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Phase Walk Opinions


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I PvP as deception and PvE as tank. I find this ability completely useless.


In PvP its to fluid to predicted where to drop it. It either runs out or you range it.


In PvE you are now made to be OT. Healer stay at range so dropping and pulling the boss to the healer is never a good idea. Even if the boss doesn't move you run 2 min timer.


Any suggestion on how to better use it? Or is it worthless and just something fun to play around with.

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The most obvious cases is on Voidstar where you can get from one door to another basically instantly.


It's not as useful for non Darkness specs in PvP since its primary use is to put extra distance between you and the enemy. It's a good defense against Ravage without wasting a CC (or if they're not up).

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If you can't find another use for it, drop it right next to the medpac on the map e.g. novare coast when you come out, drop it on the hill. You can escape when you are close to death and insta-heal and come back... better than a maras camo.


Huttball, drop it either on their endzone to be in position for a pass, or up on the ledge so you can get back up after knock backs.


Voidstar, again on the medpac, or to switch between doors at the first set of doors.


I'm sure we can find many awesome uses once we play w/ the ability some more. I think it is a really cool ability!

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I just started playing again and this is one of the coolest skills in pvp. First, it allows you to port away from certain death. Here are some uses I have personally tried in games: you can port from pit onto endzone to knock ball carrier off in huttball. You can avoid running around the walls and port right into mid in civil war. Someone already gave a void star example. It is a very good utility skill (situational, sure) but used wisely it allows you to stop a lot of caps in warzones or cap behind someone's back. Just fun in general. Edited by Dierdrea
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Just something I've thought of, unfortunately haven't been able to try yet.


Offense on a node, (any wz)


if theres one on D, drop phase walk, engage them and lure them away from node, make sure they use CC break.


Force Cloak, Mind Trap, Phase walk, Cap node and steath again if possible.

You're now on D, (or have broken through wall if VZ)



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Just something I've thought of, unfortunately haven't been able to try yet.


Offense on a node, (any wz)


if theres one on D, drop phase walk, engage them and lure them away from node, make sure they use CC break.


Force Cloak, Mind Trap, Phase walk, Cap node and steath again if possible.

You're now on D, (or have broken through wall if VZ)




The enemy can see your phase walk beacon location, so he'll be highly suspicious something's up when he sees a purple/golden circle on the ground that wasn't there before.

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The enemy can see your phase walk beacon location, so he'll be highly suspicious something's up when he sees a purple/golden circle on the ground that wasn't there before.



theres plenty of locations around nodes that you could place it and it be relatively hidden. Obviously placing it right at the door wouldn't fool many unless they're totally stupid.


Say you're doing VZ, throw it behind one of the pillars and pull him away, him facing you means he'll most likely not see it and then you could CC, PW sprint and cap. I can't imagine the average player would be rotating the camera around themselves checking for a PW on the ground

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theres plenty of locations around nodes that you could place it and it be relatively hidden. Obviously placing it right at the door wouldn't fool many unless they're totally stupid.


Say you're doing VZ, throw it behind one of the pillars and pull him away, him facing you means he'll most likely not see it and then you could CC, PW sprint and cap. I can't imagine the average player would be rotating the camera around themselves checking for a PW on the ground


more people do this than you think. wither im on offense or defense, im always panning my camera around. all good players do it becuase it helps you keep your situational awareness

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In PvE you are now made to be OT. Healer stay at range so dropping and pulling the boss to the healer is never a good idea. Even if the boss doesn't move you run 2 min timer.


Not completely sure what you mean with the first sentence but: while giving it to the healers may be a better choice, like you said it often isn't an option.


What you should know though is that YOUR self heals benefit from the boost as well. Since a big chunk of your total mitigation comes from your self healing, that's a big boost.

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more people do this than you think. wither im on offense or defense, im always panning my camera around. all good players do it becuase it helps you keep your situational awareness




Exactly, all good players do. I'm finding it hard to come across many whilst lvling right now.



Point of thread is to discuss options of Phase Walk, not whether or not an enemy will notice your beacon etc.

I personally really like the ability and am keen to hear some ideas on its uses besides the obvious ones like put it on scoreline in huttball and use it to position for score etc.

Edited by Jeeses
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Another one i've thought about, but not quite sure if it will work or not,



Hutball, you steath over to enemy score zone, say west corner to try avoid to much attention.

You then get ball, either by running to spawn point or by someone throwing it to you. lets say for the sake of conversation your at enemy acid


Sprint to have your PW in range of your ball throw, (only just to allow as much ball airtime as possible)

Throw ball and instantly use PW


Tele to ball landzone, you've essentially thrown the ball to yourself lol.

