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2.0 Individual Class Records


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So wait, with the known augment bug/exploit how can we justify the legitimacy of any of the records? Especially the "biggest hit" records.


anyone with more hp than is reasonable for their spec should be coming under scrutiny imo, I mean the other day I saw another Operative healer with similar gear come into the same warzone as me doing the augment thing and he had 32k to my 29k and abuot 100 more bonus healing.....


It's rather ridiculous, people on both sides are currently in on it and we should work to cut it out, surely fair etiquette would be to not give yourself and unfair stat advantage over the opponent......


Mind you I solo queue imp a fair bit so im quite used to being disadvantaged haha.:cool: ..

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Str'yker your top link is broken sir.


Lesseps your current 1mil/0 deaths would be superior to the 1.6m/1 death match.


I'm not sure what to do currently with the state of stat exploiting.

I can either hold off until BW fixes this or continue the course.

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I'm not sure what to do currently with the state of stat exploiting.

I can either hold off until BW fixes this or continue the course.


I would continue on. I, however, wouldn't allow crop jobs, crappy image hosts or covering of the HP (until BW fixes it).


Also, you forgot this:



Well, I guess you never commented if it was gonna be allowed or not.

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I'm not sure what to do currently with the state of stat exploiting.

I can either hold off until BW fixes this or continue the course.


The exploit is pretty easy to see since you shouldn't be in the upper 32k~35k range as a healer or dps without it, just make people show their health pool and it would be a easy way to do a quick check.

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anyone with more hp than is reasonable for their spec should be coming under scrutiny imo, I mean the other day I saw another Operative healer with similar gear come into the same warzone as me doing the augment thing and he had 32k to my 29k and abuot 100 more bonus healing.....


It's rather ridiculous, people on both sides are currently in on it and we should work to cut it out, surely fair etiquette would be to not give yourself and unfair stat advantage over the opponent......


Mind you I solo queue imp a fair bit so im quite used to being disadvantaged haha.:cool: ..


It'd be nice if they just took bolster out of 55 wz's , there's no reason to have it...partisan gear is very easy to get and be competitive in. Boo hoo it took two days of getting owned to get a full set...lol. By giving a beginner set below partisan with lower stats but expertise and taking bolster out of 55 wz's the exploit would be neutered.

Edited by Ekot
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The exploit is pretty easy to see since you shouldn't be in the upper 32k~35k range as a healer or dps without it, just make people show their health pool and it would be a easy way to do a quick check.


Except that if you manage to be out of combat, you can just swap that piece quickly and health would be back to normal, or in that moment of being able to so something just after the warzone ends, drop any piece of gear to drop your Endurance to make it look like your health is at normal levels.


Though, not only is the exploit a possibility (I have come across it a lot less as of this last week though), I personally am against the use of PvE modifications in PvP (of course, many will disagree and I see their points on why it should be ok, but it's my simpleton opinion.) There are ways to min/max for PvP directly purchasing PvP mods/enhancements and I suspect that some of these numbers are in part due to the speed at which people were able to get on par or better then Conq in an extremely short amount of time via the PvE Bolster issues. With that, it appears that Bioware is content with how PvE mods scale unfortunately.


I'm not about to call those Sage/Sorcs as exploiters that are on this list, they could very well have got lucky and hit someone that was rolling up in busted arse recruit gear before they understood how the 55 bolster worked, but currently, I'm in 6pc Conq with the rest Part and replaced a couple crit enhancements with surge ones, even the stat gains from full Conq, advanced augments, all surge/power mods, I just don't see my best 7K hit ever finding another 1.5K to reach that 9.5K+. The math just doesn't appear to be there in strictly PvP gear.

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Yooni I can only really count what the scoreboard says. We get a lot of very high hits that are overkill, so I'm going to have to go at it that way.


From herein you must include your HP in your SS's please use a decent image upload site, imgur etc.


http://i.imgur.com/rvvDPy5.png?1 damage taken for scoundrel.



I think I'm putting this in the right spot..... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pqSShTB6vE8 Hot off the presses..

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Also, needed more music in my opinion.


