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Best PVP Builds in 2.0


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If I'm running infiltration, I generally go with this build. I understand your 'pure dps' point of view, but being able to have force slow more readily available and 70% movement reduction after kick lowers the chance of being kited. You can't do damage if you can't reach them.


This works pretty well for me, but honestly I like using my kinetic combat build which focuses on project / shadow wrap procs for damage dealing. So far it works well for me with project only costing 29 force, but that may change when everyone starts min/maxing at level 55.


In your Kinetic build, what's the point of putting points in Rapid Recovery? I've never known anyone to really use that. The base chance is already 50% for Combat Technique and is limited to proc no more than every 4.5 seconds. So, chances are in 3 GCDs you'll be getting the proc anyways.

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It's a mix of both preference and filler points. Some prefer Impact control for the damage reduction, but I personally find Kin. Combat to already have strong survivability without it. I pick up Rapid recovery to ensure that I get that technique proc every 3 GCDs since 65% is better than 50%; which in a sense also helps in survivability since the proc does give a small heal.


Just to note that I play this spec in DPS gear. I don't go all-out tanking.

Edited by Ekoth
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I was kind of messing around with skill calculator and something like this came out. I'm not very experience Shadow mind you but this build seems quite interesting for node guarding and generally tanky stuff. While dealing damage I'll porbably have trouble with force but that's not the point of this build. One of the things that makes me wonder is if it's worth to get 25% damage reduction in exchange for slow from force Slow

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Masked Assault is awesome, definitely a viable (and often better) alternative to Slow Time. I wouldn't take Expertise though, if you want to be tanky I'd rather have Jedi Resistance (33/11/2).


That said, if you're taking 11 points in Infiltration to get Masked Assault, Infiltration Tactics isn't far off and could be worth picking up instead, at least for node guarding. You'd have to give up Harnessed Shadows to max out Infiltration Tactics though, so it may not be your cup of tea if you like being a "proper" tank.

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Having a blast with 0/23/23.


You've said this twice now, but I'm really struggling to figure out what such a build brings to the table over Waka 2.0.


It seems like a fluff damage DOT-spamming spec, which means it'll put up funny numbers in PUG WZs, but be utterly horrible at actually doing anything productive in a close match because it just doesn't have enough reliable killing power.


I think Waka 2.0 is probably going to be the optimal DPS build for Shadows and Assassins, because it gives up very little in exchange for one of the best AoE attacks in the game. It is at a slight disadvantage versus full tree Infiltration in extended engagements since it has less ability to repeatedly burst without exiting combat, but gains more utility and keeps all of the murdering goodness in short fights.


Burst is king in PVP and either Waka or full tree have the best burst. Waka has less telegraphed burst and more utility, so I'd say it's a superior spec overall.

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I'm running 37/2/7 for 1v1 and going for as much DPS gear as I can manage while still maintaining as much survivability as I can.


How viable is full Kinetic Combat in DPS gear these days in a 1-on-1 fight?


Would like to know that as well. Currently running Infiltration, but I miss a more measured pace of a tank build.

Edited by Sacriversum
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You've said this twice now, but I'm really struggling to figure out what such a build brings to the table over Waka 2.0.


It seems like a fluff damage DOT-spamming spec, which means it'll put up funny numbers in PUG WZs, but be utterly horrible at actually doing anything productive in a close match because it just doesn't have enough reliable killing power.


I think Waka 2.0 is probably going to be the optimal DPS build for Shadows and Assassins, because it gives up very little in exchange for one of the best AoE attacks in the game. It is at a slight disadvantage versus full tree Infiltration in extended engagements since it has less ability to repeatedly burst without exiting combat, but gains more utility and keeps all of the murdering goodness in short fights.


Burst is king in PVP and either Waka or full tree have the best burst. Waka has less telegraphed burst and more utility, so I'd say it's a superior spec overall.

This exactly. I tried to make sense of it as well, and I'm assuming such a spec would look something like this. What I still cannot understand at all however, is why on earth you would put 23 points into Infiltration but not pick up Potent Shadows. Like you say, all this spec will ever do is pad numbers so you can look at the scoreboard with a false sense of accomplishment after failing to contribute anything useful to your team. So to everyone reading this thread looking for honest advice, don't spec 0/23/23.


Wholeheartedly agree about Wakajinn 2.0 as well, less predictable burst = better burst (in PvP). As if the Clairvoyant Strike YoYo animation wasn't obvious enough, you can hear the damn thing from halfway across the map too. If your target is too stupid to respond to the imminent damage spike by popping defensives or CCing you (or their team by using Taunts, Guard etc), you could probably beat them with a 0/0/0 spec anyway.


Plus, with 3 charges of Force Potency, Force Breach > Force in Balance > Project deals wicked damage in a short time, without having to rely on the RNG. Reliable burst every time, provided you can exit combat every now and then (which is generally not too much of a problem in regs at least). Wakajinn is still where it's at.

Edited by Gondolindhrim
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Given that the shields have been changed in 2.0, is a full tank build with full tank gear a viable option in PVP now?


