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Gunslingers: Which 2.0 relic?


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The changes to the 2.0 relics seem confusing.


The internal one now says internal force damage (instead of internal tech like the DG one), and the ones that do say tech damage are elemental tech and energy tech. Which one of those is the right one? I know we do some elemental damage with our flybys, etc., but do we do energy damage?

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You are correct that you want the tech relics. Wether you want the Elemental or Energy one depends on your spec; because, you're never really sure when it'll proc. If you're running an Armor Pen spec, or run with Guardians and feel confidant that the Armor Pen debuff will ALWAYS be on the boss, you want the Energy (mitigated by armor) relic—the reason this relic hits a little harder is the fact it is mitigated by armor. If you run for example, Dirty Fighting, and most of your cooldowns in your rotation don't benefit as much from Armor Pen, and therefore you're less likley to be a stickler for the debuff, you'd want the Elemental (not mitigated by armor) relic—so you're getting all of the deeps. :) Edited by Orenprax
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Ok, I bought each Arkanian tech dps relic and returned in the 2 hour limit. I tested them on an operations dummy, and here's what I came up with:


Old Dreadguard relic (no loner available): 210 non-crit damage, damage procs same with or without armor debuff, crit procs and damage consistent with crit and surge values on character;


New Arkanian Relic of Elemental Transcendence (elemental tech): 241 damage procs, damage procs same with or without armor debuff, crit procs and damage consistent with crit and surge values on character;


New Arkanian Relic of Cerulean Nova (energy tech): 217 damage procs without armor debuff, 232 damage pocs with armor debuff, crit procs and damage consistent with crit and surge values on character.


So both of them are critting based on your tech crit chance. The elemental tech one does more damage with or without an armor debuff on the target.


Note that Gunslinger armor pen talents only affect specific named gunslinger attacks, and not the damage from sources like relics.


I also tested the Force relics. The crits on those was very low on my Gunslinger, in line with base crit values I suspect. So the "tech" relics crit based on one's tech crit chance, and the "force" relics crit chance is based on one's force crit chance.


Also note that the Underworld relics are different yet again. I'll test those out when I get a token.


TLDR: Of the Arkanian relics, the Arkanian Relic of Elemental Transcendence is the best choice for Gunslingers.

Edited by Bombbuster
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Im currently running a full sab slinger and ran into the same issue I don't know if its a ui issue or a bug but I bought all of the relics you mentioned and dint get a single proc from my relic in a 5 min parse not sure if its an internal issue with swtor or if damage is slightly different for sab slingers any thought?
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Yeah I just got my second underworld relic token. With the first one I bought Underworld Relic of Boundless Ages which is the controllable Power Relic. I do not know which relic I should get with my second token. I am thinking of just waiting to see if this is a bug or buy the power proc relic. I think it would be of more use if I got the internal/elemental tech proc damage relic if they fix it.


I run the Dirty Fighting/Saboteur Hybrid btw.

Edited by Aegoias
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Theorycrafters have already done the math, the BiS are the combination of:

Partisan Serendipitous Assault and Conquerer's Serendipitous Assault.

Before you start saying the PVE + PVP gives higher power, the PVP relics lock out the PVE relics. The only way to get compounded buffs is if the PVE relic procs first. In other words, your probability to stack is only 50%.


The two PVP relics work separately and can even proc on one attack.


Source: theorycrafters and personal testing on my Gunslinger. Parsing higher with my Part + Conq than Part + Ark.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Theorycrafters have already done the math, the BiS are the combination of:

Partisan Serendipitous Assault and Conquerer's Serendipitous Assault.

Before you start saying the PVE + PVP gives higher power, the PVP relics lock out the PVE relics. The only way to get compounded buffs is if the PVE relic procs first. In other words, your probability to stack is only 50%.


The two PVP relics work separately and can even proc on one attack.


Source: theorycrafters and personal testing on my Gunslinger. Parsing higher with my Part + Conq than Part + Ark.


well this died today with the 2.1.1 patch. so now what? I assume keeping one of these and something else

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