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Athiss poping up too often

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Has any1 else experienced getting the athiss level 55 hm flashpoint wayyy too often. me and my guildies seemed to get it all time time. I have gotten it 6 of the last 7 times across my toons any my guildies have been complaining about it too. This happening to any1 else too? I tried to look for a bug report but couldnt find 1 so half of me thinks im unlucky
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Pre-expansion I had a stretch where I got eight runs of HM FE in a row across three characters (2 pub, 1 imp).


My point is that with a limited number of possibilities (in your case a total of four), and the fact that like every other RNG the previous results have no affect on the next, the chances of a run of doing the same HM FP over and over is actually pretty good.


Sorry, but it's just bad luck.

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I've done 9 lvl 55 hm fp flashpoints so far. Everytime everything was selected. I'm sure because they were all guild runs expect maybe one. Guess what. 6 times hammer station! 2 times Cademimu. 1 time raiders lol. I've been waiting forever for athiss. Guildies say I'm cursed with hammer station lol.


But it's random, I'm sure.

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By any chance, you ran random HM FP more than once a day? Ever since 2.0, if my first random FP HM is A then the following will also be A, through group finder, for the entire day. This new pattern might explain why you had so many athiss in a row.


Such a bug makes the gf selection for an individual to be systematic but it may appear to seem random in pooled aggregate data. So it's not simple for Bioware to pick up this issue. Or it might be just a lazy new way for BW to implement a sorting method to appear random in pooled aggregate data.

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By any chance, you ran random HM FP more than once a day? Ever since 2.0, if my first random FP HM is A then the following will also be A, through group finder, for the entire day. This new pattern might explain why you had so many athiss in a row.


Such a bug makes the gf selection for an individual to be systematic but it may appear to seem random in pooled aggregate data. So it's not simple for Bioware to pick up this issue. Or it might be just a lazy new way for BW to implement a sorting method to appear random in pooled aggregate data.


I have been doing that so i will test this out too but i think you are right. Also i understand i can walk in but sometimes i want to teleport. Thanks tho!

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I've done 9 lvl 55 hm fp flashpoints so far. Everytime everything was selected. I'm sure because they were all guild runs expect maybe one. Guess what. 6 times hammer station! 2 times Cademimu. 1 time raiders lol. I've been waiting forever for athiss. Guildies say I'm cursed with hammer station lol.


But it's random, I'm sure.


Hammerstation FTW^^


4 times in a row ;)

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