Score and watch enemy team scratch their heads.


If i get the chance ill try this tonight unless someone else does or its impossible


Anyone tried this? would it work? or would ball land before you/reset as you weren't there when it was thrown or something?

Edited by Jeeses
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it really is a very decent ability. people do like it becuase it doesnt have anything to do with damage or killing an opponent.


what they dont see is how incredible it is for utility. the ability to save yourself from death during an over extend, porting to stop a node cap, swapping doors in voidstar, quick movement back to the ball on huttbal aftre a cap, ETC


it situtional, but a very fantastic utility skill

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It does have its benefit but as I said PvP is fluid. During PvP I find my timer runs out or I'm kite away from my marker greater 60m from my marker. Which is what I do to Sin/Shadow kite away from marker. Maybe once more people get geared and Ranked picks up it will be more useful.
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It does have its benefit but as I said PvP is fluid. During PvP I find my timer runs out or I'm kite away from my marker greater 60m from my marker. Which is what I do to Sin/Shadow kite away from marker. Maybe once more people get geared and Ranked picks up it will be more useful.


i know pvp is fluid, but i dont think your either employing it correctly, or just havent had the oppertunity to really use it. i place markers on CD, and yes, the timer often runs out, but the ability literally has been game breaking for me at times.


like i said, its extremily situational. but very very good

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Another one i've thought about, but not quite sure if it will work or not,



Hutball, you steath over to enemy score zone, say west corner to try avoid to much attention.

You then get ball, either by running to spawn point or by someone throwing it to you. lets say for the sake of conversation your at enemy acid


Sprint to have your PW in range of your ball throw, (only just to allow as much ball airtime as possible)

Throw ball and instantly use PW


Tele to ball landzone, you've essentially thrown the ball to yourself lol.

Score and watch enemy team scratch their heads.


If i get the chance ill try this tonight unless someone else does or its impossible


Anyone tried this? would it work? or would ball land before you/reset as you weren't there when it was thrown or something?



I believe I read on the PST forms that you can't pass the ball yourself as someone brought this up as being op. that said I don't know if they fixed it or not so its worth a try! :)

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The healing buff from the talent in the tanking tree is quite handy in PVE, especially with a group familiar with mechanics.


Good utility movement skill in PVP, but there aren't any "killer apps" that aren't blatantly obvious, so it's more a matter of reacting to the WZ and figuring out how to use it to best effect.


Assassin is hardly relegated to offtank status. It's the spikiest tank, certainly, but has the highest overall mitigation especially with intelligent use of CDs. On top of that it has far away the best DPS and TPS, so it's a fantastic tank if your healers are competent. The worse your healers are, the less viable Assassin is.

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I love the uses in PVP for phase walk in pve its meehhhh not really worth the time, i didnt even use it once during my leveling from 51-55 as a PVE dps its completly useless.


I would have prefered a less pvp orriented skill and a more pve minded skill

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Hi guys - I play a Jedi Shadow and we've got a similar thread going on in our forum; "thoughts on phase walk".


Interesting to see we're coming up with new ways to use it. Consensus appears to be its a PvP-centric power that has some use in raids but none in generic world-questing.


Interested to see if the pass-to-yourself tactic works. One of our lot claims you can place the marker on a VS bridge, jump off, force pull (if you're a tank) someone with you and TP back ..... Which must surely be the most inventive use of a power, ever?

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In PVE it is now (HM 55 and most likely in OPS) i use Phase Walk regularly as a tank. I am also talented so people around me gets additional heals.

It depends on the fight but I try to place it right in th Sorc "Good Touch Circle" (i don't know the name) to help with its benefit.

As far as using the actual ability of it in PVE, I have only seen a few instances of its usefull ness so far. However it may proove to be more useful as I get used to it. If nothing else a time saver and helps to grab agro quicker on over eager DPS.

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Phase Walk requires planning, forethought, and sometimes just plain luck in PvP because it's hard to know exactly how the events will unfold. For example in a game of Hypergate dropped a beacon halfway between our node and the center so I can get back there faster. I got hit to like 2% while near the center and managed to run out and teleported there on time, and that was enough to put me out of combat so I healed back up. Althuogh I was out of the battle for a while, that still seems better than simply dying especially for Hypergates where deaths factor into the score. Of course it is quite likely I fail to teleport on time and just die, or die to a dot, and it's not an earthshattering advantage but having one less death still matters.


I find that the first moment there's any kind of break in battle you should deploy your Phase Walk. The worst that can happen is it doesn't do anything useful which is the same as never deploying it in the first place, and you never know when it can save you. Teleporting out of a ravage is like saving 5K of health minimum.

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