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Question of the Day 4/15/2013


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I wanted to be a bounty hunter the moment i heard about SW:TOR and took a look at the classes for 3 reasons:



1. Pure Awesomeness :) i mean i do get to fly around on my jetpack while melting republic sc... uhm my opponents faces with a flamethrower? Falcon punch with a durasteel gauntlet any1? all those shiny telekinetics and lightnings flying everywhere are just silly compared to that :)


2. BH's fit the star wars world alot, give a lot of freedom in RP'ing, and that special uniqueness while 70% of the population uses lightsabers.


3. Lore-wise not being a force user and still crushing jedi or sith feels like you are really someone to be feared and respected.


after the initial choosing i only got to love my powertech more (not merc becouse i love tanking and gangsta stye 2 guns just doesnt sound too good) due to great story, nice companions and fantastic gameplay

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My first character was a Jedi shadow. I chose the shadow cause of the stealth mainly. But after playin and getting him to 50, i find he was really fun.


My second was the trooper commando. i wanted to try healing an shooting my enemies in the face..:rak_04:



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Had 3 other friends that told me I need to get this game. I was on vacation when my pre-order arrived and my "friends" had already started playing. When I asked them what class I should play. They quickly pointed out that we needed a tank. So Jedi Guardian for me. Strangely enough I'm also a tank on the darkside lol
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My first character was a vanguard. Got bored on him and made my assassin who was my first 50.


Then refilled on Jung Ma as a vanguard who is now my main.


Reason: I was in the Marine infantry, and was always a fan of the clone books. Only reason I chose vanguard over commando was because I didn't like the idea of carrying this huge cannon. A rifle is much more accurate and CQB friendly and original lore wise :p

Edited by LanceCorporalDan
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