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you know when you get insulted just for being alive...


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Ever been walking, or having fun doing something completely normal for human beings to be doing. then out of nowhere someone tosses an insult your way just for being alive or being happier than they are? you know what it feels like? it's akin to queueing up imp side.
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Fraid I know the feeling...


Haven't gotten my imps to 55 yet, but you probably didn't have anyone from Beer Thirty in your grp. Those dudes seem to always do really well, and are cool on top of that.


Focus me more. :p

Edited by ace_boogie
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What's dumb is my sniper gets focused/burned down far more than my scoundrel healer I've had on the shelf for months. Only started using her to heal last night and had a 700k game at level 30.


(should be noted that there were 7 total healers in this match tho, lol)


Occasionally there will be 1 dps smart enough to chase me around on my scoundrel. Otherwise I'm free casting. No wonder we (imps) lose so much.

Edited by ace_boogie
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What's dumb is my sniper gets focused/burned down far more than my scoundrel healer I've had on the shelf for months. Only started using her to heal last night and had a 700k game at level 30.


(should be noted that there were 7 total healers in this match tho, lol)


Occasionally there will be 1 dps smart enough to chase me around on my scoundrel. Otherwise I'm free casting. No wonder we (imps) lose so much.


I remember that match... you did great, esp for having only a few hours under your belt as a healer :eek:

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I know I'm not the best healer, but I know I'm not the worst (on my operative). It's just difficult for me to even keep 1 person up, especially when I get 2 shot. That's fun. Look I'm not complaining about class imbalances or gear differential, I'm disappointed by the quality of the players. Don't get me wrong there are a lot of really good PvPers on imps side, Uncensored and Beer Thirty even some Unicorns, but generally speaking.... Repub pugs > imp pugs
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Just because they don't have those tags under their name does not mean they are not "good". lol But whatever, I like being an underdog.


oh you misunderstand. i just used them as examples because i see them so often in pvp. i know there are good unguilded players and some good players in other guild i didnt mention.

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Ever been walking, or having fun doing something completely normal for human beings to be doing. then out of nowhere someone tosses an insult your way just for being alive or being happier than they are? you know what it feels like? it's akin to queueing up imp side.


Wait a minute... did you just post a thread, complaining about being randomly insulted without provocation, and then end it with a random unprovoked insult against the entire opposing faction? Did that really just happen? Because that's what looks like just happened... :rak_02:

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