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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Makeb Boss One Shot?


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That one-shot ability is not interuptable. You have to get out of the way. I started standing in front of him, then when he started firing up that ability I moved 90 degrees over to his side. Then I went behind him 90 degrees. If you dodge the floor effects too he's not that hard.
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Stay ranged if you can, keep your distance. When he starts "loading" the one shot abilyty move somewhere else than directly in front of him. Also stay away from the "gravity balls" and red target thingys. After all these it was quite easy.


Not sure how I am going to finish this with sentinel :)

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I found it to be super easy.. i did get 1 shotted the first time.. but then i figured out what happened.. one thing about it... the heat laser does NOT hurt companions only you.. so if you have a tank out put him in front of it and have him tank it and you just walk around back and kill it.. was real easy for me as i'm a healer.. but i only had to heal once..
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Interrupt the gravimetric attack if possible and then when you see it charge up the laser attack, move to the side, step underneath, run behind but don't stay in front. It becomes stationary whilst charging up the laser attack.

Also step out of the red circles when they appear on the floor.

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Easily 1 shot this. When I seem "Chargin MAH Lazer" first I laughs hysterically then my logic center said "Hmm" and moved away.

If people are confused about the mechanic I'd have to ask if they've ever paid any attention to boss fights.

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I think the only issue with this attack is knowing its coming. The first time it happens it looks like any other attack which we can survive and can not dodge. Once you know its coming and what to look out for its not to bad. Well not until next time I end up there and cant remember which is the instant death attack and which ones just do damage/push back.


Only thing I really dont like about these kinds of challenges is they kill a lot of people first time and then never again. As we have a death probe the instant death attack is more annoying than a challenge.

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On my Gunslinger, after I died a few times from that attack and confirmed that it couldn't be interrupted, I shot at the boss from the doorway and then just sidestepped behind the wall when I saw the laser casting. It can't go through walls. Made the fight really easy.
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Easily 1 shot this. When I seem "Chargin MAH Lazer" first I laughs hysterically then my logic center said "Hmm" and moved away.

If people are confused about the mechanic I'd have to ask if they've ever paid any attention to boss fights.


This wasn't the problem. When I posted the OP last night right after the patch the boss was not doing the mechanic correctly I found out later. He would "announce" super awesome hyper laser and it was instantly going off right as it was announced instead of channeling up to a cast. And on the times it wasn't instant and I would move to the side he was actually following me with the laser. Either case was insta kill .


I tried it again today and killed it first attempt as the ability was charging up correctly before going off and he was staying in position when it fired. Probably just a freak bug in my instance.

Edited by Dawginole
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