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Questionable Player Behavior


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While selling items, a character named Tharomon, offered to buy 2 of all the items I had, without bartering or even asking the price.

When it came to trading he said he was getting an error: it says "cant put in abject until friend push ready"

I didn't question it, or completely think about it until the next action happened.

He said: try push ready, hopefully it will work.

I didn't do that and offered to send a COD to him.

He said: I think its working now.

I opened the trade again. and put the items in and he put in 1,000.

I said it was 1.5 mil.

He said: on my screen I put in 1.5 million

and then: your game must be glitching

At this point, I knew something was up and told him, I didn't feel like trading with him now.

And told him to try again later.



Looking back over this, it is obvious that he was trying to gip me and I decided to put it up on the forums as a notification for everyone. I didn't get his Legacy Name, but I wanted to post this to help out. Plus it's a rather funny story.

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Yeah, a subpar attempt at scamming, sadly there are dumb enough people who would follow his directions.
No. this is the part where you give him your username and password so he can fix the problem for you. Edited by Falensawino
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