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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

2.0 Individual Class Records


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In the interest of keeping things as legit as possible, I'm going to stop updating this as of now. When BW fixes the exploiting I will resume with a new thread.


I'm sorry to everyone who has done so amazing with legit scores.


i really dont think its fair to start all over because a handful of ppl are using exploits

Edited by Physcoz
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I Vote we get Zabuza doing this again. Resetting the records due to an exploit. **** You.


I, for one, am fine with them being reset. Well, let me rephrase that. I am not fine, I think its BS that its still there and people take advantage of it. I don't condone it, and have even considered quitting warzones where I see people doing so but that is a whole different story (quitters).


Anyone who set these records with legitimate means should be able to duplicate them again if we truly are worthy.

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I, for one, am fine with them being reset. Well, let me rephrase that. I am not fine, I think its BS that its still there and people take advantage of it. I don't condone it, and have even considered quitting warzones where I see people doing so but that is a whole different story (quitters).


Anyone who set these records with legitimate means should be able to duplicate them again if we truly are worthy.


I'm just angry due to i never get into stalemate Alderaan games. First time in like 4-5 months i get in one and break a record and from what it seems the record is going to basically be just thrown out.

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I don't think a reset is needed, because people will just hold off on posting until you open it back up. If anything, scrutinize them more. You can definitely see via health pools who has been doing it and who hasn't.
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This is a good place to start reading, for those wondering "what exploit".


Ah. In all honestly, I've never seen these exploits as an obnoxious deal, in causing a particular player to accomplish anything out of the norm. I suppose we'll find out who's truly rotten once they root it out, then. I believe I know a select group or so that I wouldn't put past doing everything they can in their spare time to get an advantage over other players that wouldn't require improving on their class. Oh, the suspense.

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Lol @ pvp becoming the MLB steroid era.


I just get on and play after a long work day... I dont have time to try to think up ways to juke my stats to get unfair advantages over people so I don't care about the records being reset.



Then again, I don't have any records either. Ah we'll...

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Seriously though, if you wanna talk glitching: check out Devildog's wonderous HP:




Couldn't 1v1 me, lost the game, did **** for damage. If you're gonna do it, please be good at it.


You mean the part where he didnt use it to get records and didnt post any records or screenshots while doing that?


Or the part where i've seen people in your guild running around as dps assassins with 37.5k hp doing the same **** as he did but with pocket healers?

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You mean the part where he didnt use it to get records and didnt post any records or screenshots while doing that?


Or the part where i've seen people in your guild running around as dps assassins with 37.5k hp doing the same **** as he did but with pocket healers?


Oh, because I did that (and posted records to boot). Gee, you sure got me there! /sarcasm


The best part is you're complaining about my guild doing it, when you had Cloudcatcher and not to mention 2-3 other healers healing him as well. Nice try, though.

Edited by Milly_
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Oh, because I did that (and posted records to boot). Gee, you sure got me there! /sarcasm


The best part is you're complaining about my guild doing it, when you had Cloudcatcher and not to mention 2-3 other healers healing him as well. Nice try, though.


I wasn't taking a shot at you so stop being insecure, if i was there wouldn't be a need to try and be "subtle." I have no clue who was in the game i only saw it cause you decided screenshot it to make a post about, i guess because you got tired of people calling you out judging by a lot of these posts.

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I wasn't taking a shot at you so stop being insecure, if i was there wouldn't be a need to try and be "subtle." I have no clue who was in the game i only saw it cause you decided screenshot it to make a post about, i guess because you got tired of people calling you out judging by a lot of these posts.


Totz brah, got me again!


My records were obtained legit and I have never posted nor taken screenshots using the augment glitch and getting high numbers.

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Totz brah, got me again!


My records were obtained legit and I have never posted nor taken screenshots using the augment glitch and getting high numbers.


Again i'm not talking about you using the augment glitch. How many times am i going to need to type this out..

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Seriously though, if you wanna talk glitching: check out Devildog's wonderous HP:




Couldn't 1v1 me, lost the game, did **** for damage. If you're gonna do it, please be good at it.


Nice photoshop. You find the need really to post flame like this when you got solo'ed twice? Next time screenshot the game results and stats rather than making them up please. Subject over from my perspective. My life is not defined by the forums here, so I'll be on my merry way.

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Nice photoshop. You find the need really to post flame like this when you got solo'ed twice? Next time screenshot the game results and stats rather than making them up please. Subject over from my perspective. My life is not defined by the forums here, so I'll be on my merry way.




You sir, are hilarious.

Edited by Milly_
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I'm fine with you guys being upset at me, I just wanted things to be as legitimate as possible, and right now if someone catches someone using the hp bug, then the legitimacy of any of their records immediately goes to being questioned.


I know a lot of these are legit, that being said, I know you guys are capable of doing them again or even breaking them as we start seeing more min/maxed Conq. players.


The big thing I'm working on is weeding out the eploited games and such.


My biggest question atm is do we allow the PVE geared players records stand?

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