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Assassin Tree Question


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I've trawled through a fair number of posts regarding tree's for Assassin but, I hoped I could glean some quick responses from you guys; you are the people with the expertise and the hours of play-testing...


In short, which tree would you heartily recommend - or, lean more in favour of - when it concerns PvP: Deception or Madness?


Or, does it simply come down to play-style and preference?


I appreciate your feedback in advance.

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You're right, it's a personal preference, but I would strongly recommend Deception. Madness was a very good tree to use pre-2.0 but when they moved Duplicity higher up into the Deception, Madness lost a lot of DPS. All in all I would suggest the middle tree, Deception. The burst is really good for pvp if you know how to play it.
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Thanks for your response, mate.


As I mentioned, I've done some reading up to see what changes have occurred to the class, nerfs, etc.


I've just come back to SW:TOR in the last few days (I was there from day one and was among the multitude of people that left, a few months after release) and I am enjoying it again, so much so, that I decided to re-sub. So, I wanted a quick response from the people on the front-line.


I am currently Deception as it happens and, I've been having a good old time in the warzones. I just needed to get some knowledgeable input.


I appreciate your words. Take care.

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