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Agents/Smugglers getting the ball first in Huttball


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The problem isn't that the roll is faster, and Operatives are getting the ball, it's *how* much faster.


Before with Assassin and Transcendence buff, yes, the Assassin could get to the ball, but the other team (even without Transcendence/Assassin) would be coming down the final ramp and therefore would be in ~30m to attack, pull, leap, snare the ball carrier.


The trouble with the roll is, if you don't have one on your team, the enemy Operative has the ball and has passed, or started running back to team mates before your team is in range to do anything.


I think the same applies to other warzones. Yes Transcendence/Assassin was faster, but rarely fast enough to get to the objective fast enough to cap it unopposed. This isn't the case with Operative roll.


Yes, you could say 'bring your own' which I'm sure is great in ranked and all that, but for PUG style groups what usually happens is one team has Transcendence with Assassin and/or Op, the other doesn't. If the other team has Transcendence/Assassin you can still stop the cap/ball grab even if you team doesn't. With Operative this is not the case.


This *isn't* (for most people anyway) "boo hoo I'm not the fastest any more", it's about widening the gap between the "haves" and "have nots" as far as team compositions goes.

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Assassins and Shadows can only grab the ball about 2 seconds before the team or opposing team, then they can be attacked within range for the opposing team. Operatives and Scroundrels can grab the ball before the opposing team gets into attack range, and then they can pass the ball to a another carrier and get into safety before attacked.


Operatives/Scroundrels 's so-called "disadvanatge" of energy cost for rolling can easily be negated by Adrenline Probe and Stim Boost. Snare can be cleansed before chain rolling. So yes, operatives can chain roll right at the start of the WZ, or whenever the situation calls for it to escape without a penalty, whenever energy regen cooldowns are up. Or they can chain roll, pop Stim Boost and Adrenline Probe, and chain roll again.


This ability needs a short cooldown.

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I was just in a game, some smuggler on their team used their speed roll thingy and grabbed the ball... our team hadnt even got past the pool yet...they won of course...


Remove that ability from huttball please, or put a timer or cooldown on it...


That's like whining about assas or sorcs force sprinting in and grabbing the ball, there are abilities like this, so deal with it.


And to say, that you obviously lost, just from the fact, that they had the ball first, shows that it's not the roll that made the difference

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The problem isn't that the roll is faster, and Operatives are getting the ball, it's *how* much faster.


Before with Assassin and Transcendence buff, yes, the Assassin could get to the ball, but the other team (even without Transcendence/Assassin) would be coming down the final ramp and therefore would be in ~30m to attack, pull, leap, snare the ball carrier.


The trouble with the roll is, if you don't have one on your team, the enemy Operative has the ball and has passed, or started running back to team mates before your team is in range to do anything.


I think the same applies to other warzones. Yes Transcendence/Assassin was faster, but rarely fast enough to get to the objective fast enough to cap it unopposed. This isn't the case with Operative roll.


Yes, you could say 'bring your own' which I'm sure is great in ranked and all that, but for PUG style groups what usually happens is one team has Transcendence with Assassin and/or Op, the other doesn't. If the other team has Transcendence/Assassin you can still stop the cap/ball grab even if you team doesn't. With Operative this is not the case.


This *isn't* (for most people anyway) "boo hoo I'm not the fastest any more", it's about widening the gap between the "haves" and "have nots" as far as team compositions goes.


There is a difference, when a shadow/Assassin got the ball first they were already moving forward and if your team all dropped down toward acid then he was already up top heading to score. Then stealth in endzone and score score score. I played em that way and seen em played that way. Now with scoundrel/Operative they get ball first then have to run back toward their goal to pass. I ran against some ops last night doing this and we scored 3 times just off killing him and taking the ball on. I am sure with a premade team and all the right classes then yes they are going to be a bit op but what perfect combination in the past hasn't been.

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*Cough* Have you ever heard about something called "FOCUSSING TARGET"?


You know, a medium armor class with 2-3 good dps on him I think will explode in just a few seconds, even if is guarded :D




Ops don't need a cooldown on this ability.


This video is kind of old, but it makes a good point. http://taugrim.com/2012/02/03/taugrim-daily-3-my-solution-for-making-rogues-viable-for-sustained-pvp-combat/

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I was just in a game, some smuggler on their team used their speed roll thingy and grabbed the ball... our team hadnt even got past the pool yet...they won of course...


Remove that ability from huttball please, or put a timer or cooldown on it...


Someone outplayed my sage/shadow... or Jugga tank! :eek: NERF! :rolleyes:

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