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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

2.0 Hardmode Flashpoints are not worth the payout.


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they are not hard at all... however the biggest problem is the "blue" loot. The blue loot is higher level but lesser stats then that of the loot dropped in the 50 hard FPs.


The end boss loot is fine as a way to get gear, but the other loot is pointless as its better and far easier to get superior loot from doing the 50 FPs. If anything the 50FPs are dropping too good of a quality of loot compared to the 55s.

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I honestly think the level 55 hm flashpoints are too easy. I'm in dread guard gear and it's not even a challenge with any of the groups I've been with.


You outgear them by almost three full tiers, skip. Of course they are going to be easy of you are running 126 FPs in 146 gear. LOL These are dropping tionese and columi gear, which means that people running them for that gear are inherently lower geared then what they are after.


What has happened here is the infusion of yet another lazy mechanic that allows people to run lower dungeons, day after day, to gain tokens for gear that they should have to work harder for, do harder content for (Ops).


These same people that are taking the easy way out by running lower dungeons in higher gear then turn and call those with the appropriate level gear for the dungeon, "bad". LOL


Welcome to gaming 2013. ;p

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Faceroll tanks allowing no ccs on trash are usually the cause of wipes in mine. 3 wipes at 21k repairs and I bail. But then have you done the SnV trash??? lol it's harder than the bosses with no rewards. Also, 4 HM 55 FPs over and over is bad. More are needed to add a good variety. Do away with the blues in them...tacky!
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You outgear them by almost three full tiers, skip. Of course they are going to be easy of you are running 126 FPs in 146 gear. LOL These are dropping tionese and columi gear, which means that people running them for that gear are inherently lower geared then what they are after.


What has happened here is the infusion of yet another lazy mechanic that allows people to run lower dungeons, day after day, to gain tokens for gear that they should have to work harder for, do harder content for (Ops).


These same people that are taking the easy way out by running lower dungeons in higher gear then turn and call those with the appropriate level gear for the dungeon, "bad". LOL


Welcome to gaming 2013. ;p


First of all there are no tionese and columi anymore.


Secondly, we are talking level 55 HM FP's. The gear requirement is indicated at 148 or better. Dread gear is 146.


Welcome to April 2013....

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I am in as full gear as possible do to com caps, 66 mods , i am a tank btw, and i guess the people saying it is too easy are doing these in guild runs, with everyone in good gear, and using vent or something like it. But on a normal random que that is NOT the case. some are geared good some still in black hole. i can not change others gear.(wish i could)

I just do not see the cost of time,credits and lack of fun to be worth the credits,drops, stress and time. i Hope they fixed some of these issues. I see no reason why any boss should drop BLUE LEVEL 53 items what is the point of that? I can get those from any reg mob in makeb for the love of ..


I'm pretty sure there is two bosses per FP that drop arkanian lvl items. Or are you not doing the bonus boss and last boss to each FP? Remember early on in this game when you ran HM FPs, IE Taral V, FE, Maelstrom, you got one token at the end. ONE. Also, I pugged a lot + did guild runs and the pugs I've been in have been just as quick and easy as my guild runs.

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The FP's are not to hard. The days of face-rolling top level HM FP's is over. The only difference between pre-2.0 HM's and now is that these 55 HM FP's are doing EXACTLY what they should have been doing before 2.0; they are forcing you to use and learn ALL of your available abilities and resources to be successful, rather than just walking through the park on a sunny day.


They are teaching mechanics, teamwork, and the such to prepare you for the operations. If you are complaining about the 55 HM FP's being to hard, then basically you are not doing it right. Plain and simple.

Edited by BlownSi
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3. Repair cost are tooo high to make the 10k payout at the end worth anything. The last run caused 5 wipes at a cost of 23k per wipe. so to do this flashpoint and get 0 gear from it i spent over 100k in repairs..


I call BS.

My repair costs are a little over 5k per wipe. And I'm in Full 63 gear with 3 pieces of Elite comm gear.

Prove it that you're paying 23k per wipe, fraps it.

Seriously you people really need to stop all of the crying about repair costs!

If you're wiping 5 times on a HM FP, the repair costs are the least of your issues.

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Done HM FP lvl 55 with friend from guild, started with gear BH, one Dread item, all augmented and moded. Was not that hard we know mechanics we played as a team, tank and healer know his jab. I think new HM FP are easier as LI, LI was a challenge this new are not. I'm not pro our guild is casual and social, but after week have almost full 69, without relics, earpieces, implants, main hand. is pretty fast. We done two SM OPS lvl 55, was some wipes but was fun. If ppl know what to do is pretty o.k.
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First of all there are no tionese and columi anymore.


Tionese LEVEL gear, meaning 126, as I stated. At least pretend to pay attention. ;p


Secondly, we are talking level 55 HM FP's. The gear requirement is indicated at 148 or better. Dread gear is 146.


