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Petition: Please add a 'social items' tab to the inventory!


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Hello my fellow SWTORians! I'm an easy guy to please, but with the ever-increasing number of items in this game, this change seems to be a necessity.


I would like to see another personal inventory tab for social items such as cartel market items (glow eyes, banners, etc), disco balls, jukebox droids, etc.


I've already purchased my maximum inventory slots on my main character, and at any given time, up to half my inventory is full of stuff that helps to make this game fun. I mean, slapping down a disco ball after finishing an op is the only way to celebrate, right? Unfortunately, these items currently squeeze the remainder of the inventory down to an almost unusable level, which is why I would like to see the above implemented. Also, as we all know, our 'mission items' tab could be re-purposed, as it doesn't exactly get used to its fullest capabilities.


What do the rest of you think?

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