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We need a new records thread.


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Andressa good ppls. Kept getting grouped with her few weekends ago we kept getting our salads tossed. Said wth if we keep gettin thrown in same wz mine as well group up. Did and after that went what 50/50 maybe. Bout the only one from HS I would group with but definitely doesn't need any chit from roxxy the "objective" player...


I don't ever remember even being in the same wz as you and I wasn't picking on andressa. I have no beef with her.

And as far as being a objective player, I heard that's what wins games

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Name please. I want to make fun of them for it.


I was trying to stay classy and not clutter your thread by starting a flamewar between 2 guilds no one even cares about. But his name starts with a 'B' and ends with an 'arxis'. I'll just leave it at that.







Andressa good ppls. Kept getting grouped with her few weekends ago we kept getting our salads tossed. Said wth if we keep gettin thrown in same wz mine as well group up. Did and after that went what 50/50 maybe. Bout the only one from HS I would group with but definitely doesn't need any chit from roxxy the "objective" player...



I prefer syrup.

Edited by ace_boogie
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I was trying to stay classy and not clutter your thread by starting a flamewar between 2 guilds no one even cares about. But his name starts with a 'B' and ends with an 'arxis'. I'll just leave it at that.


Well that would be Kief and -probably- Braxis not that it even matters. They play how they want to, and its fun for them. As far as no one caring about TC, we have a lot of members all over the server from pub/imp side. We do pretty well and we're all friends, we don't come into the forums trashing other guilds. What's said during a match is said during a match and probably isn't being taken very seriously. We have nothing against -Hail Skroob- and quite frankly I have no idea how we got brought into the middle of some Roxxyfest that started as a pvp records thread.

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No one would care about a flame war between our guilds is what I'm saying.


As far as your guild being brought up, I just mentioned where the guy came from. It was only the one guy. It's not like I said "All Thundercats are _________" There's no static between our guilds at all.

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Also heads up for the new records thread in your ss I will need to see your lvl.


Blah, I've got a couple screenshots I plan on posting for the commando portion but I can't see my level in them. I was level 55 on the first day of early access. Are you going to make this a strict rule?

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I was impressed with the protection record. I mean, cmon, taunt and AOE taunt are off the GCD and free.


Not only are marauder taunts off the GCD and free, but they're also non-existent.


So I am actually tied for first for my class in protection, with the rest of the marauders, at nil.

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I understand that, I just only comment in the forums if TC is brought up. :D


You really shouldn't feel the need to defend <Thundercats> any time the name is brought up. I realize its your guild and you want to defend its honor so to speak or maintain a certain level of rep or PR on the server but its completely unnecessary.


Of all the forum posts I've read TC is rarely mentioned and when they have been its been; "Just got raped by TC premade again", or "LD50 and TC just dpsed the crap out of Pyscho in a WZ", or "I hate that Slipperz guy he face rapes me all the time", lol. I don't see how any of those types of comments are a shot at TC or reflecting negatively on the guild in fact I think they speak to the high skill level of the players in the guild.


TC is naturally going to receive some hate from people because:


A. They roll in a premade 90% of the time. (which contrary to popular belief there is nothing wrong with since all you are essentially doing is grouping with friends.)


B. People are tired of losing/getting killed by you guys.


Imho TC is one of the top 4 PVP guilds on the server and people wouldn't hate/comment on anything you guys did if you were insignificant. You have some of the better pvpers on the server and therefore are well known and at times talked about that just goes with the territory. However if you are going to vigorously defend the guild everytime the name is brought up I foresee you doing a lot more writing in the forums and a lot less actual time in game. :p

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