No they are not, LOL....and 146 is black hole gear. Even if they were set to dread guard does it not strike you as odd that one requires level 146 gear to complete FPs that drop 126 level gear? Is that not the crux of the problem?


Stop trolling


Welcome to April 2013....


Grow up. ;p

Edited by Blackardin
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The hardmodes are really hard,


but isnt this the WHOLE POINT behind HARDMODE....... hard modes are made to be tuned to dreadguard gear and UP so if you are doing it in gear a lil under yes you ARE going to have a difficult time.


I mean just LOOK at what the first HMs were like in rakata people roflstomped their way through ALL of them well except LI and that was a BLAST to do even with the hundreds of wipes i have had over the months


if you are havinc some diffiulie try to work on gear upgrade stats but PLEASE for the LOVE of the FORCE DO NOT have them nerf the HMs only after TWO WEEKS yea TWO WEEKS of these coming out

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I honestly think the level 55 hm flashpoints are too easy. I'm in dread guard gear and it's not even a challenge with any of the groups I've been with.


Agreed.. They aren't hard.


I took my tank from 126 rating to 146 in 2 days, gear drops were fine, comms were fine.. Granted they SEEMED hard at 126 with guys that weren't geared. But get even slightly geared dudes in these, and will you destroy them. A couple of dread DPS and the bosses die before 2-3 skill cycles. It's ridiculous.


Hard Modes in Rift were very hard at first, but gear progression made them trivial. So everyone went to 10 man raids for gear, which were hard at first, then become trivial.


If anything they need to add 'really hard' modes in ADDITION to the hard modes.. More progression...



Tier 1 Flashpoints (hard)

Tier 2 Flashpoints (very hard)


With equivalent rewards in each, and yes the blue gear MUST be removed, it's not even fitting for companions.

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No they are not, LOL....and 146 is black hole gear. Even if they were set to dread guard does it not strike you as odd that one requires level 146 gear to complete FPs that drop 126 level gear? Is that not the crux of the problem?


I'm not sure what you are saying here. What FP is dropping 126 gear?


(Not aimed at you Blackardin, just in general)

And any FP is doable with the tier below what is stated to run the FP. So for HM 55 FP, the entire party can be in full BH and be fine as long as they know what they are doing. If you go into a FP two tiers or more lower, then expect to get smashed into oblivion. Lvl 55 doesn't mean "yay start lvl 55 hm fps." It means do the lesser content till you are geared for the HMs. In 1.1 when the game launched and I hit 50, I kept doing the NM FPs till I had all 122-126 gear then went into the HMs, same concept.

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Did my first HM 55 yesterday; tanking Cademimu. Found it downright frantic dealing with cc, aggro, how squishy I suddenly am, and new mechanics. We wiped once and had a couple of deaths here and there, but the entire group seemed to be enjoying themselves. Flashpoints are actually a challenge again!


You know what I'm not excited about? The entire swtor community gearing past the content to the point that they becomes farm instances, where wipes and slowdowns make group members irritable.

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2. Boss difficulty levels are set too high, perhaps they were set for pts when we all had full gear but no one does now, for example the wookie in cademimu spawns so many death trolls so fast it is near impossible to beat. the heat beam in hammer station cause so many wipes everyone quit. Both times i got que no we did not make it past the first boss.



haha its to easy if you ask me i have done all of them like 5 times atlest. and never had more then max 1 whipe per run

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they are not hard at all... however the biggest problem is the "blue" loot. The blue loot is higher level but lesser stats then that of the loot dropped in the 50 hard FPs.


The biggest part of this is whether you have a group that communicates well, and if you are in a guild group with experienced players that uses voice comms, the difficulty is perfectly acceptable with Black Hole/Campaign gear. However, most PUGs don't have that level of co-ordination, and often don't know all the tactics, and that does make it much harder. Actually, my main complaint is that the fights just take too long -- tweaking the boss HPs down a little would make it less tedious, although that in turn makes healer resource management easier.


I agree completely about the blue loot from the 55 HMs -- none of that stuff is any better than black hole stat-wise, which drops from the level 50 HMs -- it should either be a piece of Basic gear, or if that is too generous, some Basic commendations (enough so that after 2-3 such HM55 runs you can buy a piece of gear).

Edited by Ancaglon
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The "problems" with the hard mode flashpoints will be fixed over time.

More people will actually have the gear they should have when running these flashpoints and people will learn the mechanics.

If you have ever raided new content this should be nothing new to you. If you have always raided content 3 or 4 months after it comes out. Welcome to new content.

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I pvp and I've had no problems healing in these flashpoints. They're easy. They just take a little time but that's to be expected. You do the runs for the blue mats and black market gear...


