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You've gone too far this time!


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Tell you what.... you are free to rant about whatever ailes you and I am free to comment about it when you decide to do it in a public forum. ;)


And by the way... most players do not have a problem feeling forced into cookie cutter looks. With the moddable armor system in this game.. it is incredibly easy to mix and match pieces to get very personalized, and very unique appearance results (even for our companions now days).


That would be fine except if you really believed I should be free to rant about things that really bother me you would stick to discussing the issue instead of trying to tell me what I should and shouldn't take seriously.


Now back to the topic I will admit freeing the set bonuses from the shell to the armor mod was a step in the right direction away from cookie cutter looks it still doesn't open up the entirety of the options available because so many of them can not be modded.

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Why are you even bothering to give us gear that is guaranteed to be worse than what we are wearing and then make it completely useless? Save me the step and just put the meager bit of credits in my pocket directly! That way my inventory isn't needlessly cluttered up with items whose only use is to vendor off for credits while wishing desperately that it was wearable.

If the credits are that meager, just junk the thing. Certainly a "Just give me the worst possible vendor price equivalent" option wouldn't be a bad idea, but it's hardly a "must have."


Even the appearance tab feature in games like LoTRO does not result in much variety in the player base because the players all copy each other with the latest fad item available.

The LotRO cosmetic system is vastly superior to what TOR has. It's irrelevant, assuming it's true, if most people use the same cosmetic appearances. The point is you can have exactly the look you want with exactly the protection you want, since you can cosmetically equip anything, even "real" gear. I'm not gonna hold my breath for TOR to do that, and it's not enough to make me stop playing TOR, but that's the state of affairs re: TOR "cosmetics" vs. LotRO cosmetics.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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I really hope Eaware either adds an appearance tab or make all gear customizable. I'm a bit annoyed they haven't done this yet.


There have been sooo many good looking armor pieces that I've had to throw away because they were greens/blues.

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I wonder how many of those dismissing the OP's complaint choose to play female toons "cus if I have to look at my character all day, I want it to be attractive". The thread pure reeks of hypocrisy.


Anyway, I too have had my frustrations equipping my characters with a look that is both suitable and unique. I'm managing it slowly - I have two that are 'complete' and others being worked on - and most of the time the fact hunting down pieces that gel together is time-consuming and obscure is satisfying. If it took me so long, then it figures no one is going to look exactly the same right? On the other hand, when the cartel offers up a set that is almost the same as the one I have been working on for 40 levels, that sucks. So too does having the best looking stuff being unmoddable - has anyone started a new character since the patch? I have and the drops/quest reward items on Tython are much better looking than they used to be. Unfortunately, they are much better looking than the moddable items you get to replace them.


It's absurd that some of the best skins in game are restricted to green/blue items and our gear becomes less awesome looking the more powerful they become. Next time you see someone with a great looking outfit that is relatively unique ask them where it came from. Nine times out of ten it will be a sub-40 dungeon/PvP vendor item.

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Appearance tabs, it's been said time and time again. There's a 28 chest piece for my smuggler that I would wear if I could. Appearance tabs would make this game so much better IMO, the options would be limitless.


I whole-heartedly agree.


It's absurd that some of the best skins in game are restricted to green/blue items and our gear becomes less awesome looking the more powerful they become.


This also bothers me greatly. I feel that most of the gear either looks like utter garbage or shouldn't even be in Star Wars. The good looking pieces are things you out-level. It is bitterly frustrating.


Players, including myself, have been making polite posts on this topic in the suggestion forum since they opened it. The silence all those posts have received is deafening.


Indeed. Whether it is genuine concerns about where the game is headed or reports of real bugs, it seems that if they don't want to hear it the CS/EA/Bioware simply do not respond and allow it to either to fade off into obscurity or be zealously ripped to shreds by some players who seem to find it more fun to sit on the forums and bark at anything negative being said than play the game.

Edited by StygianCloud
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If I might add the take of an eye less jaded than some of us, when my 6yr old boy was looking at the brand new comms-vendor Commando Gear on Makeb his reaction was as follows:


"Papa, why is my trooper wearing bib-overalls now? ... and why does he have Mama's purse on his chest?"


What do you say to that? From the mouths of babes.

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