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James Olen said


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The BH merc set looks so bad. The helm looks like a mummy put on a blast shield helmet then got shot in the face by the death star.

Also of note Bioware has completely screwed itemization on the new gear. I'm going to have to win a total of 3 offhand weapon tokens and a couple sets of boots in order to counter the errors with mods/enhancements they have made for bounty hunter arsenal spec. It is pretty ridiculous that the devs don't even understand or grasp their own game and keep making such gross errors with the gear. Please Bioware make it so we can turn in the operations drop tokens for 1 armoring, 1 mod, 1 enhancement of our choosing (also 1 barrel/hilt for the weapon tokens). It is obvious at this point that the devs are never going to get gear itemization right so please just make that change and let the players take care of it.


the Marauder set is so bad i will have to buy gear from ANOTHER CLASS just to get enhancements that are correct.


Its one thing to not give out min maxed gear, but its another to make a class have to get enhancements from another class's gear because they screwed the pooch so bad.

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WoW had a couple nice sets. Especially in the beginning. But do I need to bring up the Mage Firelands gear? That set was the most unoriginal boring gear I have ever seen... http://img1.mmo.mmo4arab.com/news/2010/10/14/wow_tier11/tier11_mage_male1.jpg


ToR also has a couple of nice sets. like 20% of it. Same in WoW. 80% of the sets are always ugly. Unwritten rule of mmo´s, Raidarmor sucks. Thank god we have modding.

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Centurion Force Mystic's armor (the brown BM sage armor with glowing runes) was a really cool looking set, but after that consular gear went way downhill. It would be cool to see more force effects and cool tech in future gear, you can't really go wrong with it.


Some of the sets this time around---while certainly better than some of the WH and Black Hole sets--- don't seem to work very well together. For example the new Inquisitor's "devil's head" mask looks pretty cool...just not with the rest of the set. In ToR you've just got to mix and match pieces that you like to make your character "yours" I guess. But meh, its an MMO, sometimes your class gets screwed...sometimes all the time. Just ask any WoW Paladin.

Edited by Obianon
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Not to sound hateful but nothing triumf the truth.


Well they have been told 1000 times over and over that most off the gear look like garbage but they dont care.

They still think they are working on hobo joe fashion and aliens vs wow fashion.


Must be so sad working as a clothing designer and have that one person in charge telling you to

make the uggliest armors in a game ever. If i were working on that team i would feel like crap

to be a little honest.I mean the person in charge of the design department must have been the biggest

dropout ever in design school, knowing EA and their love for fast $ guessing this person is working for free.

Must be really hard beeing this person knowing most of the playerbase think your work is nothing but pure garbage.

Edited by Lord_Karsk
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Amy Beth Christenson designed the best Star Wars inspiring gear of recent years. She is the most talented one I have seen yet. She was working for LucasArts but moved to LucasFilm. I dunno what she's working on now since Clone Wars is no more. But I've been posting and emailing Mythic/Bioware Austin to acquire her talents, and get rid of that Ryan Denning guy. Sorry, but he tried and can't design proper, cool looking Star Wars gear or anything Star Wars for that matter. I don't think he has the passion for it like she does. Not even close. Edited by xorcist
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JO Said back when the hedious black hole/campaign gear came out that the next "set" of gear would look but fuggin ugly and they would do a better job of making it more "Star Wars" in theme.


WEll he was half right, what they manged to do is go a step past "but fugging ugly" and made some new level of crap.


What happened to making STAR WARS armor. Underworld SI look like a purple cat suit, the Bounty Hunter looks like some monster from a "B: horror movie, Troopers have a satalite on their forehead.


Seriously you actually pay people to come up with this garbage, i know EAware has cut many corners but not only sis you use a dart board to put the worst stats possible on the gear you made it look so bad no-one will ever wear it unless they are mocking the people who "designed" it.


Its been proven you can amke stuff look decent and star warsy like the Jedi Valiant armor and the Eradicator Warsuit. You can make good armor, why is it you have to take stuff not even the blizard art department could take seriously and they have PANDAS in that game.


Hizoka, if you don't like the armor then don't wear it. Simple as that.


I have noticed a trend and after a quick search it appears that you have over 25 posts in the past week. EVERY SINGLE ONE is degrading other players, telling people how horrible they are, how bad the entire community is at this game, complaining about some aspect of the game, or attacking devs. You have not contributed any substantive value to any of these threads and that type of behavior only pushes people away from the game. You complain about others being "terrible", so what have you done to help improve the skill of the community? You complain about new gear itemization and having to put in work to get BiS, then turn around and degrade others for wanting BiS gear handed to them?


Do you need a hug bro? Why so angry? :rak_02:

Edited by TrickyNinja
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