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what's left for the lvl 50 char at this point.


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hi all


ty for responds so far

its a bit clear that some ppl get my point of few other have there own mind on the subject.

the solutions ppl are talking about arent aviable here in the netherlands have checked every store.


to my age im 41 years young :).

and dont want to use 3part company's to handle my money like paypal like i sayed before.

like i sayed before i already have 10 50char farmed for hours to get the gear i have now.


if there was a clear and good endgame at 50 then i would be a bit dif but there isnt the 3 op's are

douable in colium gear and with ewh/wh .

doing all days fp's ( que's are horible ) isnt fun either

like i sayed before on the point of fp's the behavour of some ppl isnt fun.


i ques i have to see and wait what's going to happen have 15 days left on my sub.


ty for every1's reaction hope all have fun if its in the 50- or 55 endgame



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You might as well ask "what's left for the level 45 char at this point". 50 now is basically just like 45 was 2 weeks ago.


Playing the game without the DLC pack is going to cripple your playing. It was designed that way so people would pay for it.

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What is wrong with people how many expansions have other mmos had i never seen any crap threads like this moaning about how they dont want to pay for an expansion


If your paying a sub you can find a way to buy the expansion

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My concern is for the future patches... will those introduce content only for the level 55 crowd? That would mean that they are going to deliver new content only to the expansion buyers, or am I missing something? (This is my first MMO, and I don't know how expansions usually work):rak_02:


edit: I forgot to add that I have the expansion (I'm just empathetic :D )


For the most part, yes. We will most likely see non-expac owners being given access to new Warzones, though. And it is always possible they will eventually do a "Massive" expansion, that includes a patch triple the size of 2.0 and makes big changes to the entire game.


^^This I hope for, at some point. WoW did this with Cataclysm -- basically, everyone in the game saw massive changes as part of an included patch.


At the moment, though -- it's safe to assume that no expac = no new content (except maybe WZs).

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hi all


ty for responds so far

its a bit clear that some ppl get my point of few other have there own mind on the subject.

the solutions ppl are talking about arent aviable here in the netherlands have checked every store.


to my age im 41 years young :).

and dont want to use 3part company's to handle my money like paypal like i sayed before.

like i sayed before i already have 10 50char farmed for hours to get the gear i have now.


if there was a clear and good endgame at 50 then i would be a bit dif but there isnt the 3 op's are

douable in colium gear and with ewh/wh .

doing all days fp's ( que's are horible ) isnt fun either

like i sayed before on the point of fp's the behavour of some ppl isnt fun.


i ques i have to see and wait what's going to happen have 15 days left on my sub.


ty for every1's reaction hope all have fun if its in the 50- or 55 endgame





Just a good question -- how do you pay for your subscription?

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I haven't read the thread OP so forgive me if this has already been suggested, but if a personal credit card or paypal are out of the question you can buy a mastercard or visa giftcard that acts like a credit card with only as much funds on it as you supply at purchase. Then you can use that to make the purchase of the expansion pack. Nothing of yours is vulnerable after the transaction as it was only a temp gift card with nothing left on it after the pufchase.
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these seem good ideas, but sincerely i expected an exp pack with new level cap someday since i started playing.

having a couple of prepaid credit cards and buying stuff on the internet since i was a kid i don't see the problem in having one or open a paypal account. but maybe the USA is quite different from Italy in charges for these bank services

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What is wrong with people how many expansions have other mmos had i never seen any crap threads like this moaning about how they dont want to pay for an expansion




This is the thing that drives me crazy about many of the complaints on SWTOR's forums. People complain about standard, well-established things like this that other MMOs have been doing without incident for years.

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What is wrong with people how many expansions have other mmos had i never seen any crap threads like this moaning about how they dont want to pay for an expansion


If your paying a sub you can find a way to buy the expansion



to answer you responds the money ISNT the problem the way bw wants use to pay

i cant respond on.

to clearup for wow i have bought every pack and sub is pay with the gametime card same we have in swkotor.


if there was any other way for me to pay for the exppack would i do it glady but there isnt.

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What is wrong with people how many expansions have other mmos had i never seen any crap threads like this moaning about how they dont want to pay for an expansion

You must not have ever visited the forums of any other MMO post-paid expansion, then.


And one word: punctuation.

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