Ya, sorry about that. I didn't feel that Yooni deserves much more the silent 480p. Cheap Russian screen capture with corrupt Powerdirector software doesn't handle music very well either...


I guess I should apologize for thinking that people posting on this would be doing so in a legit matter. I far too often hope that one day, people in the PvP side of an MMO would rather take competition over cheating. Always have and sure I will be let down in this manner for some time to come.

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Ya, sorry about that. I didn't feel that Yooni deserves much more the silent 480p. Cheap Russian screen capture with corrupt Powerdirector software doesn't handle music very well either...


I guess I should apologize for thinking that people posting on this would be doing so in a legit matter. I far too often hope that one day, people in the PvP side of an MMO would rather take competition over cheating. Always have and sure I will be let down in this manner for some time to come.


Don't get me wrong I love competition and that's not why I made a stupid comment.


It just looks as though you're trying to discredit Yooni's records, but if you look at the records he has you can't assume he's exploiting because there's no proof in these pictures. Now if he comes up with a record with 31k health then yeah question it.


http://i.imgur.com/hUK7CNa.jpg 27.4k health

http://i.imgur.com/bVRo2TE.jpg 27.1k health

http://i.imgur.com/AF6YCby.jpg 26.8k health


Most geared dps are pushing 30k health now anyway.

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Don't get me wrong I love competition and that's not why I made a stupid comment.


It just looks as though you're trying to discredit Yooni's records, but if you look at the records he has you can't assume he's exploiting because there's no proof in these pictures. Now if he comes up with a record with 31k health then yeah question it.


http://i.imgur.com/hUK7CNa.jpg 27.4k health

http://i.imgur.com/bVRo2TE.jpg 27.1k health

http://i.imgur.com/AF6YCby.jpg 26.8k health


Most geared dps are pushing 30k health now anyway.


<3 ya, bud.

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Don't get me wrong I love competition and that's not why I made a stupid comment.


It just looks as though you're trying to discredit Yooni's records, but if you look at the records he has you can't assume he's exploiting because there's no proof in these pictures. Now if he comes up with a record with 31k health then yeah question it.


http://i.imgur.com/hUK7CNa.jpg 27.4k health

http://i.imgur.com/bVRo2TE.jpg 27.1k health

http://i.imgur.com/AF6YCby.jpg 26.8k health


Most geared dps are pushing 30k health now anyway.


You can make of it however you want to. It's not difficult to remove an item to lower a health pool in thoughts that the screen cap would be looked at by someone and questioned.

These listed records may in fact be legit, even I have managed a few 1.4+ mil damage runs in those long 4x4 healer matches and that was while in just a couple Conq items. Still a point that Yooni is in current use of the augment exploit. If someone doesn't want to get called out as a cheater, then guess what? Don't give a reason to be called out as one.


I'm not some PvP all star that thinks I should win every single match I get in to, Actually, I more expect to lose in a 1v1 just about every time though I'm not your F2P weekend warrior either, but not going to accept losing to someone (even if I only get them down 5% health) who is exploiting a busted up system.


It sucks that Bioware can't get their heads out of their own asses and address some of the issues in a timely matter, but still, the players are the ultimate stop gap between developer mistakes and exploiting them.


I'll say this.. Yooni, if all things were equal and you ran full PvP mods without exploiting, i'll admit to losing to you somewhere in the range of 99.9% of the time. I think you play your character better then I can play mine. You and the rest of Uncensored (and many others that I respect for their PvP skill) don't need to be using the augment exploit nor all the lvl 72 mods to gain that advantage over the more PvP focused player.

Ya, well, who am I anyways.. in this game, just a random unguilded Solo queue pug that hops into 10-12 warzones a night. Take what I say how you will, at this point, I'm just holding out till the future failure of FFXIV, I'll chip away at the 9 wins and accept 12 losses to get a daily done.

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I know I have some better then this but I don't care to ss everything. Anyways, here is what I could find.


Sage Healer - HPS (1987)



Sage Healer - Overall Heals (2,035,138)



Vanguard - DPS & Overall (1338)(1,201,538)



Doing my best to keep the Vanguard alive!

Edited by Utopii
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