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Mercenary Arsenal/Pyro DPS Guide 2.x (PVE) by ODawgg


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Anyone any thoughts on (again) stacking PvE/PvP PvE/PvE Damage Proc relics? It definiteley works again, but is it worth it using two Serendipitous Assault relics over a Boundless Ages click relic?


Its definitely worth it. Even more so if you ever find yourself throwing down a Kolto Missile (I do it frequently, but I could be a baddie) as they can proc from different sources (ie damage or healing) while on ICD from the other source. Obviously this benefits DPS that have heals in their rotation (Madness Sin/Annihilation Mara) as they can get extremely high uptimes but its still definitely worth playing around with the KD/UW or the UW/Ark.

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I would tend to agree that two SA relics are probably the way to go, I will check things out when I get a relic token. But they fixed this once, would think it's gonna get fixed again Edited by odawgg
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I would tend to agree that two SA relics are probably the way to go, I will check things out when I get a relic token. But they fixed this once, would think it's gonna get fixed again


Doesn't matter. 2 patches later, it will be broken again. :p

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I would tend to agree that two SA relics are probably the way to go, I will check things out when I get a relic token. But they fixed this once, would think it's gonna get fixed again


Oh its definitely going to get fixed. The only reason I would say to waste a token is if you already have the second bis and would need to upgrade your SA. That way you are safe for when it get fixed.


For reference though, on my anni Mara I got a proc on average every 10-15 seconds, sometimes much quicker than that as I would have both up, one would go down then id immediately get another proc off of a heal. The uptime is completely insane.

Edited by kennethdale
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What about an SA and one of the new Mainstat or Crit proc relics?


Yeah still thinkin' it over, I have a feeling double SA or if they fix that again, the good ole' SA+BA will be best but will have to study them a bit....feel free to give your input....anyone.

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Question for Odawgg, been following your guide since you made it. Could you look at my parse see what i can/could improve on (haven't parsed in awhile either). I also saw you have crit in your AMR. would we need to put a little of crit for 75-78 rating gear? or still full power till we know for sure.





Hey there. I notice a few things right away. First, the good thing is you push the limits, you're recharging ammo on cd...you're very aware of when HiB and DR are coming off cd and using them immediately. What you could work on is your reaction time and anticipation of your next ability so you can queue it to use instantly after the current ability. There is some unwanted delays in between your abilities keeping your APMs low at about 31 apm, you want to pring that up to 34-35 and your dps will jump about 100-200 dps just from that alone. If you're not already using it, master one of the "don't miss a barrage proc" methods in the guide.


Get your APMs up and we can go from there. By pushing the APMs up it's gonna cause you to use more hammer shots to keep your ammo managed and that's ok...right now you're only using 1 hammer shot each minute, expect to NEED to use 3-5/min depending on your set bonus


Edit: As for crit rating, I was never an advocate for full power build, I always like a lil' more than the doctor ordered for crit myself :) But yeah for 75 gear you want 200-240 crit, in 78s i'm still doin the simulations but preliminary results looks like about 320-350ish somewhere in there.

Edited by odawgg
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Hey there. I notice a few things right away. First, the good thing is you push the limits, you're recharging ammo on cd...you're very aware of when HiB and DR are coming off cd and using them immediately. What you could work on is your reaction time and anticipation of your next ability so you can queue it to use instantly after the current ability. There is some unwanted delays in between your abilities keeping your APMs low at about 31 apm, you want to pring that up to 34-35 and your dps will jump about 100-200 dps just from that alone. If you're not already using it, master one of the "don't miss a barrage proc" methods in the guide.


Get your APMs up and we can go from there. By pushing the APMs up it's gonna cause you to use more hammer shots to keep your ammo managed and that's ok...right now you're only using 1 hammer shot each minute, expect to NEED to use 3-5/min depending on your set bonus


Edit: As for crit rating, I was never an advocate for full power build, I always like a lil' more than the doctor ordered for crit myself :) But yeah for 75 gear you want 200-240 crit, in 78s i'm still doin the simulations but preliminary results looks like about 320-350ish somewhere in there.


Alrighty i will work on those you suggested. I'm still working on it since i have been tanking since Vanilla WoW and this is my very first dps toon since sin's/shadow's are in a 'bad spot atm' for tanking. But really appreciate the advice :) ...For the set bonus im using the new set piece with the 8% increase crit on HiB, im still using only 2 set bonus, i have been thinking about getting the 4 piece lately now.