My perspectives as someone who almost exclusively solo queues. I've been running a full tank build since 2.0 and I think it might be viable - at least in terms of unranked warzones (although it'll depend what it feels like when dps are fully geared). I was in full dps gear in 1.7 and it's taken a while to adjust to the predictable differences, namely:


- generally lower damage output means you can't take up the slack for useless DPS.

- very little burst (killing a half-way competent healer without help is next to impossible)

- solo capping is less likely to work (no instant lift & by the time you've killed anyone help has arrived)


The obvious upside is that you don't die as quickly (duh) and now it feels like guarding a decent healer against strong opponents isn't an immediate death sentence. And really the only chance you have for losing a turret quickly is if you make a mistake and let yourself be stunned awkwardly.


Whether or not you're a useful contributor to your team does heavily rely on the presence of at least one decent healer though (excluding node guarding/ball carrier duties). Where you have one (or better yet, two) then combined with your taunt


I'm not 100% clear on what my stat priorities should be though. I've largely followed KeyboardWarriors guidance in terms of absorb/shield/defence prioritising but I'm unclear on:

- Does it makes sense to switch my higher-endurance mods for the ones with higher defensive stats?

- If so, does it make sense to min-max Partisan before going for full Conqueror?

- What augments should I prioritise (I've mainly gone for absorb at present)

- What relics does it make sense to use? Does that depend on the warzone? I tried a healing relic recently and I noticed that in Huttball it resulted in a dismal amount of total healing done (because my self-heals were so rare - I was main ball carrier for the WZ).

Edited by DharmaPolice
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You've said this twice now, but I'm really struggling to figure out what such a build brings to the table over Waka 2.0.


It seems like a fluff damage DOT-spamming spec, which means it'll put up funny numbers in PUG WZs, but be utterly horrible at actually doing anything productive in a close match because it just doesn't have enough reliable killing power.


I think Waka 2.0 is probably going to be the optimal DPS build for Shadows and Assassins, because it gives up very little in exchange for one of the best AoE attacks in the game. It is at a slight disadvantage versus full tree Infiltration in extended engagements since it has less ability to repeatedly burst without exiting combat, but gains more utility and keeps all of the murdering goodness in short fights.


Burst is king in PVP and either Waka or full tree have the best burst. Waka has less telegraphed burst and more utility, so I'd say it's a superior spec overall.


i'm not so sure about this since burst can easily be countered with guards/taunts/bubbles/def cd.

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i'm not so sure about this since burst can easily be countered with guards/taunts/bubbles/def cd.

The point being? That statement, while true, applies to every AC and spec. The fact that burst can be mitigated by good communication, reactions and combat tactics does not make it useless. Besides, if anything, Wakajinn 2.0 is harder to counter than full Infiltration since the burst damage is less predictable and requires no setup other than Spinning Kick.

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I'm running 37/2/7 for 1v1 and going for as much DPS gear as I can manage while still maintaining as much survivability as I can.


How viable is full Kinetic Combat in DPS gear these days in a 1-on-1 fight?


Its still very good, at least above average. Against most buildsr of about equal gear you should be able to win, you just have so much utility. But if youre used to playing in full infil, you wont be that good. It will be a step down but you should feel pretty comfortable sitting in a huttball endzone if you want to pull people rezzing.


edit: I would note, still use a shield. full tank spec in DPS gear benefits more from a shield with DPS mod and enhancement more than a Focus, so you can have a more beneficial kinetic ward.

Edited by Atownarmy
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Yup, there is such a good synergy around PA right now between kinetic and balance, that is it really tempting to hybridize like this.

However, I do feel that Harnessed Shadows is better than Force in Balance. More damage, more survivability.


Si if I had to make an hybrid build that raise to 24 in kinetic tree, I'll push it to 27 anytime without a doubt, like this: 27/7/12

An alternative would be to remove 2 points in misdirection and 1 from celerity to have FIB too.


Another interesting point is: There is now mods for sale that bring mix of defense/offense as stats.

So you can get shield and power on the same mod, which bring both better force regen with DBSD, and damage.

I think this is a really interesting way to explore.


Hello =) I'm really interested in a hybrid build. I am a bit new, and was wondering how I can actually see that particular build. Anytime I click on the links, it takes me to the page where there is a talent calculator, but everything is empty. Sorry for the nubness, just trying to get a bit better at pvp.


I'm 31, and noticing I'm not getting the medals other players are getting. I am very active, and just want to step it up a notch -- so I came here for advice.


Thanks for the help!

Edited by Liwilliams
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Hello =) I'm really interested in a hybrid build. I am a bit new, and was wondering how I can actually see that particular build. Anytime I click on the links, it takes me to the page where there is a talent calculator, but everything is empty. Sorry for the nubness, just trying to get a bit better at pvp.


I'm 31, and noticing I'm not getting the medals other players are getting. I am very active, and just want to step it up a notch -- so I came here for advice.


Thanks for the help!


Remember to use your taunts if your not already doing so. it not only helps the team negate damage but will give you medals as well.

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When I click on the link, it displays just fine (except the "Training Points Available" count which is bugged).

IMHO, it comes from your browser.


I have opened this both at work and at home and i can only see the 24/7/15... can't see the 27/7/12 :(.

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