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Scheduled Maintenance: April 24th, 2013 [Servers Available]


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No. Obviously them delaying it so they can fix a bug is so they can put out a sub-par patch... :rak_03:


What, like "We've delayed the patch by a week to deal with a game breaking bug, so we'll halve the content to make up for it!"



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Deeply appreciate the answer, and please ignore the howler monkies, I'd much rather the patch get delayed then get a nasty bug like that considering my DPS toon is a telekenetics sage and I occasionally DPS on my scoundrel, it would mess my rotation up horrendously.
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I think I don't care who you asked the question. I asked you a question which you have yet to answer.


i dont like your attitude i ask the man in charge when the update will be done i dont answer to a stranger especialy someone who forces an answer out of me i dont like that

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As pleased as I am for the updates I'm really disappointed there's still no character recustomization! I've literally been waiting months for it to be implemented (even before you announced it).




They already confirmed it is comming summer. I would expect 2.1 or 2.2

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We will be having our maintenance to deploy Game Update 2.0.1 tomorrow morning. Check the original post for the updated details! Thanks everyone.




Thanks for that...can't wait for this one. A lot of good fixes here.

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i dont like your attitude i ask the man in charge when the update will be done i dont answer to a stranger especialy someone who forces an answer out of me i dont like that


You came at me with an attitude first, and have the gall to complain about mine? People treat you the way you treat them, you come at me with an attitude I come at you with one.

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Repair costs too high? Did you miss that they were going to put them back up after the discount? These costs are perfectly within reason. You should expect to lose a bit of money on progression nights and having money for repairs is part of coming prepared. I still will purposely kill myself to save running back at times, repair costs be damned! Seriously though, not sure I understand nor have I seen this complaint brought up again since the fix went live back in like 1.6


If you will reread my post I was referring to the things I am hearing from my guild members. Myself while I dislike the costs and think they are still too high, I am ok money wise due to selling a lot on the GTN but not everyone does that. For people leveling and doing HM fps ands reg ops I could see this being an issue.


As far as progression goes, we run guild repair to cover everyones repair cost on progression costs.

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On April 24th, all game servers, SWTOR.com, and the launcher will be unavailable as we perform scheduled maintenance. Game Update 2.0.1 will be implemented during this downtime. Details are as follows:


Date: Wednesday April 24th, 2013

Duration: 5 hours

Time: 2AM PDT (9AM GMT) to 7AM PDT (2PM GMT)


The Patch Notes can be viewed here.


Thank you for your patience as we maintain service for Star Wars™: The Old Republic™.


Two things: (1) The launcher still says 9M GMT for start time. (2) BST (GMT +1) Started at the end of March, so will it be an hour earlier than stated again this week (& therefore 8AM GMT)? - Thanks

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all the player has to do is TURN ON THE F-ING COUNTDOWN COOL DOWN feature


You really failed to comprehend what the issue was, didn't you?


Bioware you better have this patch out tomorrow.


Or what?


IMO, it was the right decision to delay the patch until this could be fixed.

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This may be a little off-topic, but I was just looking through preferences and could not find a current option to put a countdown on dots? I'm going to feel retarded if I've been running this whole time with a way to monitor my dots and not using it. Would someone be kind enough to enlighten me on where this setting is?
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This may be a little off-topic, but I was just looking through preferences and could not find a current option to put a countdown on dots? I'm going to feel retarded if I've been running this whole time with a way to monitor my dots and not using it. Would someone be kind enough to enlighten me on where this setting is?


You mean, the DoTs you have on the mob? Mr. Musco is referring to the white overlay on the DoTs that appear on the mob, not the DoTs as they are on your quickbar. There IS a setting which puts a numerical countdown on the skills on your quickbar, but this does not apply to those DoTs which are on the mob.


Does that make sense?


You have a little mini icon on the mob you dotted, and that's the one which the bug was affecting, not the one on your quickbar.

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If they put numerical countdowns on DoTs on mobs, that would be hell, the icons are so tiny!


You do realize you can make them really big now right?


With that in mind, being able to make them really big AND adding a numerical count would be AWESOME!!! But mostly I would settle for letting me stop displaying debuffs on enemies that are not my own. You get two or three PTs AND everyone else and I quickly lose track of which Incendiary Missile is mine.

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So let me get this straight bioware you Pushed a HUGE patch that fixes lots of problems i think the biggest everyone wants is the Slicing missions fixed i think everyone's tired of getting F'ed over on that one, for a Bug that all the player has to do is TURN ON THE F-ING COUNTDOWN COOL DOWN feature in the UI under preferences(which if you don't have it set up already then you are really bad at this game) Bioware you better have this patch out tomorrow.


What happen to you guys Doing sooo well and now this.....


there had to be at least one guy making unreasonable accusations didnt there...

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