That's what i was wondering about crit since the new set of gear was coming out, and when crit will start coming into play for us. But that's exactly what i needed! Thanks !

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Any chance of updating this guide to 2.4 gear and stats? There's only so many belts I can buy....


Sorry I was trying to work out the crit goal with the simulator...I think I got it close enough...expect a gear update in the next couple hours :D

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There is a pyro guide on the republic boards, with a fair bit of discussion. The guide itself advocates a hybrid spec though, while the current top pyro parsers are going full pyro.


The guide in question is mine which you can view in my signature. Also, I am currently beating all commandos by a good 200-500 dps in the first 4 fights of Dread Fortress in TorParse.


Ex: Nefra 16m HM


Odawgg (The Top Merc) 2798 in Full Pyro, and with the double heat rail shot glitch.




Kantner 2880 in Hybrid.


On dummy parses however, full pyro/AP is best, but other than that I'm not sure what you are talking about there MVaglin.


All I came here to say, didn't mean to intrude. :)

Edited by LordKantner
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I meant the top dummy pyro parsers, haven't seen real world stats. apologies for that.


Edit: Though looking at the two parses, your damage numbers are a bit misleading. While both have a fair bit of dead time at the end before exiting combat, odawgg has a lot more. If you look at damage when the last damage was dealt in both parses, odawgg beats you with 3563 vs 2983.

Edited by MVaglin
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Looks like I need to do some boss trimming :) I plan to beat all my parses next week anyway (unless they fix it) as this was my first attempt at many of the encounters. Had to work during progression :( and the PTR runs we did as a guild were on off nights and I wasn't available... I don't even know which fight you guys are comparing tbh lol I'm still learning the names of these bosses.


Edit: But Vag I think you miscalculated my dps, I cropped it at the last damage tick and it was 3091...not at all representative of what I was capable of (I remember that fight now) I was running around like a chicken with my head cut off for several GCDs of that fight :) Give it a few weeks before we go starting to compare boss parses...not to mention 8 vs 16 is always difficult to compare. Kantner does well with his hybrid, I think I do pretty well in full pyro...I like me some Thermal Dets :)

Edited by odawgg
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Just an FYI folks...Since I feel Pyro has come on strong (even without the current bug) and I've been getting a LOT of PMs about Pyro, I feel it necessary to do some in depth studies on it...we have Kantner's Hybrid spec guide here: Commando - Assault Spec Hybrid 2.0 PVE Guide and I will be using a similar concept for full Pyro with my own little tweaks and findings.


I've been kicking around the idea in my head to make a singular DPS guide for both DPS trees...what do you guys think? I would also need to make the guide more easily to jump around in...which can be done with jump-to commands. The other route I could go is to make two separate guides, hence two separate discussions, but I think it could be more fun creating one Mercenary PVE DPS guide with separate sections...open to your thoughts!

Edited by odawgg
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I think having both in the same thread would be more interesting. You could make them as two separate posts though, and since you have the second post already just editing the pyro guide into that could work. Or start a new thread.


If there are any shared sections (gear maybe) that could either be it's own post or in the first one.

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I think you should make 3 seperate threads.


My suggestion would be:

Make a new thread for the "how to on arsenal and pyro"

You can put the arsenal how to in post #1.

In the same thread you can put the how to on pyro in post #2.

In post #3 you can put something like:

Discussion on arsenal is -> link to this thread http://www.swtor.com/community/showpost.php?p=6141507&postcount=2

Discussion on pyro is -> link to a new thread.


In the second new thread will be the discussion on pyro like we have in this thread for arsenal. You can call it "Take your Pyro merc to another level in 2.0 or 2.4 (PVE).


This current thread you can leave open for the arsenal discussion, but you move post #1 to the "how to"thread.


But that's just my two cents anyway.

And whatever you do...... I'm really looking forward to your Pyro guard :)

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Im using full pyro and getting nice numbers and since im doing the 3 PS think due to the extra heat manegment my heat is prolly gonna be fine even after they fix it. getting higher numbers than arsenal for myself and it is way more fun can deffo recommend it
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Update: Updated Tips& Tricks section, added some to the "Don't Miss a Barrage Proc Section" and added an additional subsection called "How To Analyze Your Parse".


It's designed to do exactly what the title says, Let me know if you guys can think of anything to add to it.

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Quick question. From the guide:


The way I'm planning to do it...since crit enhancements are so incredibly easy to get in random loot drops, and power mods can be purchased through Ultimate Commendations


What are the power mods being referred to here? The linked BIS image shows all Adv Agile Mods?



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