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Spec for Assassin in 2.0


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Sins should go tank now, they make great tanks, and not-so-great DPS.


They can do pretty good dps, BUT you might as well be wearing a paper towel for armor. The old style of being tank spec with dps gear is extremely viable still. While I can't put out +800-900k damage I have still been able to keep up with most dpsers while doing +200k protection. Plus the phase walk healer buff is just awesome. I wish they gave the other trees aoe buffs for the phase walk as well.

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To be honest the spec has so much mitigation (as long as you back to back blackout which is always up coming out of stealth) that you could lose the 1 percent dmg mitigation or 1 armor talent.


The herp a derp spec, for people that are slow. You don't even need to bother with breach in this spec. So it is the exact same thing with one less button, in tank stance, with passive healing, and more rng on it's burstiness. The defensive talents is where force regen comes from.




Few talents can be changed around. I like execute over stun, because of the reduced energy cost. Some people might really want 3 percent more dmg on a crappy melee ability that is just filler. It really doesn't matter where you put like 5-6 points, because you counter everyone anyways.


Infiltration was good before. Basically we got 30 percent more armor, a instant 3 stack for breack, a instant cooldown on a long cooldown, and another procced maul, which can be used on demand from opener or low slash.


We actually specced nothing into Thrashing Blades before so the 1/2 is an improvement also. We had to go too far up in the right tree, which they "fixed" by adding it to the dec/inf tree.


You are welcome. Pwn the @%$@ out of everyone. Knockdown/maul is the preferred opener (procs inc dmg maul which hits hard regardless of crit). From there you potency project breach. After that? You could randomly use your immunity/abilities (you can even pop it after the knockdown maul for 4.5 seconds of CC immunity/beatdown) and beat most classes. Just remember to count to 6 in your head for back to back blackout.


Also if you played a WoW sub rogue? You know that on gouge (low slash), if you aren't being focus fired? There is no rush to hit the person. Let energy tick back up, and THEN maul, project, breach again (if a 3 stack).

Edited by biowareftw
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Why no nerve wracking?


In ranked it could be good (maybe even switch 1 out of increased Voltaic and put it there). People trinket stuns. Execute cost a lot less with the other talent, and as we also both play marauders...


Execute is the !@$@.

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In ranked it could be good (maybe even switch 1 out of increased Voltaic and put it there). People trinket stuns. Execute cost a lot less with the other talent, and as we also both play marauders...


Execute is the !@$@.


I'd probably go with this.


I don't think the incrased VS damage is worth it.



Calling out CC's and bursting that target down as a team is something a good rwz team should be doing and getting more damage because of CC'ed is pretty nice. Burst > All.

Edited by Xerain
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In 4 man premades and OWPVP too Imo.


You don't have to worry too much about OWPVP with this spec lol. :)


You literally have no counter. Voltaic is better for leveling/if you do dailies. The other talent is better for pvp. :)

Edited by biowareftw
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You don't have to worry too much about OWPVP with this spec lol. :)


You literally have no counter. Voltaic is better for leveling/if you do dailies. The other talent is better for pvp. :)


Usually I small group ow pvp and we focus people down. Dropping people fast when they're in larger groups than ours is a must.

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Usually I small group ow pvp and we focus people down. Dropping people fast when they're in larger groups than ours is a must.


Can you imagine a carnage marauder with 6 percent more dmg on a stunned target AND the group buff rolling?


My word lol :)


That person would be like....what just happened.

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I so am, once i hit 55 I will give it a go. I need to wait to get new gear so I can itemize it right now I have like 15% crit and it sucks.


I ain't gonna lie. They did madness wrong. Really wrong. :(


I just hope they don't screw up sorcs when they fix it, because the good sorcs/sages I know? Are finally really happy with their dps spec.


It is almost as if they don't want anyone playing a dot spec unless they are ranged. First Annihilation, now Madness. Anyways I hope they fix the tree you like. :(

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