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Stop comparing Vitiate to Palpatine...


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Mace Windu so easily defeated Palpatine I don't buy him as the "best ever" at anything other than hiding his true self.


He was a master of pulling strings and orchestrating things behind the scenes but I think in terms of actual combat he was quite weak.

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Mace Windu so easily defeated Palpatine I don't buy him as the "best ever" at anything other than hiding his true self.


He was a master of pulling strings and orchestrating things behind the scenes but I think in terms of actual combat he was quite weak.

Said fight was full of strings, of which Sidious pulled many i.e. he threw the fight.
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Stop, stop saying Vitiate is more powerful, stop saying that Vitiate would beat Sidious, enough with these Vitiate vs Sidious threads. It has gotten to the point, where its just making me shake my head at some of the posts people make when these two are brought up....so here in order to prove that


Sidious > Vitiate


here is well...some proof!



Quotes from Guides, Sourcebooks, Encyclopedias, etc




















Senses traitorous thoughts from Vader and harms him mentally.



Quotes from Novels








Just by hologram appearance, making the planet form a storm.






Feats from Novels/Comics


EDIT: Scans won't show up now, but they are there.








Reducing a SithSpawn to ashes with Lighting.








Burning 3 Darkside Prophets to their bones with just a burst of lighting.






Killing a Stormtrooper legion(which is 8,192 men) with precision to not harm his Royal Guards.




Bending Mace's blade towards his face.




Overpowers Yoda's Force Absorb




Killing his family without any training.




Transfers Lemelisk's essence to a cloned body.




Reading Vader's mind.




Another show of mind reading.




He feels the anger from Vader, from halfway across the galaxy.




Reads Luke's thoughts and emotions.




Plageuis is surprised that Sidious knew of him coming, this is Sidious when he was young.




He sees through the eyes of a beast.




A show of Force Choke.




States he mastered Force Maelstorm which was a stepping stone for him to get to Force Storms.




Force Drain on an enormous scale of billions.




Through will he came back from the void, back into the physical realm.




Moving faster, then Maul could follow.




He appears to a blur Tenebrous, who foresaw Plagueis' death.




Appearing as a blur to Anakin.




Another speed feat.




Now I shouldn't have to post Dueling skills, because Vitiate hasn't really shown much of any. So I won't.


Now there people, whatever Vitiate has done. Sidious has done and even then more(I didn't even really post the bigger things, I could have shown far more things he has done) you have multiple sources stating Sidious is the most powerful sith lord ever, so enough with this


"Vitiate is close to Sidious in power."


"Vitiate is the most powerful Sith Lord to exist."


"Vitiate blah, blah, blah!"




And then the cannon changes came along and kicked most of this evidence into a lava pit on Mustafar.

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  • 8 months later...
For ****s sake this thread is still going? Okay sidious in my opinion was easily the better lightsaber duelist but I think that they were around equal at force abilities. And now because of the mother *********** non canonisation most of this **** does not matter so you cannot hide behind force storm on fleet, drain planet of life etc. Now according to *********** disney Palpatine was defeated by Mace windu and was not even as good as Darth Caedus (who now technically does not exist in the star wars universe but then again neither does vitiate, *********** Disney)
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For ****s sake this thread is still going? Okay sidious in my opinion was easily the better lightsaber duelist but I think that they were around equal at force abilities. And now because of the mother *********** non canonisation most of this **** does not matter so you cannot hide behind force storm on fleet, drain planet of life etc. Now according to *********** disney Palpatine was defeated by Mace windu and was not even as good as Darth Caedus (who now technically does not exist in the star wars universe but then again neither does vitiate, *********** Disney)
Wow, just wow.
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For ****s sake this thread is still going? Okay sidious in my opinion was easily the better lightsaber duelist but I think that they were around equal at force abilities. And now because of the mother *********** non canonisation most of this **** does not matter so you cannot hide behind force storm on fleet, drain planet of life etc. Now according to *********** disney Palpatine was defeated by Mace windu and was not even as good as Darth Caedus (who now technically does not exist in the star wars universe but then again neither does vitiate, *********** Disney)

I approve.

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