It seems they think that only one boss drops BM gear, if you do the bonus the bonus boss will also drop BM gear.

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I actually appreciated the harder difficulty.


For one thing, it gave my group of friends and guildmates content that was worth completing because of the rewards, while also being challenging enough that it felt rewarding to clear the flashpoints since certain bosses (especially bonus bosses) took a bit of strategy or cooldown to clear if the group was only 61/63 geared.


I can understand the criticisms, as even within my own pool of people I group with most of us would never bother pugging. But that had less to do with the difficulty and more to do with uninformed players assuming 55 was just like 50, where the HM FPs would be the starting point and a breeze to clear with no gear.


The fact you need to use classic comms, normal flashpoint loot, and/or crafted 66 gear to ease your transition into HMs if your character has no gear, is a process many PuGs either knowingly or unknowingly think they can skip.


The HM FP difficulty is right where it should. If the difficulty were lowered now, when people start getting full 69/72 loot and augments they would end up an even bigger joke than the old HM 50 flashpoints (many of which you could 2-man...).

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The only problem I have with HM FPs is the fact that the Black Market gear drops have become actual loot drops and not token drops like before. They really should change this back to dropping 1 of 4 class tokens and then let the player determine which piece of gear to turn them in for. Otherwise you get way too many runs where loot drops that nobody can use (tank gear that tanks don't need, dps gear for dps that already have that piece, etc).


As far as the difficulty goes, I enjoy the way they are currently tuned. They provide a challenge for people in full level 61 mods, and that is the minimum you should be before queuing for one. If you are not yet in 90%+ Black Hole hear, you should only be queuing for the Level 50 HMs until you've completely farmed that gear.


Pugging them is also always going to be a risk because there is no gate enabled on GF that prohibits people from queuing for a specific FP or OP other than character level. So it's very likely that you could get grouped with players who have just hit 55 and are hoping to get carried through 55 HMs without first getting Black Hole gear.


Best thing that other game, which shall remain unnamed, ever did was implement gear rating requirements for group finder queues. While that does nothing to fix bad players from joining groups....it at least ensures that players are properly geared at the minimum level they need to be to complete the content without wasting the rest of the groups time. Its a much nicer way of doing things rather than resorting to making players use the /votekick option only to cause resentment and possibly get a replacement equally ill-equipped.


In SWTOR the only way to avoid this is to avoid GF and run with friends and guilds, which is why GF queues take so long to begin with for DPS (as us tanks tend to shy away from GF for just these reasons).

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Wow OP you don't know much about 55 HM FP... let me entertain you.....



1. Bosses drops BLUE gear really? And dont hold your breath but a whooping 2 elite tokens . what is the point. If i can craft the level of gear given is too low. I havent seen this blue??? I have seen levle 162 black market purple gear. What are you smoking?? Is it good stuff????


2. Boss difficulty levels are set too high, perhaps they were set for pts when we all had full gear but no one does now, for example the wookie in cademimu spawns so many death trolls so fast it is near impossible to beat. the heat beam in hammer station cause so many wipes everyone quit. Both times i got que no we did not make it past the first boss.Bosses are where they need to be... your group has to suck. I have done all the runs and never had an issue. Lets talk those boss fights you listed. Wookie, yeah spawns alot, get better dps to drop him quick and AOE heal (I am an OP healer, was no issue). As for Hammer station, that boss is stupid easy... you know what you do on the laser??? At 5 stacks you purge it off the tank, otherwise yes you die. Your healer if you or someone else was use to normal mode where it didnt matter, guess what its called HM for a reason, you HAVE to follow strats. Get someone to purge at 5 and that fight is a cake walk. The tank I run with, we have cleared these FP's in under 1 hour normall easily with no wipes. Just get geared up slowly and it becomes easy, and FOLLOW STRATS... these arent normal mode anymore.


3. Repair cost are tooo high to make the 10k payout at the end worth anything. The last run caused 5 wipes at a cost of 23k per wipe. so to do this flashpoint and get 0 gear from it i spent over 100k in repairs.really no way to avoid if your group doesnt follow the strats, so hope for a better group???


4. The overall payout for the vs the cost of gear per tokens if the gear goes from 80-140 tokens per item the payout is just not worth the repair bills or time.Payout of the 162 gear is worth it, not sure what you are talking about. I have 5 pieces of 162 and alot of 156 gear, HM are now a cake walk again more or less as long as dps is there to hlep us.

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Considering un-subscribing and being done with all MMO's. Just so tired of dealing with professional gamers. It angers me something fierce. Maybe it is just time to un-install all the MMO's on my computer and find something else to do. All MMO's seem to cater to the elitist professional gamer and less on the fun factor.


Interesting you would say this. Guess what those same elitest professionals you refer to say? That's right, that MMO's cater to the casual gamer too much making them not fun and not challenging.

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