing ranked if any. The rest just fix teams to go up against themselves to "farm" coms and each other until another expantion comes out, all of conqueror and partisan gear gets deleted and crappier equivalents are introduced.


Who cares if ops can get it first.. Jedi use to be able to force run to it and then if specced properly they were impossible to take down, especially with a good healer. Ops get it and they have no action afterward and can be easily killed out of stealth .. So they wind up having to pass it off to a jedi anyhow. I don't see what the problem here is other than a you need to L2p kind of issue here.

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I love how stupid people always present the skill in the lamest situation they can come up with and create an argument around that. I have 1281 warzone wins, 4213 mvp votes 45k player kills so I'm sure it is you who needs to learn how to play and not depend on bad design to stay alive. You can slow them and it makes no difference whatsoever. What do sorcs get ? Invincible bubble that people laugh at and kill the sorc healer right after it's gone. They can't run across half of the map in four seconds to LOS or get out of range of their enemies. Why didn't they make them fly so they can compete with this excess fotm scrubs playing op now? Edited by Jurakan
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I love how stupid people always present the skill in the lamest situation they can come up with and create an argument around that. I have 1281 warzone wins, 4213 mvp votes 45k player kills so I'm sure it is you who needs to learn how to play and not depend on bad design to stay alive. What do sorcs get ? Invincible bubble that people laugh at and kill the sorc healer right after it's gone. They can't run across half of the map in four seconds to LOS or get out of range of their enemies. Why didn't they make them fly so they can compete with this excess fotm scrubs playing op now?


This roll does anything but keep you alive. IN fact you are hampering yourself by using it. It eats up all your action to the point you can do nothing and are basically free kill.


Now, you do need to learn to play , because this skill is not as dangerous as you make it out to be. It does nothing to hurt you, sure you may or may not be able to get the huttball first, but then what? You die and have used up all your action so you cannot roll anymore.. If the devs do anything they should get rid of this skill and give us a better attack skill. This lame skill , is only good for one thing and one thing only.. That is running away. I guess it is good to try and make an attempt to get to the ball, but then you will probably die and lose it to the other team anyhow, because you drained all your action and are helpless.

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Bahaha he's quoting PvP stats now. MVP tally, hahaha.


Guy, if you were really as über in PvP as you think you are you wouldn't be here bawling your eyes out over scamper.


It's good to have something to blame for losing though right? It was that dastardly scoundrel and his VERY UNFAIR MOVEMENT ABILITY. I WISH I HAD A MOVEMENT ABILITY ON MY SORCERER! NO ALL THOSE MOVEMENT ABILITIES MY SORCERER ALREADY HAS DON'T COUNT!

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I don't have this ability yet as I'm still leveling but I've seen it in PVP and my reaction was. *** ROFL.


Bioware seems utterely clueless, as far as balance goes and this is by far the worst patch yet as far as balance goes its just ridiculous.


You only have to look at the endgame scores to see that, they used to be pretty consistant now you see people with 1.2 mil heals and Millions in dmg where everyone else is in the 300k range, people with 700k dmg and 7 kills.


PVP is utterly screwed up.


It'd take months of rebalancing and testing to get this sorted even if they had a clue where to start.

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